麻醉面罩,anaesthetic mask
1)anaesthetic mask麻醉面罩
2)anaesthesia mask麻醉口罩
3)anesthetic mask麻醉罩

1.A covering for the nose and mouth that is used for inhaling oxygen or an anesthetic.氧气罩、麻醉罩用于为嘴或鼻子吸入氧气或麻醉的覆盖物
2.Application of Proseal laryngeai mask airway for anesthesia of thyroid surgeryProseal喉罩应用于甲状腺手术麻醉
3.Cerebral State Index for Monitoring the Depth of General Anesthesia for the Elderly with Laryngeal Mask Anesthesia麻醉深度指数(CSI)用于老年患者喉罩全麻麻醉深度监测的研究
4.The application of general anesthesia of laryngeal mask airway with epidural block in aged Patients with pulmonary complication喉罩复合硬膜外麻醉在合并肺部疾患老年人的麻醉中的应用
5.A comparision of sacral canal block and sevoflurane anaesthesia with LMA in children undergoing minor surgery骶管麻醉与喉罩-七氟醚麻醉在小儿短小手术的对比研究
6.Application of Anesthesia with Laryngeal Mask Airway in Endourology;喉罩通气麻醉在泌尿外科腔镜手术中的应用
7.Spontaneous ventilation with laryngeal mask airway for general anesthesia in patients undergoing radical mastectory喉罩全身麻醉自主通气在乳腺癌根治术的应用
8.Application of proseal laryngeal mask airway in geriatric general anesthesiaProseal喉罩在老年人全身麻醉手术中的应用
9.Comparison on the Condition for Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion Obtained by Sevoflurane VCB Inhaled七氟烷与丙泊酚麻醉诱导喉罩置入条件的比较
10.LMA-proseal Application on Patients With Cardiovascular Disease喉罩通气在合并心血管疾病患者麻醉中的应用
11.Comparison of LMA-ProSeal with LMA-Classic used in gynaecological laparoscope双管喉罩与标准型喉罩用于妇科腹腔镜麻醉的比较
12.Application and analysis of an laryngeal mask airway used for outer putamen anaesthesia in midsection surgical operation;喉罩通气道在上腹部手术硬膜外麻醉中的应用分析
13.Application of proseal laryngeal mask in infants undergoing hernia sac high ligation anesthesia.食管引流型喉罩在婴幼儿疝囊高位结扎术麻醉中的应用
14.Suitable dose of fentanyl for laryngeal mask airway insertion during propofol-fentanyl anesthesia丙泊酚-芬太尼麻醉置入喉罩时芬太尼的合适剂量
15.Application of Laryngeal Tube Suction and Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway for Ventilation Undergoing Laparoscopic Surgery吸引型喉导管与食管引流型喉罩在腹腔镜手术麻醉中的应用
16.Comparison of Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway and Tracheal Intubation for Gynaecological Laparoscopy喉罩与气管插管麻醉用于妇科腹腔镜手术的护理观察
17.Compare of the effect of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion in adult anaesthesia with sevoflurane and propofol七氟烷和丙泊酚用于成人麻醉诱导放置喉罩通气道的效果比较
18.Efficacy of thiopental combined with fentanyl and low dose of succinylcholine for laryngeal mask airway insertion硫喷妥钠复合芬太尼与司可林对喉罩置入的麻醉效果

anaesthesia mask麻醉口罩
3)anesthetic mask麻醉罩
4)Ombredanne's mask翁布雷丹面罩(乙醚麻醉面罩)
5)Topical anesthesia表面麻醉
1.The application of small-incision manual extracapsular cataract extraction using topical anesthesia in preventing blinding of mobile operating vehicle;表面麻醉小切口白内障囊外摘出术在“流动手术车”的应用
2.Application of underlaying and pressing nuclear expulsion in small and tunnel incision non-phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia;表面麻醉下垫压夹取式娩核在隧道式小切口非超声乳化白内障摘出术中的应用
3.Clinical evaluation of topical anesthesia in phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation and trabeculectomy;表面麻醉下行白内障青光眼联合手术的临床效果
6)surface anesthesia表面麻醉
1.Array multifocal IOL implantation under surface anesthesia;表面麻醉下Array多焦点人工晶状体植入
2.Application of surface anesthesia in treating freckle with chemical peeling;表面麻醉在化学剥脱术治疗雀斑中的应用
3.Surface anesthesia combined with subconjunctival anesthesia for glaucoma surgery;表面麻醉联合球结膜浸润麻醉手术治疗青光眼

麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚药物名称:乙醚英文名:Ether别名: 麻醉醚;麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚外文名:Anaesthetic Ether适应症: 适用于外科手术。 用量用法: 常用开放点滴法,通过麻醉面罩吸入。用量视病人情况和手术而定。 注意事项: 1.不能过量,否则会出现毒性反应。 2.在施用前1小时,皮下注射阿托品0.3mg与吗啡15mg,可抑制呼吸道的多量分泌,并可减少乙醚的用量。 3.为预防呕吐,麻醉前必须空腹6小时以上。 4.极易燃烧爆炸,使用场合不可有开放火焰或电火花。 5.遇日光、空气、湿气等易变质,又易挥发,引火和爆炸。 6.本品如已氧化,可生成过氧过物,不仅不适于药用,而且更易爆炸。故若有变质可疑时,用前必须检查,合格才用。 7.糖尿病、肝功能严重损害、呼吸道感染或梗阻、消化道梗阻病人忌用。 规格: 液体:100ml/瓶,150ml/瓶、250ml/瓶。类别:全身麻醉药\吸入麻醉药