心死亡,heart death
1)heart death心死亡

1.We should live our lives to the fullest and stop worrying about dying;我们应该充实的过活而不要担心死亡
2.Brood about death and you hasten your demise.心里老想着死亡,那只会加速死亡。
3.The [My] mind boggles at the thought of death.想到死亡,心就会惊跳。
4.Revenge triumphs over Death.复仇之心胜过死亡。
5.Contradictory Psychology of Death:Interpretation of Emily Dickinson s Death Poems;对死亡的矛盾心理——艾米莉·狄金森之死亡诗解读
6.The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly.病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动).
7.Retrospective analysis of fifty-one death cases of aged acute myocardial infarction51例高龄急性心肌梗死死亡病例的临床分析
8.Relationship between white blood cell and hospital mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction急性心肌梗死患者白细胞与住院死亡率的关系
9."Who will die first?":An Analysis of the Fear of Death of Jack Couple in White Noise“谁会先死?”——《白噪音》中杰克夫妇死亡恐惧心理分析
10.The slightest carelessness in feeding can result in their death.饲养稍不小心,它们就可能死亡。
11.They were at peace and were happy to go to their deaths."他们心情平静并且乐于走向死亡。”
12.He was killed by a single bullet in the heart.他被一颗子弹射中心脏而死亡.
13.and Tom feared it might be the spirits of the dead,汤姆担心这可能是死人的亡灵
14.Her heart had been numbed by all the terror and death that had gone before.恐怖,死亡已使她的心完全麻木了。
15.The heart being dead, No part can be free."如果心灵死亡,哪里都不可能有自由。”
16.Analysis of Autopsy and Clinical Findings on Medical Malpractice Cases after Heart Operation;心外科手术后死亡医疗纠纷尸检分析
17.Death and Hatred--Centering Center Chinese Literature in the 20~(th) Century;死亡与仇恨——以20世纪中国文学为中心
18.Analysis of 337 Fatal Cases Result from Cardiovascular Diseases337例住院病人心源性死亡病因分析

cardiac death心性死亡
1.Clinical features of cardiac death in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction;老年急性心肌梗死心性死亡患者的临床特征
3)death psychology死亡心理
1.Why do they have such kind of death spirit and death psychology? And what kind of psychology is thi.死亡心理是日本人文化中非常重要的一部分。
4)cardiac death心源性死亡
5)standard of heart death心死亡标准
6)central death rate中心死亡率

二种心──意业有二种心【二种心──意业有二种心】  ﹝出大乘理趣六波罗蜜经﹞  意业者,意根所起之业也。谓修行之人,于布施、持戒、忍辱、禅定、智慧等五度,非精进力不能成就。身口意三善业,亦由精进力方得发生。然三业之中,意业最胜。故有二种心也。  [一、精进心],谓发菩提心,修习善业,昼夜禅诵,不令放舍,远离一切懈怠心也。  [二、退转心],谓于诸善法,不能进修,或暂时发心修行,辄生退屈,则不能到于涅槃彼岸也。