1.Cloning and Analysis of the Upstream Sequences of cpcB Genes From Different Strains of Arthrospira;不同品系节旋藻cpcB基因上游序列的克隆与分析
2.cpcHID operon as a new tool for classification and identification of Arthrospira platensis strains;cpcHID操纵子序列用于钝顶节旋藻品系分类与鉴定的研究
3.Cloning and Characterization of hoxY Gene from Arthrospira and Spirulina and Its Application in Phylogenetic Study;hoxY基因的克隆及其在节旋藻和螺旋藻系统学研究中的应用

1.Studies on C-phycocyanin Operon and Rubisco Gene of Arthrospira Platensis FACHB341 and Molecular Phylogenetics in Arthrospira and Spirulina;节旋藻藻蓝蛋白操纵子、Rubisco基因及节旋藻和螺旋藻分子系统学研究
2.Comparison Studies on the Nutrition Composition of Spirulina and Arthrospira;螺旋藻和节旋藻营养成分的比较研究
3.The Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Metabolism of Spirulina (Arthrospira);低温胁迫对螺旋藻(节旋藻)代谢功能的影响
4.Preparation of Spheroplasts from Arthrospira and RAPD Analysis of Spirulina and Arthrospira;螺旋藻/节旋藻原生质球制备和RAPD分析研究
5.Research on the Extraction, Purification and Antitumor Immune Activity of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina Platensis (Arthraspira Platensis);钝顶螺旋藻/节旋藻藻蓝蛋白的提取纯化及抗肿瘤免疫效应研究
6.Characteristic Analysis of GⅡ Intron Gene in Arthrospira节旋藻二类内含子(GⅡ intron)基因特性分析
8.Effect of High Temperature and Solar UV Radiation on Growth and Physiology of Spirulina and Arthrospira Platensis;高温和太阳紫外辐射对螺旋藻和节旋藻生长和生理影响的研究
9.Study on Several Oxidoreductase of Spirulina (Arthrospira) under Low Temperature Stress;低温胁迫下螺旋藻(节旋藻)几种氧化还原酶的研究
10.Studies on the Structure and Function of the Upstream Sequence of cpcB Gene from Arthrospira Platensis;钝顶节旋藻cpcB基因上游序列结构功能的研究
11.Study on the Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationship of 4 Samples of Arthrospira;4个节旋藻样品遗传多样性及亲缘关系的研究
12.Studies on the Molecular Markers of Taxonomic Status and Production Traits in Arthrospira;节旋藻分类学地位及生产性状的分子标记研究
13.Clone and Gene Expression Analysis of Kai Gene Cluster in Arthrospira Maxima;极大节旋藻生物钟基因的克隆和表达分析
14.Comparison and Optimization of RAPD-PCR Reaction Systems for DNA of Arthrospira maxima极大节旋藻RAPD-PCR反应体系的比较及优化
15.Primary Study on Genome Features of Arthrospra/Spirulina and Sequence Analysis of Nitrate Transporter Gene;节旋藻/螺旋藻基因组特性初探及硝酸盐转运蛋白基因克隆与序列分析
16.Cloning and Characterization of the Bidirectional Hydrogenase Genes and the Application in Phylogenic Study of Arthrospira and Spirulina;双向氢化酶基因的克隆、分析及其在节旋藻和螺旋藻分子系统学中的应用
17.Immunogenicity Diversity of Germplasm and Its Biological Significance of exDNA-ORF s Protein Sc6 in Arthrospira;节旋藻exDNA-ORF表达蛋白Sc6的种质免疫原性差异及其生物学意义
18.Studies on Germplasm Diversity and Biological Functions of Extrachromosomal DNA in Arthrospira;节旋藻染色体外DNA的种质差异性研究及其生物学功能探索

Arthrospira maxima节旋藻
1.Cloning and sequence analyses of circadian clock gene kaiC in Arthrospira maxima;极大节旋藻(Arthrospira maxima)生物钟基因kaiC的克隆及分析
2.Sequence analysis of nitrate transporter gene(AmnrtP)from Arthrospira maxima;节旋藻硝酸盐转运蛋白基因Amnrt P序列分析
3)Spirulina (Arthrospira)螺旋藻节旋藻
5)Arthrospira maxima极大节旋藻
1.Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of gvpA Gene Encoding a Gas Vesicle Protein From Arthrospira maxima;极大节旋藻气囊蛋白基因gvpA克隆与序列分析
2.Comparison and Optimization of RAPD-PCR Reaction Systems for DNA of Arthrospira maxima极大节旋藻RAPD-PCR反应体系的比较及优化
6)Arthrospira platensis钝顶节旋藻
1.Mutagenic Effect of UV and ~(60)Coγ Ray on A9 Strain of Arthrospira platensis;紫外线和~(60)Coγ射线对钝顶节旋藻(Arthrospira platensis)的诱变效应
2.Optimization the method of Western blotting analysis of soluble protein in Arthrospira platensis with Ab-Sc6 as the primary antibodyProteins in Arthrospira platensis had the properties of high content(50%-70%), more kinds and nonuniform abundance,which could badly affect the results of Western blotting analysis.一、基于抗体Ab-Sc6节旋藻水溶性蛋白Western blotting分析方法的优化针对钝顶节旋藻蛋白质含量高(50~75%)、种类多且丰度极不均匀等直接影响Western blotting分析的难题,通过研究优化SDS-PAGE及Western blotting分析的关键实验条件,首次建立了灵敏度高、重现性好,基于钝顶节旋藻品系Sp-3基因组外DNA(exDNA)可读框(ORF)表达蛋白Sc6抗体Ab-Sc6的节旋藻水溶性蛋白Western blotting的分析方法。
3.In this paper, the effect of high temperature and solar UVR on the growth condition and physiological change of Spirulina and Arthrospira platensis were studied.高温和紫外辐射增强是当今世界面临的主要环境问题,本实验研究了高温胁迫和太阳紫外辐射增强对具高经济价值的微型蓝藻螺旋藻/节旋藻生长和生理的影响以及藻体对于高温和紫外辐射增强的抗性机制,主要研究内容和结果如下:以钝顶节旋藻野生型藻株OUQDS6及其直线型突变藻株OUQDS6L为材料,研究了38℃-48℃高温的胁迫对其生理的影响。

左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑药物名称:左旋四咪唑英文名:Levamisole别名: 驱蛔钩;盐酸左旋四咪唑;左咪唑;左旋驱虫净;左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑外文名:Levamisole ,Levasole , LMS , L-Tetramisole, Nemicide药理作用: 能抑制虫体肌肉琥珀酸脱氢酶的活动,使肌肉发生持续性收缩而麻痹。 适应症: 是一种广谱驱肠虫药,主要用于驱蛔虫及勾虫。 本品可提高病人对细菌及病毒感染的抵抗力。目前试用于肺癌、乳腺癌手术后或急性白血病、恶化淋巴瘤化疗后作为辅助治疗。此外,尚可用于自体免疫性疾病如类风湿关节炎、红斑性狼疮以及上感、小儿呼吸道感染、肝炎、菌痢、疮疖、脓肿等。对顽固性支气管哮喘经试用初步证明近期疗效显著。 用量用法: 1.驱蛔虫:成人每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服。儿童每日每千克体重2~3mg。 2.驱勾虫:每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服,连服2~3日。 3.治丝虫病:每日200~300mg,分2~3次饭后服,连服2~3日。 4.癌瘤的辅助治疗:1日量150~250mg,连服3日,休息11日,然后再进行下1疗程。 5.治疗类风湿性关节炎等:每次50mg,每日服2~3次,可连续服用。 6.治支气管哮喘:每服50mg,1日3次,连服3日,停药7日,6个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 偶有头晕、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、食欲不振、发热、嗜睡、乏力、皮疹、发痒等不良反应,停药后能自行缓解。个别病人可有白细胞减少症、剥脱性皮炎及肝功损伤。妊娠早期、肝功能异常及肾功能减退的病人慎用,肝炎活动期忌用。 规格: 片剂:盐酸盐,每片含基质15mg、25mg、50mg。 类别:免疫调节剂