心血管副反应,cardiovascular response
1)cardiovascular response心血管副反应
1.Effect of verapamil-lidocaine combination on cardiovascular response to tracheal extubation;联用维拉帕米、利多卡因降低气管拔管时心血管副反应

2.Psychosocial Factors at Work and Cardiovascular Reactivity;工作中社会-心理因素与心血管反应性
3.Protease-activated Receptor2-an Important Factor for Cardiovascular Inflammatory Reaction蛋白酶活化受体2与心血管炎症反应
4.Effect of Diltiazem on Cardiovascular Response to Tracheal Intubation;地尔硫卓预防气管插管心血管不良反应的研究
5.Effect of magnesium sulfate on the cardiovascular response and the stress response to endotracheal intubation硫酸镁对气管插管时心血管反应的影响
6.Effects of Administration of Esmolol on Cardiovascular Response during Tracheal Intubation艾司洛尔预防气管插管心血管反应的临床观察
7.Associations of the serum high-sensitive C-reactive protein with cardiovascular risk factors血清超敏C反应蛋白与心血管危险因素的关系
8.Nuring for 1 case of hypotension caused by Cardiovascular Intervention1例心血管介入治疗致低血压反应的护理
9.Effect of avoiding hemodynamic fluctuation in using surface anaesthetic tracheal tube in geriatric hypertensive表麻型气管导管对老年高血压患者全麻拔管心血管反应的影响
10.Alteration of Plasma Vascular Peroxidase Levels in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases and Its Involvement in Vascular Inflammatory Reaction;冠心病患者血浆中血管过氧化物酶水平变化与血管炎症反应研究
11.Management of sheath-pull reaction after cardiac invasive procedures心血管介入治疗后拔管反应的临床研究
12.Comparison of the Effects of different drugs on attenuation of cardiovascular responses to tracheal extubation不同药物预防全麻拔管期间心血管反应的观察
13.The most common aderse eent reported was headache, and the most common drug-related aderse eent was nosebleed.最常见的副反应报道为头痛,最常见的药物相关副反应为鼻出血。
14.Effects of different doses of metoprolol on cardiovascuiar responses of hypertension patients to tracheal extubation倍他乐克对高血压患者全麻气管拔管时心血管反应的影响
15.A Simulation Study on Cardiovascular Responses to Different Kinds of Orthostatic Stresses;不同立位应激下心血管反应的仿真研究
16.Some parasympathetic fibers innervate the vertricular blood vessels.某些副交感神经纤维支配心室的血管。
17.Clinical Research on Gonging Granules Treating Endometrorrhagia Caused by IUD-wearing and Observe the Influence to the Uterus Vessel Construct of the Rats;宫宁颗粒治疗IUD出血副反应的临床观察及对大鼠子宫血管构筑影响的研究
18.The Clinical Observation of Appling Esmolol to Restrain Cardiovascular Response during Endotracheal Intubations at Anesthesia Induction全麻诱导气管插管时应用艾司洛尔预防心血管反应的临床观察

prevention of cardiovascular side response预防心血管副反应
3)cardiovascular response心血管反应
1.Clinical observations on effects of adenosini triphosphas on preventing cardiovascular response in extubation;三磷酸腺苷预防气管拔管时心血管反应的临床观察
2.Efficacy and safety of remifentanil in the management of cardiovascular responses due to tracheal intubation;瑞芬太尼预防气管插管所致心血管反应的观察
3.Effect of remifentanil on cardiovascular responses induced by tracheal extubation in patients undergoing radical gastrectomy;瑞芬太尼抑制胃癌手术全麻拔管时心血管反应的研究
4)cardiovascular responses心血管反应
1.Effects of different exercises with isocaloric consumes on metabolic factors and cardiovascular responses in type 2 diabetic patients;等热卡不同运动方式糖尿病患者代谢因素和心血管反应的研究
2.Effects of different doses of esmolol on cardiovascular responses of old patients to tracheal extubation;不同剂量艾司洛尔对老年患者全麻气管拔管时心血管反应的作用
3.Comparion of the Cardiovascular Responses between Domestic and Imported Urapidil During Tracheal Extubation;国产、进口乌拉地尔对全麻气管拔管心血管反应的比较观察
5)cardiovascular effects心血管反应
6)Cardiovascular reaction心血管反应
1.Effects of esmolol and Urapidil on the cardiovascular reaction and heart rate variability during extubation;艾司洛尔和乌拉地尔对拔管期心血管反应及心率变异性的影响
2.Effects of esmolol on cardiovascular reaction in p atients undergoing tracheal intubation;盐酸艾司洛尔预防全麻气管插管心血管反应的临床研究
3.A clinical study of the effects of intravenous Nicardipine combined with Lidocaine on cardiovascular reaction to endotracheal intubation;尼卡地平伍用利多卡因预防气管插管心血管反应的临床研究

心血管变态反应心血管变态反应 参见"Ⅲ型变态反应"。