间接喉镜,indirect laryngoscopy
1)indirect laryngoscopy间接喉镜
1.Endoscopic or indirect laryngoscopy microwave hyperthermia in the treatment of vocal polyps or nodules;鼻内镜下或间接喉镜下微波热凝术治疗声带息肉声带小结

1.camera for indirect laryngoscopy间接喉镜电视摄影机
2.Because of sudden onset of dyspnea, he was sent to our emergency department.经间接喉镜检查,发现声门下区有一肿瘤。
3.Application of Connecting Video Fiber Laryngoscope and Medical Image Workstation in Diagnosis and Treatment of Laryngeal diseases电视纤维喉镜与医学影像工作站联接诊治喉部疾病
4.A comparison between the Lightwand and the Macintosh direct laryngoscope during oral tracheal intubation改良光棒与直接喉镜在气管插管中的应用比较
5.Comparison of three different intubating devices on normotensive patients比较GlideScope可视喉镜、光杖与直接喉镜行气管插管对正常血压患者的影响
6.Cophasing Methods of Segmented Space Telescope空间拼接主镜望远镜共相位检测方法
7.Conclusion The connection of video fiber laryngoscope and medical image workstation is a new excellent and effective combination instrument in diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal diseases.结论电视纤维喉镜与医学影像工作站联接在诊断治疗喉部疾病中是非常有效的工具。
8.Use of WA-Ⅰ Fibre-optic Laryngoscope in Endotracheal IntubationWA-I型光学纤维直接喉镜用于气管内插管的研究
9.Anesthesia in laryngocarcinoma treated by laser with self-retaining laryngoscope支撑喉镜激光治疗喉癌的麻醉配合
10.Extirpation of laryngeal benign minute lesions under laryngofiberoscope纤维喉镜下喉部良性微小病变摘除术
11.Now I want to look in your throat with my mirror.现在我要用喉镜检查你的咽喉。
12.Application of video laryngoscope in diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal diseases电子喉镜在喉部疾病诊治中的应用
13.Application of laryngeal endoscope in diagnosis and treatment of foreign bodies in the hypopharynx喉内窥镜在喉咽部异物诊治中的应用
14.The treatment of benign tumor of larynx with nasal endoscopic combined with supporting laryngoscope鼻内窥镜联合支撑喉镜治疗喉良性肿瘤
15.Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较
16.Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Electrolaryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Polyps动态喉镜和电子喉镜诊断声带息肉价值评价
17.A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx.喉镜从嘴部置入咽喉用于观察喉内部的管状内窥镜
18.a method of using fluorescence microscopy to detect the presence of an antigen indirectly.用荧光显微镜间接地检测抗原的方法。

laryngeal mirror间接喉镜,喉镜
3)Direct laryngoscope直接喉镜
1.After induction of general anesthesia,oral and nasal intubations were performed using the direct laryngoscope.目的对比观察直接喉镜经口和经鼻气管插管对患儿血流动力学的影响。
2.Objective To compare the effects of three different intubating devices with styletted tracheal tube:GlideScope(GS),lightwand(LW)and direct laryngoscope(DL)in normotensive patients.目的比较3种不同气管插管方法:GlideScope可视喉镜(GS)、光杖(LW)和直接喉镜(DL)对正常血压患者的影响。
4)Indirect microlaryngostroboscopic surgery间接显微喉动态镜手术
5)indirect laryngeal forceps间接喉钳
6)Macintosh direct laryngoscopeMacintosh直接喉镜
1.Objective To compare the hemodynamic responses to orotracheal intubation via Upsherscope(USSP) or Macintosh direct laryngoscope(MDLS)under general anesthesia.目的比较Upsher喉镜和Macintosh直接喉镜经口气管插管对血流动力学的影响。
2.Objective:To assess whether the GlideScope videolaryngoscope (GSVL) can reduce the cardiovascular responses to orotracheal intubation compared with the Macintosh direct laryngoscope (MDLS).目的:通过与Macintosh直接喉镜相比较,评价GlideScope视频喉镜是否能够减轻经口气管插管的心血管反应。
3.Aim: To evaluate Truview~(TM) EVO_2 optic laryngoscope in elective surgical patients requiring tracheal intubation by comparing with Macintosh direct laryngoscope and assess its clinical application in patients with unexpected difficult intubation.目的:比较Truview~(TM) EVO_2光学喉镜与Macintosh直接喉镜在经口气管插管中显露喉部的效果,并将其初步应用于全麻诱导后非预计气管插管困难的患者,探讨Truview~(TM) EVO_2光学喉镜在全麻气管插管中的应用价值。

喉镜喉镜laryngoscope 为气管内插管用具。由喉镜片、喉镜柄和光源3个基本部件组成。喉镜片有直形和弯形两种。喉镜柄内安置干电池。