呼吸系统并发症,respiratory complication
1)respiratory complication呼吸系统并发症
1.Relationship between pulmonary function by impulse oscillation system and postoperative respiratory complications of esophagus carcinoma and gastric cardiac carcinoma;脉冲振荡肺功能检测与食管癌贲门癌术后呼吸系统并发症的关系

1.The clinical analysis of early respiratory complications in extremely low and very low birth weight infants超低和极低出生体重儿早期呼吸系统并发症临床分析
2.What causes severe acute respiratory syndrome?严重呼吸系统综合症是由什么引发的?
3.Treatment for tracheobronchial foreign body with serious complications in children38例呼吸道异物并严重并发症的治疗探讨
4."Asthma: Chronic disease with attacks of shortness of Breath, wheezing, and coughing from constriction and mucous-membrane swelling in the Bronchi (air passageways in the lungs)."哮喘:常见的慢性呼吸系统疾病,症状特点是阵发性呼吸急促、喘鸣和咳嗽。
5."Respiratory distress syndrome(or hyaline membrane disease):Common complication in newborns, especially after premature birth."呼吸窘迫症候群(亦称特发性呼吸窘迫症候群):婴儿常见的并发症,尤其是早产与过期产后。
6.No inadvertent respiratory placement of feeding tubes or perforation of the GI tract occurred.无呼吸道内置管或消化道穿孔等并发症。
7.The passages of the human respiratory system.呼吸器官,呼吸道人体呼吸系统的通道
8.Some people also experience mild respiratory symptoms at the outset.有些病人最初还出现轻度呼吸系统的症状。
9.How is severe acute respiratory syndrome transmitted?严重急性呼吸系统综合症通过什么途径传播?
10.Air pollution contributes to respiratory diseases.空气污染可促使呼吸系统疾病发生。
11.Comparative Analysis on the Early Development of Anuran amphibian's Respiratory System无尾两栖类呼吸系统早期发育的比较
12.It is proposed that therapeutic principle forsleep apnea hypopnea syndrome: to treat etiologically, keep upper airway patency, prevent and cure the complica-tions.提出了睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的治疗原则为:病因治疗、保持呼吸道通畅、防治并发症。
13."Otitis in the inner ear (labyrinthitis) often arises from respiratory infection, syphilis, or otitis media."内耳炎,常为上呼吸道感染、梅毒或中耳炎的并发症。
14.No haemorrhage,acute respiratory obstruction,and adenoid residue occurrad after operation.围手术期无术后出血、急性呼吸道梗阻、腺样体残留等并发症。
15.Respiratory acidosis complicated with hypochloremia in chronic cor pulmonale: Clinical classification and therapeutic principles慢性肺心病呼吸性酸中毒并发低氯血症的临床分型和治疗原则
16.Prevention and nursing comprehension of respiratory tract complications of the 45 cases aged lung cancer patients45例老年肺癌患者呼吸道并发症预防及护理体会
17.High risk factors related to adult respiratory distress syndrome following thoracic trauma重症胸外伤并发成人呼吸窘迫综合征的高危因素分析
18.Analysis of Risk Factors of Severe Acute Pancreatitis Complicated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome重症急性胰腺炎并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征危险因素的分析

postoperative pulmonary complications术后呼吸系统并发症
3)respiratory complications呼吸道并发症
1.Tracheal passage of training on the anterior cervical respiratory complications of surgery;气管推移训练对颈椎前路手术呼吸道并发症的影响
4)Symptommatic incidence of respiratory diseases呼吸系统症状发生率
5)respiratory complaint呼吸系统并发疾病
1.Objective: To understand the incidence of respiratory complaints in heroin addicts and its association with heroin abuse.目的··:了解海洛因依赖者呼吸系统并发疾病的发生率及其与海洛因滥用的相关性。
6)respiratory disease and symptom呼吸系统病症

呼吸系统的进化鱼的呼吸器官及气体交换示意图 李瑞端绘[图]