呼吸方式,ventilating mode
1)ventilating mode呼吸方式
1.This paper introduces a series of high frequency jet ventilators based on high frequency ven tilation principle, in which the characteristics and different ventilating mode of the series ventilators are mainly described.本文介绍利用高频通气技术设计的高频喷射呼吸机,重点阐述了TKR系列高频呼吸机的设计特点及所具有的各种呼吸方式

1.His natural breathing pattern will increase in tempo and depth, causing a greater but inefficient exchange of respiratory gasses.他自然的呼吸模式将加快和加深,导致强度增加但是效率降低的呼吸方式
2.The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner.呼吸能力呼吸的能力,尤指用自然、不费劲的方式
3.Influence on human breathing pattern by non-powered air-purifying respirator自吸过滤式呼吸器对人体呼吸模式的影响
4.Soil Respiration under Different Land Use in Shangri-la, NW Yunnan;滇西北不同土地利用方式下的土壤呼吸研究
5.Study on Soil Respiration of Different Regeneration in Chinese Fir Plantation;杉木林皆伐后不同更新方式土壤呼吸研究
6.The Effect on Soil Respiration under the Different Fertilization and Tillage Patterns in Farmland;施肥与耕作方式对农田土壤呼吸的影响
7.Influence of the Clear-Cutting Pattern on Soil Respiraction in a Low-Quality Forest in Lesser Khingan Range皆伐方式对小兴安岭低质林土壤呼吸的影响
8.Establishment and Application of the PRRSV Nest-PCR Methods猪繁殖与呼吸综合征的套式PCR方法建立及应用
9.impedance respiratory frequency transducer/sensor阻抗式呼吸频率传感器
10.a new breather in the diver's equipment潜水装备的新式呼吸孔
11.portable respiration aiding machine便携式急救呼吸辅助器
12.Sabre Airline Unit生宝喉管式呼吸辅助器
13.closed respiratory gas system封闭式呼吸气体系统
14.half-mask respirator半面罩式呼吸防护器
15.filtering respiratory protective devise for self-rescue from fire消防过滤式自救呼吸器
16.hot-wire respiratory flow transducer/sensor热丝(式)呼吸流量传感器
17.hot-wire respiratory flow sensor热丝式呼吸流量传感器
18.abdominal breathing is practiced by singers.歌手经常练习腹式呼吸。

1.Rehabilitative effects of Taiji respiration on chronic disease of respiration;太极拳运动呼吸方法对呼吸系统慢性疾病的康复作用
3)New type respiration新型微生物呼吸方式
4)ventilation mode呼吸模式
1.Objective To improve the ventilation mode for respiratory failure based on the self-made respirator.目的:在研发便捷式呼吸器的基础上,对治疗呼吸衰竭的几种呼吸模式作了改进,增强了氧疗和通气的效果。
5)abdominal breathing腹式呼吸
1.Role of abdominal breathing training in treatment of psoriasis: 30 cases report;腹式呼吸治疗银屑病30例分析
2.Effects of abdominal breathing on blood pressure and respiratory sinus arrhythmia;腹式呼吸对血压及呼吸性窦性心律不齐的影响
3.Objective To evaluate the effects of abdominal breathing training on anxiety and post-operative pain in selective patients undergoing thoracic surgeries.目的探讨腹式呼吸训练对胸部手术患者术前焦虑情绪及术后疼痛的影响。
6)Abdominal respiration腹式呼吸

呼吸系统的进化鱼的呼吸器官及气体交换示意图 李瑞端绘[图]