1.Study on GFP-labeling and mycoparasitism in Chaetomium globosum;球毛壳菌荧光标记与重寄生现象研究
2.Essential characters of chitinase produced by Coniothyrium minitans in mycoparasitism on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were studied.对核盘菌的重寄生茼盾壳霉产生的几丁质酶的基本性质进行了研究,结果表明:盾壳霉几丁质酶酶促反应的最适温度为50℃,最适pH 8。
3.The antifungul activitys of its metabolite ,mycoparasitis activities, the lytic enzymes during the mycoparasitism and induction of defense response in Poplar were studied by dual culture, electronic microscopy and enzyme assay in order to account for the biocontrol mechanisms of T88 on tree diseases.本研究以哈茨木霉菌株T88为供试菌株,通过对峙培养、电镜观察及酶活性测定等方法对其代谢物质的抗菌活性、重寄生及其水解酶、以及诱导杨树的防卫反应等进行了研究,旨在阐明其对林木枝干病害的生防机制,对于它在林木病害生防上的应用,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

1.Preliminary Study on the Parasites and Hyper Parasites of Cole Aphid in Xining Region西宁地区油菜蚜虫寄生蜂及重寄生蜂初步研究
2.Study on characteristics of hyperparasitic parasitism on aphid parasites in different tobacco plant positions重寄生蜂对烟株不同部位僵蚜的寄生特点研究
3.Study on the Hyperparasite of Colesporium Phellodendri;黄柏鞘锈菌(Coleosporium phellodendri)重寄生菌的研究
4.Study on the Mutants Induced by UV Radiation Affecting Hyperparasitic Streptomyces Strain F46 and PR;紫外线诱变改良重寄生链霉菌PR和F46
5.Research Advances on Enzymes for Mycoparasitism of Trichoderma木霉菌重寄生过程中的酶学研究进展
6.A Report of Amur Honeysuckle Powdery Mildew Fungi and Its Hyperparasite金银忍冬白粉菌及其重寄生菌的报道
7.Study on the Hyperparasites (Tuberculina Spp.) of Plant Rusts and the Hyperparasitized Rusts;植物锈菌的锈生座孢属(Tuberculina)重寄生菌及寄主的研究
8.The Influence of Nutrients on the Mycelial Growth of Pestalotiopsis sp.--Mycoparasite of Cronartium ribicola营养条件对茶藨生柱锈重寄生菌生长的影响
9.The Clone Growth Characters and Its Hyperparasitism on Rust of Hedysarum Scoparium;花棒克隆生长特性及其锈病重寄生菌研究
10.Characterization of Factors Affecting Activity of Chitinase Produced by Mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans影响重寄生真菌盾壳霉几丁质酶的活性因子
11.Ditylenchus wag a very important group of parasitic nematode in Xinjiang.新疆茎线虫是重要的植物寄生线虫。
12.Of the aix host species, four important pests, Nilaparvata lugens. Laodelphax atriatella and Sogatella furcifera accounted for 88.9% of the nematode parasitization.其宿主有褐稻虱等6种,寄生率28.6~88.9%,是稻飞虱的重要寄生性天敌。
13.Research of Important Hymenopterous Parasitoid Scleroderma Guani Xiao et Wu: Embryonic Development, Parasitizing Behavior and Population Rejuvenation;重要寄生性天敌管氏肿腿蜂的研究:胚胎发育、寄生行为及蜂种复壮
14.Destructive to parasites.杀寄生物的,除寄生虫的
15.an epizoic plant parasite.外寄生的植物寄生物。
16.The damage of plant parasitic nematodes to soybeans is generally unrecognized.植物寄生线虫对大豆的危害还未受到普遍重视。
18.The Double Effects of Transgenic Cotton on the Cotton Worm (Helicoverpa Armigera) and Its Two Parasites;转基因棉对棉铃虫和寄生蜂的双重效应研究

1.As result of hyperparasitism to the sclerotinia of sclerotium rolfsii, the path.将木霉菌株T88与7种常见的林果病原真菌进行平板对峙培养及显微观察,结果表明木霉菌株T88对立枯丝核菌Rhizoctoniasolani等供试的7种病原真菌都有明显的拮抗作用,可观察到T88对病原菌菌丝的缠绕、使细胞质变稀薄、菌丝消解或穿透等现象,以及对齐整小核菌Sclerotiumrolfsi的菌核的重寄生作用,使其发生腐烂,并抑制了白绢病菌菌核的萌发。
1.Research Advance in Mycoparasites of Plant Rusts in China;国内研究植物锈菌重寄生菌的现状
2.The results showed that the mycelium of 2 mycoparasites could fix and grow on the aecidiosorus of Cronartium ribicola J.施用重寄生菌MM011(Pestalotiopsissp。
3.The elementary properties of crude extract of the toxin produced by mycoparasite of Cronartium ribicola(Pestalotiopsis sp.对茶藨生柱锈重寄生菌拟盘多毛孢之一种产生的粗毒素进行基本性质研究。
1.A preliminary report on the hyperparasite of Coleosporium phellodendri;黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌研究初报
2.Study on specialization of parasitism of hyperparasites (Tuberculina vinosa, T. fraxinis);重寄生菌葡酒锈生座孢(Tuberculina vinosa)和白蜡锈生座孢(T.fraxinis)的寄生专化性
3.Identification of Schisandra sphenanthera rust and the hyperparasite;华中五味子锈病菌及其重寄生菌的鉴定
1.This paper deals with a detailed review on the species, biology, ecology and their effect on biological control of aphid hyperparasitoids.对蚜虫重寄生蜂的种类、生物学特性、生态学特性及蚜虫重寄生蜂对生物防治的影响进行了较详细的综述。
1.Notes on the two species of hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) of Hemiberlesia pitysophila (Homoptera: Diaspididae);松突圆蚧2种重寄生蜂的记述
2.gifuensis to aphid is greatly influenced by hyperparasitoid.烟蚜茧蜂是蚜虫的主要天敌,但其控制作用又受到重寄生蜂的影响。

全裸裸重唇重 俗名: 冷水鱼 产地及产期: 分布于伊洛瓦底江上游的大盈江。 介绍: 体长,侧扁。头锥形。口大,亚下位,弧形。下颌前缘无锐利角质。唇狭窄,下唇分两叶,唇后沟不连续。口角具须1对,极细小。除臀鳞外,全身裸露。背鳍刺软,无锯齿,起点显著在腹鳍之前。   是高山冷水中生活的小型鱼类。