60CO-γ射线,60CO-γ ray
~(60)Co-γ ray60Co-γ射线
1.The results showed that the ~(60)Co-γ ray radiation had caused changes of POD and EST isozymes under different doses,and the characteristics of POD and EST isozymes had also changed after the seeds were treated with different ~(60)Co-γ ray radiation doses.利用60Co-γ射线辐照处理多年生黑麦草超级德比(Derby Supreme)的干种子,对植株过氧化物同工酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)同工酶酶谱进行分析。
3)60Co-γ Rays60Co-γ射线
1.In this thesis,different doses of 60Co-γ rays are used to irradiate with maize seed,in the period of three-leaf,making use of CTAB to extract genome DNA of its sprout,from kinds of seedling irradiated by different doses,making restriction enzyme action on genome DNA,which helps to study damage efficiency imposed on DNA molecule by irradiation.以不同剂量的60Co-γ射线辐照玉米种子,对各处理组分单株,采用CTAB抽提法提取幼叶组织基因组DNA,并对基因组DNA进行酶切,研究辐照对基因组DNA分子的损伤效应。
2.The disinfect unit operation of garlic paste with 60Co-γ rays radiation was put forward in this paper.本文对香味蒜蓉60Co-γ射线辐照杀菌单元操作方法,以及辐照杀菌化学效应进行了探讨, 建立了17种人体必需氨基酸含量及氨基酸总量与辐照剂量的数学模型;以及主要营养素(大蒜素、Vc、蛋白质、总糖、脂肪、总酸、水分)与辐照剂量的关系模型。
4)60Co γ-rays60Co γ射线
1.The tubers of 2 tuberose varieties with single and double petal were irradiated by ~60Co γ-rays at different dose(15,20,25,30 and 35 Gy)and the untreated tubers used as control.用剂量分别为15、20、25、30和35Gy的60Co γ射线辐照处理晚香玉单瓣、重瓣2个品种的种球,以未辐照种球为对照,以通过60Coγ射线辐照处理筛选出优良品种。
2.Four varieties seeds of poplar were irradiated by different dose of ~60Co γ-rays, and the effect of irradiation on the M_1 generation were investigated.以60Co γ射线辐照杨树种子,测定不同剂量对4个杨树品种M1代的影响。
3.We studied the repairing effect of Sinonovacula constricta on genetic injury of ICR male mice induced by 60Co γ-rays.本实验以清洁级ICR雄性小白鼠为实验动物,研究了不同浓度缢蛏对60Co γ射线辐照致雄性小白鼠遗传损伤的修复作用。
5)60Co-γ ray radiation60Co-γ射线辐射
6)60Co-γ irradiation60Co-γ射线辐照
1.The pyrethroids and carbamate pesticides in apple juice were treated by 60Co-γ irradiation.采用60Co-γ射线辐照对苹果汁中4种拟除虫菊酯类农药和3种氨基甲酸酯类农药进行了降解,研究了不同辐照剂量对苹果汁中农药的降解效果和苹果汁主要理化指标的影响。

γ射线  波长短于 0.2纳米的电磁波。它首先由P.维拉尔发现的。当时已发现有些元素发射α、β两种射线,即称此第三种射线为γ射线。    γ射线是由核内能级发生跃迁时而发射的。核内能级间距大,故发射γ光子能量大,一般大于10-3MeV。在核反应或其他粒子反应中也会发射γ光子。此时γ光子能量往往更大。    对于长波的γ射线,可以利用晶体衍射法测定其波长。对高能光子,由于其波长远小于点阵间距,更好的方法是测量γ光子的能量以确定其波长。这时可以利用γ光子的光电效应,通过光电子的能量来测定γ光子的能量。当γ光子能量大于1.02MeV时,也可用γ射线产生的电子偶的能量来反推出γ光子能量。γ射线强度的测定可以采取与X 射线类似的方法。    γ射线在医疗上可用以治疗肿瘤,在工业上可对零件进行探伤。    参考书目   褚圣麟编:《原子物理学》,人民教育出版社,北京,1979。   R. Eisberg and R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and particles,John Wiley &Sons, New York, 1974.