呼吸循环功能,respiratory and circulatory function
1)respiratory and circulatory function呼吸循环功能
1.[Methods]To observe the anesthetic effects and the changes of the respiratory and circulatory functions in 40 patients(ASA I-Ⅱ) who were anaesthetized by one-point cervical plexus block.[结果]全部病人除1例麻醉效果欠满意并辅吸入麻醉外,其余39例病人均取得了满意的麻醉效果且对呼吸循环功能影响不大。
2.【Objective】To evaluate the effects of pneumoperitoneum and different positions on the respiratory and circulatory function during laparoscopic operation.目的观察腹腔镜手术期间气腹和不同体位对呼吸循环功能的影响。

1.Effects of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum on respiratory and circulatory function in man60岁以上患者上腹部气腹腔镜对呼吸循环功能的影响
2.Effects of Different Anesthesia Methods on Perioperative Respiratory and Circulatory Function of Thoracolumbar Fractures Patients不同麻醉方法对胸腰椎骨折患者围手术期呼吸循环功能的影响
3.Second the functioning of each section of organs of the body; such as the functioning of the respiratory system, circulatory system and the nervous system.二,身体各部分器官的功能,如呼吸系统,循环系统,神经系统的功能。
4.Effect of Temperature of Fluid Infusion on Circulation、Respiratory Function and Some Biochemical Metabolic Values in Hemorrhagic Shock Rabbits;输液温度对失血性休克兔循环呼吸功能和血生化指标的影响
5.The Effects of Different CO_2 Pneumoperitoneum Pressure on Infant Resparitory and Circulation in Laparoscopic Surgery;不同CO_2气腹压对婴儿腹腔镜手术呼吸和循环功能的影响
6.Analysis of the Risk Factors for Postoperative Respiratory Failure in Infants undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass婴幼儿体外循环手术后呼吸功能衰竭的危险因素分析
7.The Effects of CO_2 on Respiratroy System and Circulatory Function of Patients with Gynecological Tumor in Laparoscopic Surgery妇科肿瘤腹腔镜手术CO_2气腹对呼吸与循环功能的影响
8.vegetative functions such as digestion or growth or circulation.生长功能如消化吸收、生长或循环。
9.The patients were awake during the operation under acupuncture anesthesia, thus the injure of nerve can been avoided or decresased.针麻下手术病人神志清楚,可避免或减少神经损伤,术中呼吸及循环功能稳定。
10.The Influrence of Artificial Pneumoperitoneum on Piglets Circulation System, Respiration System, Peritoneum Morphology and Immunological Function人工气腹对新生猪循环、呼吸及腹膜形态和免疫功能影响的实验研究
11.microcomputer-controlled multifunction respirator微机控制多功能呼吸机
12.During the early stages of study, G on the top of the staff is the upper limit for successful circular breathing.在练习的开始阶段,五线谱上方G是保证成功使用循环呼吸的上限音。
13.Impact of Isoflurane Anesthesia on Postoperative Cognitive Function of Female Patients Who Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery;异氟醚吸入麻醉对体外循环手术女性病人术后认知功能的影响
14.Effects of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on Pulmonary Function and Ultrastructure during Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Infants吸入一氧化氮对婴幼儿体外循环中肺功能及其超微结构的影响
15.Effects of inhale low does nitric oxide on pulmonary function during cardiopulmonary bypass in infants吸入一氧化氮对婴幼儿体外循环中肺功能的影响
16.Effect of supervised breathing exercises on respiratory function in patients with coal workers pneumoconiosis督导呼吸训练对煤工尘肺患者呼吸功能的影响
17.Swings in polarity in any creation go from in-breath to out-breath.任何创造物中的两极摆动均从吸收到呼出循环。
18.The upper clarion register is the most difficult for circular breathing.高音区对于循环呼吸来说是最难的音区。

circulo-respiration function循环呼吸功能
3)respiratory and circulatory function呼吸及循环功能
1.Influence of special body position on respiratory and circulatory functions of patients during undergoing laparoscope operation;特殊体位对妇科腹腔镜手术中呼吸及循环功能的影响
4)Cardiopulmonary circulation呼吸循环
5)cyclic respiration循环呼吸
6)Respiratory function呼吸功能
1.Study on Correlation Between Blood Inflammatory Factors and Respiratory function in Patients With COPD;慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者血中炎性因子变化与呼吸功能的相关性研究
2.Analgesia effect of ropivacaine and bupivacine by patient controlled epidural analgesia on post-thoracotomy pain and the influence on respiratory function;胸科术后罗哌卡因、布比卡因硬膜外镇痛效果比较及对呼吸功能的影响
3.Effect of mechanical ventilation with different tidal volumes on the respiratory function during general anesthesia;全麻下不同潮气量机械通气时呼吸功能变化的临床研究

呼吸功能不全呼吸功能不全respiratory insuffici?ency 当病人在静止状态下动脉血氧和二氧化碳含量均正常,但当加重呼吸负荷如高热、气喘时则出现不正常而引起症状者称为呼吸功能不全。血气改变SaO2<91%,PaO2<10.7kPa(80mmHg),PaCO2>6.0kPa(45mmHg)。