术后早期,early postoperative period
1)early postoperative period术后早期
1.Clinical study of preventive effect of microdose heparin on blood hyperviscosity in early postoperative period;微量肝素防治术后早期高粘滞血症的临床研究

1.Microinvasive Technique for Postoperative Early Bronchial Stump Fistula微创技术治疗术后早期支气管残端瘘
2.Effects of pain after surgery on early postoperative cognitive dysfunction after abdominal surgery in the elderly术后疼痛对老年患者术后早期认知功能的影响
3.Application of Danshen Injection on Early Stage of Renal Transplantation丹参注射液在肾移植术后早期的应用
4.Explore early tracheal extubation after open heart surgery in children小儿心脏手术后早期拔管可行性探讨
5.Early radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy after resection of rectal cancer直肠癌术后早期的辅助性同时放化疗
6.Experiences in Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Postoperative Inflammatory Small Intestinal Obstruction: A Report of 38 Cases术后早期炎性肠梗阻38例诊疗体会
7.Analysis of the Early Postoperative Inflammatory Iieus术后早期炎性肠梗阻38例诊治体会
8.Clinical application of early enteral nutrition for patients with esophageal cancer after operation食管癌术后早期肠内营养的临床应用
9.Nursing experience of early enteral nutrition In postoperative esophageal cancer patients.食管癌术后早期肠内营养的护理体会
10.Clinical analysis of early respiratory failure after operation of pulmonary tuberculosis肺结核术后早期呼吸衰竭的临床分析
11.Clinical Analysis of 32 cases of Earlyposto perative Inflammatory Small Bowel Obstruction术后早期炎性肠梗阻32例临床分析
12.Experience of Diagnosis and treatments of early postoperative inflammatory small bowel obstruction in 36 cases术后早期炎性肠梗阻36例诊治体会
13.Experience of diagnosis and treatment of 30 cases of early postoperative inflammatory ileus术后早期炎性肠梗阻30例诊治体会
14.Diagnosis and treatment of the early postoperative inflammatory bowel obstruction in 67 cases术后早期炎性肠梗阻67例诊治分析
15.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Postoperative Inflammatory Intestine Obstruction (Report of 35 Cases)35例术后早期炎性肠梗阻诊疗体会
16.Clinic Research of Transient Intraocular Pressure Elevation after Pars Plana Vitrectomy;后部玻璃体切割术后早期高眼压的临床研究
17.Preoperative hypertension carries a higher than normal risk in the immediate postoperative period.术前高血压在术后早期带来的危险比平时更大。
18.A Comparative Study of Anterior Segment Changes Using Orbscan Ⅱ before and after Cataract Surgery;白内障术前与术后早期Orbscan Ⅱ的对比研究

early postoperative术后早期
1.The immunological function of early postoperative patients is decreased significantly, and it is not suitable for applying systemic chemotherapy at this point.胃癌术后早期患者创伤反应刚过,机体免疫功能受到创伤进一步打击,且身体虚弱,伤口有待愈合,尚不适合进行全身化疗。
3)early postoperative period手术后早期
4)Short-term cardiac outcome术后早期预后
5)postoperative intestinal obstruction术后早期肠梗阻
1.Objective:To summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of early postoperative intestinal obstruction Methods:The clinical features and therapies of 32 cases of early postoperative intestinal obstruction were analyzed.目的:探讨术后早期肠梗阻的诊断与治疗策略。
6)Early rebleeding after EVL术后早期再出血

术术1.兴盛貌。 2.宽广貌。