1.Study on the culture process of Aspergill oryzae A100-8 as koji of soy sauce米曲霉A100-8种曲的培养工艺的研究
2.Aspergillus oryzae strains were screened to produce koji for fish sauce fermentation, and cultivated conditions of :5 fish sauce koji with single and mixing strains were also studied in this test.从5株米曲霉中筛选出适宜速酿鱼露生产的菌株,并对速酿鱼露种曲的培养条件进行单因素、多因素研究,并初步研究了复合种曲

1.Study on the culture process of Aspergill oryzae A100-8 as koji of soy sauce米曲霉A100-8种曲的培养工艺的研究
2.Study on the characteristic of Aspergillus oryzae3.042 proteinase米曲霉3.042种曲蛋白酶特性研究
3.All revolutionary movements qare bound to go through twists and turns.所有的革命运动都会经历种种曲折。
4.A soothing composition.催眠曲一种柔和的乐曲
5.The music for this dance.兰谢舞曲这种舞的舞曲
6.One of the variations contained in such a piece.一种变奏曲这种篇章中的一个变奏曲
7.A whimsical or light-spirited composition.谐趣曲,诙谐曲一种怪诞或以空想为主的乐曲
8.A composition written for such a combination.九重奏乐曲为这种组合所写的乐曲
9.The condition of having an arched surface.翘曲表面弯曲的这种状况
10.The best of this is known as CLASSICAL MUSIC.这种乐曲中最优秀的是古典乐曲。
11.A song, especially a French cabaret song.香颂一种歌曲,尤指法国餐馆歌曲
12.This effects called warping.此种效应称为翘曲。
13.a grotesque imitation or misrepresentation.一种荒诞的模仿或歪曲。
14.Germination Responses of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Seeds Sowed Last Summer经夏越冬播种水曲柳种子的萌发效应
15."curlicue,also curlycue:a fancy twist or curl, such as a flourish made with a pen.""花饰,旋曲:一种精致的弯曲或卷曲,如用钢笔写成的花饰."
16.A composition written to or as if to accompany this dance, often used as the first movement of a suite.阿勒曼德舞曲为这种舞伴奏而创作的乐曲,常作为组曲的第一乐章
17.A fancy twist or curl, such as a flourish made with a pen.花饰,旋曲一种精致的弯曲或卷曲,如用钢笔写成的花饰
18.An instrumental piece composed of a series of variations, as a suite.一种组曲由一系列变奏曲组成的乐曲篇章,作为一个整体

seed leaven种曲
1.Preparation of 3.324 seed leaven of sweet patato aspergillus;厚层通风制取3.324甘薯曲霉种曲
3)seed koji种曲
1.Study on the promotion and optimization of yeast extract to seed koji cultivation酵母抽提物对酱油种曲培养的促进作用及工艺优化研究
2.In order to increase number of Aspergillus oryzae spores in seed koji and neutral protease activity in soy sauce koji, carbon source, nitrogen source and inorganic salts were added to seed koji culture medium and their addition levels were optimized.以提高酱油种曲孢子数和成曲酶活力为目标,在麸皮培养基的基础上,对酱油种曲培养基的外加碳源、氮源、无机盐进行优化研究。
4)melody species曲种
1.During its shaping and development,Beijing Ba-jiao-gu has been spread in foreign places by different ways and combined with the local folk music and thus new melody species developed.北京八角鼓在形成与发展的过程中,通过多种途径在异地传播,并与当地的民间音乐相结合,进而形成新的曲种,这些在北京八角鼓影响下而形成的新曲种与北京八角鼓一起构成"八角鼓族系"。
5)quyi quzhong曲艺曲种
6)sauce's seed culture酱油种曲
1.Studying on the cultivation of sauce's seed culture with daqu distiller's grain;大曲丢糟在酱油种曲培养中的应用研究
2.The distiller's grain was partly used to replace some soy sauce bean to improve sauce's seed culture medium.用丢糟代替部分豆粕改良酱油种曲培养基,通过试验确定丢糟的最佳添加量为25%,培养时间为72h,所制得的种曲孢子数为2。

《笠翁十种曲》  见李渔。