1.Hypofractionated three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for primary liver cancer with portal vein tumor thrombosis;原发性肝癌伴门脉癌栓的大分割三维适形放疗效果分析
2.The Clinical Study of the Influence of the Compound Salvia Miltiorhiza Injection on Some Index of Nailfold Microirculation and Liver Portal Hemodynamics in Patients with Liver Cirrhosls;复方丹参注射液对肝硬化患者甲襞微循环及肝门脉血流动力学影响的临床研究
3.Effect of somatostatin on rupture of varices at the lower part of oesophagus and the fundus of stomach caused by portal hypertension due to cirrhosis生长抑素治疗肝硬化门脉高压合并食管下段胃底静脉曲张破裂出血疗效观察

1.Pathological Study of Portal Vein、Hepatic Artery and Hepatic Vein in the Patient with Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension;肝硬化门脉高压患者肝动脉、门静脉和肝静脉病理变化分析
2.islet-exocrine portal system胰岛外分泌门脉系统
3.hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system下丘脑-垂体门脉系统
4.gate pulse monostable multivibrator门脉冲单稳多谐振荡器
5.Evaluation of Spiral CT in the Diagnosis of Portal Vein Involvement螺旋ct门静脉成像诊断门脉受侵的价值
6.Application of Wallstents in Treatment of Portal Vein Hypertention by the Tumor ThrombusWallstents在门脉主干癌栓所致门脉高压中的应用
7.Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices.进一步检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。
8.Clinical analysis of 7 cases of portopulmonary hypertension门脉高压相关性肺动脉高压7例临床分析
9.The Experimental Study on Biomechanical Properties of Portal Venous System in the Pathogenesis of Portal Hypertension;门脉高压症形成中门脉系统生物力学特性的实验研究
10.A Comparative Study of Indirect Portography DSA and Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Light Speed 16 Multiple Slice Spiral-CT Portography;肝癌患者间接门脉DSA与多排螺旋CT门脉造影三维成像的对比分析
11.burst gating circuit短促脉冲“门”电路
12.Of or relating to the portal vein or the portal system.门静脉门静脉的,门静脉系统的,与门静脉系统有关的
13.window position窗口[脉冲,波门]位置
14.Tracking gate (range reference pulse)跟踪波门(距离基准脉冲)
15.Value of 64-slice multi-detector computed tomography in the diagnosis of cavernous transformation of portal vein64层螺旋CT门静脉成像诊断门静脉海绵样变性
16.Idiopathic hepatic arterio-portal-venous malformation in liver肝脏特发性肝动脉-门静脉畸形1例
17.The variations of the portal vein were observed after reconstructing3- dimentional portal vein and hepatic veins.三维重建门静脉及肝静脉,分析门静脉的解剖与变异。
18.Ultrastructural pathology observation of pulmonary artery and lung in a portal hypertension canine model after portal and inferior vena cave clamped and opened门静脉和下腔静脉阻断与开放后门静脉高压犬肺动脉和肺组织超微结构改变

portal vein门脉
1.Combined transcatheter arterial embolization and transportal bletilla microspheres injection in treatment of transplanted liver neoplasms with portal vein tumor thrombus in rabbits:a comparative experimental study;白芨微球行门脉栓塞联合肝动脉栓塞治疗兔移植性肝癌门脉癌栓的实验研究
2.Purpose:To evaluate the visualization of the branches of hepatic portal vein with the improved VR technology(selected volume rendering).目的:评估改进后MSCT的VR技术,即选择性VR(selected volume rendering,SVR),显示活体肝脏门脉系统细小分支的效果。
3.Objective To evaluate the treatment of portal hypertensi on caused by tumor thrombi with percutaneous transhepatic portal vein stent implan tation under the US guidance.目的探讨通过超声引导经皮肝穿途径向门脉内放置内支架治疗癌栓引起的门静脉高压的效果。
3)Portal vein门静脉
1.Double chemoembolization of hepatic carcinoma by TACE and portal vein PCS:evaluation of MSCT volumetric measurement;26例原发性肝癌经肝动脉和门静脉双重介入治疗的多层螺旋CT体积测量评价
2.Effect of percutaneous chemotherapy pump placement for portal vein chemotherapy on hepatic metastasis of colorectal cancer;经皮化疗泵植入门静脉化疗治疗结直肠癌肝转移的临床观察
3.Evaluation of MSCT volumetric measurement of double chemoembolization of hepatic carcinoma by TACE and portal vein port catheter system;原发性肝癌经TACE联合门静脉PCS双重治疗的MSCT评价
4)Portal hypertension门脉高压
1.Pericardial devascularization for treatment of bleeding in gastroesophageal varices of portal hypertension;贲门周围血管离断术治疗门脉高压致食道胃底静脉破裂出血
2.Etiology of portal hypertension in 25 children;儿童门脉高压25例病因分析
3.Observation methodology and effective factors of wave characteristics of portal hypertension;门脉高压波形特征的观察方法及其影响因素
1.Oral Contraceptive-induced Portal Vein Cavernous Transformation with Multiple Thrombosis:A Case Report;口服避孕药致门静脉海绵样变性伴多发性血栓1例
2.Effects of low dose of losartan on rats with portal hypertension;小剂量氯沙坦治疗大鼠肝硬化门静脉高压症的实验研究
3.Role of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor mRNA in portal hypertensive gastropathy;VEGF及其受体在门静脉高压性胃病中的作用

垂体门脉系统垂体门脉系统hypophysioportal 下丘脑和垂体前叶间的一个特殊的血液循环体系。垂体上动脉在正中隆起处首先形成丰富的毛细血管丛,是为门静脉前毛细血管丛,此丛汇集成若干条静脉干,即垂体门静脉。它们沿垂体柄下行进入垂体前叶,再次分支形成毛细血管丛,是为门静脉后毛细血管丛。这种特殊的血管构筑称为垂体门静脉系统。该系与腺垂体分泌的调节有密切关联。