研究应用,research and application
1)research and application研究应用
1.The paper summarizes the research and application achievements of oil shale waste,especially application status in building material industry in China,and puts forward a new way to increase useful quantity of the waste and reduce corresponding energy consuming in the process of dealing with the waste by non-fired and non-stream-cured method.本文综述了我国油母页岩渣研究应用的主要成果,特别是在建材行业的主要应用现状和理论研究成果,提出采用免蒸免烧的方法研制建材产品是提高油母页岩渣使用量、减少二次耗能的一条有效途径。
2.In addition, the research and application of low pressure casting technology in copper alloys and ferrous metals are described emphatically.重点叙述了低压铸造技术在铜合金及黑色金属领域的研究应用状况,并展望了低压铸造技术在未来的发展趋势。

1.Study and Implementation Framework Technology in Web System Based on SSH基于SSH的Web应用框架技术研究应用
2.Multi-Agent Research & Application;Multi-Agent研究与应用
3.R & D; research and development研究与开发(应用型科研)
4.Research Progress on the Bacterial Quorum Sensing and Its Application细菌群体感应效应及其应用研究进展
5.Research and Application of Functional Test in Web Application System;Web应用系统功能测试研究与应用
6.Study on a Rich-client Model (RIA) and Its Application;一个富客户应用模型(RIA)及其应用研究
7.Research and Implementation of Enterprise Application Integration Based on BPEL4WS;基于BPEL4WS的企业应用集成的研究及应用
8.Wireless Appilication Protocal (WAP) Research and Application;无线应用协议(WAP)研究与应用
9.Research and Application of Web Application Framework Based on J2EE;基于J2EE的Web应用框架的研究与应用
10.Research of Pattern Application in the Development of Software;应用软件开发中的模式应用技术研究
11.Study and Application on Web Application System s Effective Test;Web应用系统测试有效性的研究与应用
12.Research and Application of Design Pattern of Web Application System;Web应用系统设计模式的研究与应用
13.Research and Implementation of Enterprise Application Integration Based on Web Services;基于Web Services的企业应用集成研究与应用
14.Research and Application of Key Technologies for Web OA Application Security;Web OA应用安全关键技术研究与应用
15.Research and Application Based on MVC Design Patten on Web Application Framework;基于MVC模式Web应用框架的研究与应用
16.Research on Web Services Applications in Enterprise Application Integration;WEB服务在企业应用集成中的应用研究
17.Research and Application on Rich Internet Application Based on AJAX;基于AJAX的富Internet应用的研究与应用
18.The research and application of using the web service as an application program plug-in;Web Service应用程序插件研究与应用

study and application研究应用
1.Status and existing problems of natural ventilation study and application;自然通风的研究应用现状与问题探讨
2.Based on the analysis on the causes of spandres damage for two\|way curved arch bridge, this article stresses the importance for the study and application of the expansion joints with small capacity for expansion.通过对双曲拱桥拱上建筑损坏原因的分析 ,说明对小变量伸缩缝研究应用的重要
3.The study and application of ICSI in human and animal were summarized,and effects of egg,sperm,operation and others on the micro fertilization were discussed.作者综述了胞质内精子注射(ICSI)技术的原理及其在人及其他动物上的研究应用,阐述卵子、精子操作技术等对ICSI结局的影响,指出目前存在的问题和应用前景。
3)research application研究应用
4)applied research应用研究
1.Prospect and applied research of nanometer zine oxide powders;纳米氧化锌的应用研究展望
2.The deduction of water strategy conception and its applied research;水战略概念的演绎及其理论应用研究探析
3.The applied research of stage duration method undercontrolled temperature for forecast Litchi fruit borer;温控历期法在荔枝蒂蛀虫测报上的应用研究
5)Application study应用研究
1.The application study of several combined magnetic flocculants in restaurant waste water;磁絮凝在餐饮废水中的应用研究
2.The Progress of Application Study of the HPLC in Pharmaceutical Analysis;高效液相色谱在药物分析中的应用研究进展
3.The type CTL-12 chemistry needs the oxygen measurement settles the instrument application study;CTL-12型化学需氧量测定仪应用研究
6)application research应用研究
1.The application research about the coal and coal seam gas technology in Jinmei Group;煤与煤层气共采技术在晋煤集团的应用研究
2.Process of application research of rare earth elements as additives in domestic electrodeposition;稀土添加剂在金属电沉积中的应用研究进展
3.Application research on a computer supervisory system in heat net management;热网管理中计算机监控系统的应用研究

国防科学技术应用基础研究(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术应用基础研究(见国防科学技术预先研究)basic research for application of national defense science and technology  guofong kexue iishu yingyong iichuyQn]lu国防科学技术应用基础研究(basicreseareh for aPPlication ofnationaldefensesei-ence and technology)见国防科学技术预先研究。