脱毛,hair removal
1)hair removal脱毛
1.Hair removal with intense pulsed light;强脉冲光子脱毛临床效果的初步观察
2.The comparison of the curative effect of EpiCare laser in hair removal by the area of the body;人体不同部位激光脱毛的疗效比较
3.The comparison of the curative effect of intense pulsed light in hair removal of human different area of the body;强脉冲光对人体不同部位脱毛的疗效比较

1.To remove hair from(the body).脱毛从(身体)移走毛发
2.Having the capability to remove hair.可脱毛的有脱毛去发能力的
3.remove body hair with a razor.用剃刀对身体进行脱毛
4.Chronically sick pigs often suffer from a partial alopecia characterized by a thinning of the bristles.慢性病猪通常有局部脱毛,特点是鬃毛变稀疏。
5.Studies on the Depilation by Carbohydrase and Protease and Their Mechanism;糖酶、蛋白酶脱毛技术及其机理研究
6.Performance and Parameter Control of Dehairing Wastewater Treatment with Ultrafiltration超滤处理脱毛废水的性能及参数控制
7.Tufts of wool hang from his shaggy sheepskin like a mangy dog.他那件穿破的皮袄上有一绺绺羊毛挂下来,象是一条脱毛的狗。
8.loss of hair (especially on the head) or wool or feathers; in humans it can result from heredity or hormonal imbalance or certain diseases or drugs and treatments (chemotherapy for cancer).(头上的)毛发脱落。
9.He peeled off his heavy sweater.他脱去了他的厚毛衣。
10.pertaining to loss of hair or wool or feathers.与头发、毛绒或羽毛的脱落有关。
11.This will also help keep the shedding under control.刷毛也可以使脱落的毛得到清理。
12.Raw wool that has not been cleansed of this oily substance.生羊毛没有脱去油性物质的羊毛
13.The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend, fall off till hair.毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。
14.Linting: Surface fibres released from paper during printing.纸毛脱落:纸面的松散纤维于印刷时脱落的情况。
15.They left off their woolen underwear when the weather got warm.天气暖了,他们脱去了羊毛内衣。
16.The moist hair is erect and may be depilated.湿润的皮毛竖立,可能有脱落。
17.His speeches were always marred by verbosity.他的演讲总是脱不了冗长的毛
18.Mauritania becomes independent of France.1960年,毛利塔尼亚脱离法国独立。

1.The different function in the unhairing process between Chinese JW-neutral protease and Russian alkaline protease;冀微-中性蛋白酶与国外碱性蛋白酶在生皮脱毛上的比较
2.The Mechanism of Oxidative Unhairing Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Optimization of the Process;双氧水氧化脱毛机理及工艺条件优化
3.Breeding of Thermotolerant Alkaline Protease Producing Strain, Study on Unhairing Process and Property of Its Enzyme;高温碱性蛋白酶菌株的选育、酶学性质及脱毛条件的研究
1.An effective and common clinical therapeutic method today is laser depilation.研究背景多毛在激光整形科较为常见,常给患者带来严重的精神负担和心理压力,临床目前较为有效和常用的治疗方法为激光脱毛,激光整形科和皮肤科学者虽已对激光脱毛作了大量研究,但一般都停留在临床研究上,有关激光脱毛后组织学变化及分子机制的研究较少。
2.Objective To observe the result of depilation by semiconductor laser and sum up it s therapeutic experience.目的观察激光脱毛的临床效果及总结治疗经验。
3.Depilation by Optimal Pulse Technology:Clinical Analysis of 96 Cases目的观察优化脉冲技术(optimal pulse technology,OPT)脱毛的效果和安全性。
1.Objective To observe the local reaction and curative effects of Lightsheer semi-conductor laser for skins epilation.目的总结不同皮肤类型患者采用激光脱毛所需的最佳剂量及疗效。
5)hair saving unhairing保毛脱毛
1.The closed cleaning leather production technology was introduced in detail, including hair saving unhairing method, preparation of protein filling materials used in leather industry, waste water treatment of sulfur containing, chrome containing and whole waste water etc.全面介绍了闭合式制革清洁生产技术,包括保毛脱毛法工艺,制革用蛋白填料的制备技术,含硫废水、含铬废水及综合废水的处理方案等。
