食管引流型喉罩,Proseal laryngeal mask airway
1)Proseal laryngeal mask airway食管引流型喉罩
1.Objective To evaluate the effect of the laryngeal tube suction (LTS) and the proseal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) for ventilation undergoing laparoscopic surgery.目的:探讨吸引型喉导管与食管引流型喉罩用于腹腔镜手术麻醉通气的效果。

1.Application of Laryngeal Tube Suction and Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway for Ventilation Undergoing Laparoscopic Surgery吸引型喉导管与食管引流型喉罩在腹腔镜手术麻醉中的应用
2.Clinical Study of the ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway;食管引流型喉罩通气道的临床应用研究
3.Application of proseal laryngeal mask in infants undergoing hernia sac high ligation anesthesia.食管引流型喉罩在婴幼儿疝囊高位结扎术麻醉中的应用
4.Comparison of Laryngeal Tube SuctionⅡand LMA-Proseal for Airway Management in Elective Surgery:Asystematic ReviewⅡ代引流型喉管与Proseal喉罩在择期手术中应用评价
5.Efficacy and safety of application of LMA combined with stomach-tube draining during general anesthesia for gastrectomy喉罩并胃管引流用于择期胃肿瘤手术全麻的安全性和有效性
6.Comparison of LMA-ProSeal with LMA-Classic used in gynaecological laparoscope双管喉罩与标准型喉罩用于妇科腹腔镜麻醉的比较
7.Clinical observation on the role of intubating laryngeal mask in cervical vertebra surgery颈椎手术中应用气管插管型喉罩的临床观察
8.Effect of laryngopharyngeal reflux on premalignant lesion and cancer of the larynx咽喉反流及胃食管反流在喉癌前病变及喉癌发生中的作用
9.The cowling on an aircraft.整流罩飞机的引擎外罩
10.Application of the Fibreoptic Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway CTrach~(TM) in Face and Neck Scar Contracture PatientsCTrach光导纤维可视性气管插管型喉罩在面颈瘢痕挛缩患者中的应用
11.Clinical Analysis on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Misdiagnosed as Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Diseases:in 48 Cases胃食管反流病误诊为咽喉疾病48例临床分析
12.The study on the position in airflow influx of esophageal phonation after total laryngectomy全喉切除术后食管音气流注入位置的临床研究
13.Comparison of clinical efficacy through the laryngeal tube,proseal laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal during genenal anesthesia喉管与双管喉罩和气管插管在全麻中应用的效果比较
14.Objective:To investigate the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease(GRD) and reflux laryngitis.目的 :探讨胃食管反流病与反流性咽喉炎发生的关系。
15.Comparison of Laryngeal Mask and Tracheal Intubation during Anesthesia Induction in the Stress Response比较喉罩与气管插管在全麻诱导中的应激反应
16.Clinical analysis on 21 cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease characterized of chronic laryngopharyngitis表现为慢性咽喉炎的胃食管反流病21例临床分析
17.The portion of the carburetor air horn that reduces pressure to cause fuel to flow is called the venturi.减少引起燃油流动压力的化油器空气喇叭口部分称为喉管。
18.LMA-proseal Application on Patients With Cardiovascular Disease喉罩通气在合并心血管疾病患者麻醉中的应用

ProSeal laryngeal mask airway食管引流型喉罩通气道
1.Objective To compare the application of ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) with standard laryngeal mask airway(SLMA) in the patients undergoing general anesthesia.目的比较食管引流型喉罩通气道(PLMA)和标准型喉罩通气道(SLMA)在全身麻醉患者的应用。
2.The ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) is a modified laryngeal mask airway which can improve the safety and applicability by isolating alimentary tract from respiratory tract effectively.食管引流型喉罩通气道的临床应用研究 食管引流型喉罩通气道(PLMA)是一种能够将消化道和呼吸道有效隔离的改良型喉罩通气道,可提高喉罩通气道的安全性,扩大喉罩通气道的适用范围,具有比标准型喉罩通气道(SLMA)更为安全和广泛的临床应用特性。
3)laryngeal tube suctionⅡⅡ代引流型喉管
1.Objective:To assess the efficacy of laryngeal tube suctionⅡ(LTSⅡ) and LMA-Proseal(PLMA) for airway management in elective surgery.目的:评价Ⅱ代引流型喉管(LTSⅡ)和Proseal喉罩(PLMA)在择期手术中应用效果。
4)Proseal laryngeal mask气管食管双通喉罩
1.Comparison of LMA-ProSeal with LMA-Classic used in gynaecological laparoscope双管喉罩与标准型喉罩用于妇科腹腔镜麻醉的比较
6)intubating laryngeal mask airway气管插管型喉罩通气道
1.Objective:To evaluate the role of the intubating laryngeal mask airway(ILMA) in cervical vertebra surgery.目的:探讨气管插管型喉罩通气道(ILMA)在颈椎手术中的应用价值。

部分型肺静脉畸形引流部分型肺静脉畸形引流partial abnormal pulmonary venous drainage  是指两个肺的一部分肺静脉与右心室和/或上腔静脉相通连。常见的病变是右肺的一支静脉或全部静脉发生畸形引流。多数部分性肺静脉畸形引流的患者合并房间隔缺损。病理生理改变与临术表现与房间隔缺损较大者相似,两者的鉴别诊断有时几乎不可能。下列各点有助于诊断:①有些病例X线检查可见畸形肺静脉阴影;②心血管造影,造影剂在右心房因来自畸形肺静脉的血流冲击而产生残缺影像;③右心导管不经过左心房而由右心房进入肺静脉。治疗需手术将畸形引流的肺静脉改道,回流到左心房。手术方法随畸形引流的部位而不同。