1.Two newly recorded species of Indigofera (Fabaceae) in China;中国木蓝属两个分布新记录(英文)
2.The roots of Indigofera spp have been used as main substitutes for traditional Chinese drug“ShanDouGen”in many provinces of China, and usually called“MuLanShanDouGen”.木蓝属多种植物的根在中国不少地方作为中药山豆根的代用品/伪品,俗称木蓝山豆根,用于清热解毒、消肿利咽、补虚等。
3.The roots of Indigofera spp have been used as main substitutes for traditional Chinese drug“ShanDouGen”in many provinces of China such as Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Anhui and so on, usually called“Mu-Lan-Shan-Dou-Gen”.豆科木蓝属多种植物的根,在我国陕西、河南、湖北、山西、安徽等省作为中药山豆根的伪品/代用品,俗称“木蓝山豆根”。

1.Taxonomic Study on Indigofera国产木蓝属Indigofera的分类研究
2.Diversity of Rhizobia Isolated from Indigofera in Shaan Xi of China陕西省木蓝属根瘤菌遗传多样性研究
3.A blue dye obtained from these plants or produced synthetically.靛蓝一种从木蓝属植物中得到的蓝色染料,或是人工合成的蓝色染料
4.Contents and Quality Evaluation of Nutrition Elements in 11 Germplasms of Indigofera Linnaeus Tropical Green Manure木蓝属11份热带绿肥营养元素含量及品质评价
5.Any of several related plants, especially those of the genera Amorpha or Baptisia.木蓝属植物相关联的几种植物中的任何一种,尤指紫穗槐属或靛属植物
6.genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers.热带非洲一个草木或半灌木属,花常为蓝色。
7.evergreen or deciduous berry-bearing shrubs of northern hemisphere: cranberries; blueberries.北半球常绿或落叶性灌木的一个属,浆果;蔓越桔;蓝莓。
8.cedar wood雪松属木料, 杉木
9.genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America.长有一些奶液和艳丽的蓝色的花的草本和半灌木的属;欧洲到亚洲较少到日本和北美洲。
10.wood of any of various apple trees of the genus Malus.各种苹果属树木的木料。
11.genus of East Indian trees or shrubs: dhak.东印度乔木或灌木的属。
12.The wood of this tree or a wood similar to it.蓝花楹木这种树的或与之相似的木材
13.a blue dyestuff obtained from the woad plant.一种取自菘蓝属植物的蓝色染料。
14.of or pertaining to or characteristic of trees or shrubs of the olive family.属于、关于或具有木犀科树木、灌木特征。
15.A tree of the genus Guaiacum;a lignum vitae.愈疮木树一种愈疮木属愈疮木树脂
16." Indigo: Blue vat dye, obtained until about 1900 entirely from some species of the indigo plant."靛蓝蓝色还原染料,约在1900年以前,一直是从木蓝植物获得。
17.a hard brittle blue-gray or blue-black metallic element that is one of the platinum metals; the heaviest metal known.一种硬而脆的蓝灰色或蓝黑色金属元素,铂系金属,已知最重的金属。
18.A shrub or tree that bears elderberries.接骨木属植物产接骨木果的灌木或乔木

Indigofera sp木蓝
1.Analysis of 165 rDNA Sequence and DNA-DNA Hybridization of Rhizobia Isolated from Indigofera sp.;木蓝根瘤菌的16S rDNA全序列分析及DNA-DNA杂交
3)Indigofera Amblyantha Craib多花木蓝
1.Study on Characteristics of Hard seeds and Germination of Indigofera Amblyantha Craib;多花木蓝种子硬实与萌发特性研究
4)Indigofera endecaphylla Jacq铺地木蓝
1.Introduction of Indigofera endecaphylla Jacq under artificial forest in dry-hot valley Yuanmou,Jinsha river;金沙江流域元谋干热河谷人工酸角林地铺地木蓝引种研究
2.Introduction Study on Indigofera endecaphylla Jacq in Artifical Forest Space in Dry-hot Valley Yuanmou Jinsha River;金沙江元谋干热河谷人工林地铺地木蓝引种研究(Ⅰ)
5)Wood staining木材蓝变
6)Indigofera caloneura美脉木蓝
1.This paper reports two newly recorded species from China, namely Indigofera caloneura with 1-foliolate leaves from Yunnan and I.报道并描述了采自云南南部西双版纳具有1小叶的新分布种美脉木蓝Indigofera caloneura Kurz和采自广东具有单叶的新分布种心叶木蓝I。

木蓝【通用名称】木蓝【其他名称】木蓝 (《本草图经》) 【异名】槐蓝(《本草拾遗》),大蓝、大蓝青(《生草药性备要》),水蓝(《岭南采药录》),小青、印度蓝(《中国树木分类学》),青仔草、野青靛(《福建中草药》)。 【来源】为豆科植物木蓝的叶及茎。 【植物形态】木蓝 直立灌木,高40~60厘米。小枝被银白色短毛。单数羽状复叶,互生,长3~5厘米;小叶通常9~13片。对生,卵。枚矩圃形或长椭圆形,长1.5~1.8厘米,全缘,披有丁字形毛,叶干时带蓝黑色。总状花序,疏松,近无梗,长1.6~3.5厘米;萼小,斜形,银白色,上部5齿裂,齿牙与萼筒等长;花冠蝶形,红黄色,旗瓣圆形至矩形,翼瓣卵圆形,微与龙骨瓣相连,龙骨瓣匙形,爪上有一距;雄蕊10,2束;子房无柄,花柱短,内弯,柱头头状。荚果长约2.5厘米,无毛。种子8~12枚,不为念珠状。 野生或栽培。分布于山东、江苏、福建、台湾、广东、广西、湖北、四川、云南等地。 本植物的根(大靛根)以及叶的加工制成品(青黛、蓝靛)亦供药用,各详专条。 【采集】夏、秋采收。 【化学成分】全草含靛甙,水解后生成3-羟基吲哚,此成分氧化生成靛败。种子含多糖。 【性味】苦,寒。 ①《生草药性备要》:"味淡,性寒。" ②《福建中草药》:"微苦,寒。" 【功用主治】清热解毒,去瘀止血。治乙型脑炎,腮腺炎,目赤,疮肿,吐血。 ①《生草药性备要》:"消疮肿,去瘀生新。""叶治眼热膜,吐血。" ②《福建中草药》:"清热解毒。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两.外用:煎水洗或捣敷。 【选方】①预防乙型脑炎:木蓝鲜枝叶五钱至一两,水煎服。每三天一次,连服数次。 ②治乙型脑炎:木蓝鲜全草二至三两,水煎服。 ③治腮腺炎:木蓝鲜全草一两,水煎服;另用木蓝鲜叶和醋捣烂绞汁,涂抹患处。(选方出《福建中草药》)