临床技能训练,Clinical skill training
1)Clinical skill training临床技能训练
1.Application of advanced simulation system in anesthesiology clinical skill training高端模拟系统在麻醉学临床技能训练中的应用
2.Clinical skill training is a necessary stage for training qualified medical students.随着社会的进步及患者自我保护意识的增强,直接以患者为对象进行医学生临床技能训练的传统临床实践教学面临着严峻考验,为解决这一问题,医学模拟教育引入医学生临床实践教学。

1.Application of Standardized Patient in the Training of Clinical Skills of Medical Students;标准化病人在医学生临床技能训练中的应用
2.Construction and practice in clinical skill training and examination system of medical students医学生临床技能训练、考核体系的构建与实践
3.Application of advanced simulation system in anesthesiology clinical skill training高端模拟系统在麻醉学临床技能训练中的应用
4.Construction of training and evaluation system in orthodontics clinical skill口腔正畸研究生临床技能训练与考评体系的构建
5.Application of standardized patient in psychiatry标准化病人在精神科临床技能训练和考核中的应用
6.To explore the methods of clinical skill training and assessment for students of clinical medicine in psychophylaxis speciality心理卫生专业实习生临床技能训练和考核方法探索
7.A study on application of teacher standardization patients in clinical skills training of nursing students教师标准化病人在护生临床技能训练中的应用研究
8.Emphasizing training of basic skills and improving students ability in clinical practice;注重基本技能训练 提高学生临床实践能力
9.Teaching and Examining Basic Clinical Techniques in Surgery;外科临床基本技能训练与考核方法的研究
10.Study of Psychosocial Skills Training Module for Schizophrenic Outpatients精神分裂症患者社会技能训练模式的临床研究
11.Exploration on setting up anesthesiology clinical skill simulation training center麻醉学临床技能模拟训练中心建设的探索
12.Analysis of the examination results of clinical skill strengthening training before practice in Hospital医学生实习前临床技能强化训练考核情况分析研究
13.Strengthening training of clinical skills and diagnosis thinking to cultivate high-quality innovative talents强化临床技能与诊断思维训练 培养高素质创新人才
14.Application of Digital Camera for Feedback to Cultivate Nursing Skills录像反馈式练习法在临床护理技能培训中的应用
15.Study on the Clinical Effect of Biofeedback Therapy for Functional Constipation生物反馈训练治疗慢性功能性便秘的临床研究
16.Design principle and clinical indications of the multifunctional training-box for extremities肢体多功能训练箱的设计及临床适应证
17.We use centralize lecture, simulate training and acting mode to advance new nurse’s skill.采取集中讲授示范、模拟训练、临床带教的互动模式,提高新护士的护理操作技能;
18.Applying NLP Training in Clinical Communication Skills for Undergraduate Practice Nursing Students Development;NLP培训法在护理本科实习生临床沟通能力训练中的应用研究

analogue clinical training临床技能模拟训练
3)clinical technology training临床技能实训
1.In this paper,a clinical technology training for medical students is designed.本文着眼于医学生临床技能的培养,从目前临床技能教学实际情况出发,运用多媒体技术开发研制了内容系统信息量大、界面简约、操作简单、适用于各层次医学生使用的临床技能实训管理软件,该软件具有集成性高、交互性强、非线性明显、生动性、可重复性、开放性等特点,能提高学生的学习兴趣和掌握医学知识的主动性。
4)Clinical skill training临床技能培训
5)Skill training技能训练
1.An investigation on the rehabilition effect of procedural skill training in chronic schizophrenic inpatients;慢性精神分裂症住院患者的程式化技能训练
2.To strengthen skill training and enhance the qualities of students;强化技能训练 提高学生素质
3.Exploration into the skill training of electric technology of higher vocational colleges;高职电子技术专业技能训练探索
6)Ability Training技能训练
1.The ability training to the maintenance of electronic production is an inportance link of practice teaching.电子产品维修技能训练是应用电子技术教育专业重要的实践教学环节,如何在长时间技能训练中做好人机安全防范,是确保实践教学环节顺利进行的一个重要内容。

视觉技能训练视觉技能训练visual skill training  视觉技能订11练(visual skill training)通过加强对运动员脑的信息刺激,强化眼肌,使眼球能快速和精确地运动,增强眼、脑、肌肉的密切联系及眼睛的同步性训练方法。运用这种训练,能够提高运动员的速度、时机感和精确度,对运动员的反应能力、空间判断、协调性、专注心等都会产生积极影响。其基本方法有:双目旋转训练法,双目敏锐性训练法,双目调节力训练法,专注力、协调性、视野、识别力、景深感等训练方法。 (谢三才撰刘淑慈审)