血清酶学,Serum enzymology
1)Serum enzymology血清酶学

1.The clinic significance about the change of blood serum enzyme of viral encephalitis病毒性脑炎血清酶学水平变化的临床意义
2.Effects of gasless laparoscopy on hemodynamics and serum ferment in gynecologucal patients under different anaesthesia不同麻醉方式悬吊式腹腔镜手术患者血流动力学及血清酶学变化
3.Variation of Serum hs-CRP and sero-enzyme Levels in Newborns with Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy超敏C反应蛋白与血清酶学在新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病中的变化
4.Clinical Study of the Changes of Sero-enzyme and C-Reactive Protein in Patients Bitten by Agkistrodon Halys;蝮蛇伤患者血清酶学及C反应蛋白变化的临床研究
5.Analysis on serum different enzymes in 263 children with critical illness within 2 weeks after admission263例危重患儿2周内不同血清酶学变化的总结分析
6.Clinical study on serum level of myocardical enzymes before and after radiofrequecy cather ablation射频消融术前后血清心肌酶学变化临床观察
7.Drug-induced Liver Disease Blood Serum Zymogram Change Feature and Prognostic Analysis;药物性肝病血清酶谱学变化特点及预后分析
8.Comparison of determining the sero-creatinine by enzymatic assay and jaffe assay;碱性苦味酸法和酶法测血清肌酐的方法学比较
9.Effect of Phytase on Plasma Indexes and Slaughter Performance in Meat-strain Ducks植酸酶对肉鸭屠宰性能及血清学指标的影响
10.kaline phosphatase determination血清碱性磷酸酶测定
11.serum transaminase activity determination血清转氨酶活性测定
12.Relationship of neonatal hyper bilirubinemia CK-MB and blood stream changes clinical data新生儿高胆红素血症血清肌酸激酶同工酶与血液流变学指标的关系
13.Enzymatic method to determine α-Amylase (AMS) and the clinical application酶法测定血清淀粉酶方法及临床应用
14.Activity and Isozymes of Serum Amylase in First Filial Generation of Charolais and Tibetan Sheep夏×藏一代羊血清淀粉酶活性及同工酶
15.The immunization inhibits method for determination of serum CK-MB免疫抑制法测定血清肌酸激酶同工酶
16.Study on Isozyme Pattern and Activity of Serum Amylase in Qinghai Alectoris graeca青海石鸡血清淀粉酶同工酶酶谱及其活性研究
17.Comparison of Serum Myocardial Enzymes in Mild Hypothermia Open Heart Surgery Patients with or without Aorta Crossclamping浅低温阻断与不阻断主动脉心内直视手术血清心肌酶学变化比较
18.Clinical Analyze on Abnormal Serum Ceatinase for Patients with Idiopathic Hypo kalemic Periodic Paralysis原发性低钾型周期性麻痹患者血清肌酶学异常的临床分析

3)serum enzyme levels血清酶学变化
1.Effect of Panaxadiol(人参二醇) on the α_1-antitrypsin and the serum enzyme levels of the mice intoxicated with nitric tetroxide;人参二醇对四氧化二氮染毒鼠α_1-抗胰蛋白酶及血清酶学变化的影响
4)blood routine examination and serological enzyme examination血常规及血清酶学
1.Objective To observe and analyze the features of the blood routine examination and serological enzyme examination of the 26 cases with severe Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS).目的 观察分析重症SARS患者初诊时血常规及血清酶学检查结果的特点。
5)serum enzyme血清酶
1.The effects of beer on the serum enzyme activities in vivo and vitro;体内外啤酒对血清酶活性的影响
2.Study on change of serum enzymes activity in chronic arsenism rats;慢性砷中毒大鼠肝脏血清酶活性变化分析
3.Levels of Serum Enzymes in Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Liver Cirrhosis and their roles in Clinical Application;酒精性脂肪肝和肝硬化患者各种血清酶的检测及其临床评价
6)serum enzymes血清酶
1.The studies on the changes of serum enzymes,CRP and Fn in SARS patients;传染性非典型肺炎患者血清酶活性及CRP、Fn的变化
2.Effect of extract in Rubia Cordifolia on NO content,activities of serum enzymes in trained-indurance rats;茜草提取物对训练大鼠不同组织NO含量及血清酶活性的影响
3.Effect of Aloe on activities of serum enzymes and content of BUN, Gluc, Hb in trained mice;芦荟对运动训练小鼠血清酶活性和血尿素氮、血糖及血红蛋白含量的影响

血清乳酸脱氢酶同工酶血清乳酸脱氢酶同工酶  乳酸脱氢酶的同工酶,目前已证实血清中有五种乳酸脱氢酶同工酶,它们都由四个亚基组成。LDH的亚基可分为两类:骨骼肌型(M型)和心肌型(H型)。这两种亚基以不同比例组成五种四聚体,经血浆蛋白电泳后,在载体上,由于电泳速度不同分成不同区带,由阳极到阴极的区带依次为LDH1(H4)、LDH2(H3M)、LDH3 (H2M2)、LDH4(HM3)LDH5(M4),其正常值和临床意义见下表。表乳酸脱氢酶同工酶正常值及临床意义同工 醋酸纤维薄 酶号 膜电泳法临床意义▲ LDH1 24~34%心肌梗塞、恶性贫血等 LDH2 35~44%白血病,肌萎缩症等 LDH3 19~27%白血病、淋巴肉瘤 LDH4 0~15%转移性肝癌、结肠癌 LDH5 0~2%外伤、手术后、肝炎等▲:指乳酸脱氢酶同工酶增高