切痂植皮,cutting scab
1)cutting scab切痂植皮
1.Objective: Analyze retrospectively the repair methods of several alkali burnt wounds, probe into the opportunity of operation cutting scab and skin grafting, and improve the survival rate of skin grafting.26处浅Ⅱ°和60处深Ⅱ°创面应用保痂疗法;90处Ⅲ°创面其中的52处用传统方法(3~7d)切痂植皮;另外38处伤后3~36h切痂,延迟48h植皮。
2)early crust ablation早期切痂植皮
3)extensive and deep burn休克期切痂植皮
4)tangential excision skin grafting削痂植皮
5)Tangential excision and skin grafting削痂植皮术

1.He-Ne laser can be effectually used in herpes zoster, it may help to make the crusts generating, falling cut and ache going away, which can reduce the days of illness.结论:氦氖激光可以明显加快疱疹结痂及痂皮脱落的时间,并帮助止痛,从而缩短带状疱疹的病程。
2.Expose ends in partial-thickness burns when the crust desquamates and falls off.在部分厚度烧伤,痂皮剥脱和脱掉后,暴露即告结束。
3.To form or develop such hardened tissue.结硬皮,结痂形成或培养此种硬质组织
4.Observe stoma site for bleeding, crust, irritation, and broken skin.观察出口有无出血,结痂,发炎及破皮。
5.Clinical observations in 14 cases of massive deep burns treated with Chinese herbs medicine and skin-grafting under the eschar中药制痂开窗,痂下植皮治疗14例大面积深度烧伤的临床观察
6.The choice of opportunity of cutting scab and escharectomy of Ⅲ degree alkali burns wounds and skin graftingⅢ度碱烧伤创面切削痂与植皮时机的选择
7.Delayed dermatoplasty after eschar shaving in Treatment of deep partial thickness burns on the Dorsum Manus手背深Ⅱ度烧伤削痂后延期植皮术的疗效观察
8.Therapeutic Efficacy of Transplanting Large Sheet of Split-thickness Autografts after Shaving or Excising Eschar in Deeply Burned Hands or Wristes手腕部深度烧伤削切痂植大张自体皮疗效观察
9.An outer layer or coating formed by the drying of a bodily exudate such as pus or blood;a scab.痂由身体的渗出液如浓液或血液等变干而形成的一层外皮或覆盖物;痂
10.Repair of deep burn in function regions with large sheet of split-thickness auto-skin grafting and the preservation of denatured dermis during eschar shaving in 58 cases功能部位深度烧伤削痂时保留变性真皮并移植大张自体皮58例
11.Early dermabrasion combined with xenogenic acellular dermal matrix in treatment of facial deep Ⅱ burn wound:a report of 48 cases早期磨痂加异种脱细胞真皮覆盖治疗面部深Ⅱ度烧伤创面48例
12.Effect of subeschar tissue fluid on the NO and ET of serum in mice;痂下水肿液对小鼠血浆中一氧化氮和内皮素的影响
13.Application of Replacement Skin Grafting Operation on Excision of Ecschar of Superficial Fascia Layer in Large Acreage Deep Burning;替换植皮术在大面积深度烧伤浅筋膜层削痂的应用研究
14.Polyester Gauze's Influence On Evaporation Capacity And Healing Of The Surface Of Micro Skin Graft Wound After Escharectomy聚酰胺薄纱对烧伤切痂后微型皮片移植创面蒸发量和愈合的影响
15.Effect of Biological Dressing a Combination of External Lyophilized Recombinant Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Skin Graft Surgery生物敷料A联合艾夫吉夫在切削痂自体皮移植手术中的临床应用
16.Any of various skin diseases of humans and animals, characterized by epidermal shedding of flaky scales.糠疹、蛇皮癣人类和动物的一种皮肤病,其特征是皮肤表层落下叶片状痂
17.Methods Operation performed under tourniquet, the crusts were ablated down to the superficial layer of deep fascia, and then autologous micro-skin grafting, combined with allogenous skin coverage, was conducted in 13 patients.方法在止血带下进行手术切痂深度至深筋膜浅层,止血后,异体皮覆盖自体微粒皮移植。
18.Epithelial stem cells marker keratin 19 expression in residual skins after abrasion treatment of deep second-degree burn wounds深Ⅱ度烧伤创面磨痂治疗后残留皮肤组织中表皮干细胞标记物角化蛋白19的表达

early crust ablation早期切痂植皮
3)extensive and deep burn休克期切痂植皮
4)tangential excision skin grafting削痂植皮
5)Tangential excision and skin grafting削痂植皮术

植皮植皮skin grafting 即皮肤移植。适于皮肤创面较大,深达真皮深层或超过皮肤全层以下者。由于皮肤结构几乎全部破坏,不能再生,为缩短创面愈合时间,防止瘢痕形成和造成功能障碍需进行皮肤移植术。