腺体分泌,gland secretion
1)gland secretion腺体分泌
1.Effect of penehyclidine hydrochloride on blood pressure,heart rate,respiration,and gland secretion of patients undergoing ear,nose,and throat surgery;长托宁对耳鼻喉科手术患者血压、心率、呼吸及腺体分泌的临床观察

1.a soft yellow wax secreted by glands in the ear canal.一种由耳道腺体分泌的黄色软质的蜡状分泌物。
2.Of or relating to a type of glandular secretion in which the apical portion of the secreting cell is released along with the secretory products.顶浆分泌的,泌离的分泌细胞的顶端部分与分泌物一起脱离的腺体分泌的,与其相关的
3.Erepsin is secreted by glands in the wall of the small intestine.肠肽酶是由小肠壁的腺体分泌的。
4.The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.有些人的耳道的腺体分泌的耳蜡过多。
5.The wall of the esophagus also contains glands that secrete mucin and thus lubricate the passage of food.食物的壁也含有腺体,这些腺体分泌粘蛋白,以之来润滑食物的通道。
6.Of or relating to a gland whose output consists of disintegrated secretory cells along with the secretory product itself.(腺体)全浆分泌的属于或有关无分泌功能的腺体的分泌物,包括分裂的分泌细胞和分泌物本身
7.Pituitary Adenoma with Prolactin Granules: A Pathological Analysis of 62 Cases with Both Light and Electron Microscopy有泌乳素分泌颗粒的垂体腺瘤62例病理分析
8.The secretions of the anterior pituitary gland control the activities of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine organs.垂体前叶的分泌控制肾上腺皮质和其它内分泌腺体的活动。
9.Pancreas: Compound gland functioning as Both an exocrine (secreting through a duct) and an endocrine (ductless) gland.胰脏:混合的腺体,同时具有外分泌腺(经由导管分泌)与内分泌腺(无导管)的功能。
10.Corticotrophs and prolactin cells form the pro-adenohypophysis;促肾上腺激素分泌细胞和催乳素分泌细胞组成前-腺垂体;
11.Of, relating to, or produced by an exocrine gland.外分泌腺的外分泌腺的,关于外分泌腺的或外分泌腺产生的
12.The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands.内分泌内分泌腺特有的分泌过程
13.Of, relating to, affecting, or resembling a gland or its secretion.腺或腺分泌的腺的或腺分泌的,与腺和腺分泌有关的,受腺或腺分泌影响的
14.ductless gland【解】无管腺, 内分泌腺
15.Relating to an eccrine gland or its secretion, especially sweat.分泌腺的有关分泌腺及其分泌物的,尤指汗液
16.Isolation, Culture and Secretary Characteristics of Anterior Pituitary Cells of Goat in Vitro山羊腺垂体细胞分离培养及体外分泌特性研究
17.The yellowish, waxlike secretion of certain glands lining the canal of the external ear.耳屎一种从外耳道某腺体中分泌出黄色、蜡状分泌物
18.Involvement of NMDA Receptors in Release of PRL,ACTH and Gonadotropins During Restraint in Male Rats;NMDA受体介导束缚应激时腺垂体激素分泌的调节

secretion (gland)分泌(腺体)
3)exocrine gland外分泌腺体
1.This paper summarized the advances in the studies of structures of honeybee exocrine glands, types of honeybee pheromones and related chemistry and fuactions.本文综述国内外关于蜜蜂外分泌腺体组成、蜜蜂信息素的种类、化学成份及其功能上的研究进展,并提出了信息素在养蜂业上运有的可能性。
4)endocrine gland (gland)内分泌腺(腺体)
5)exocrine gland (gland)外分泌腺(腺体)
6)Wax glands泌蜡腺体

人的内分泌系统人体主要内分泌腺 李瑞端绘[图]