休哈塔假丝酵母,Candida shehatae
1)Candida shehatae休哈塔假丝酵母
1.Xylose Fermentation by Candida shehatae to Produce Ethanol;休哈塔假丝酵母发酵木糖生产乙醇的研究
2.Ethanol production of xylose fermentation by Candida shehatae;休哈塔假丝酵母发酵木糖产乙醇的研究
3.Breeding of Candida shehatae Mutant Overproducing Ethanol from Xylose;发酵木糖高产乙醇休哈塔假丝酵母突变株的选育

1.Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Library of Candida Shehatae休哈塔假丝酵母抑制性差减文库的建立及其分析
2.Saceharomyces and Candida can also spoil juices.啤酒酵母和假丝酵母也能使果汁变质。
3.Analysis of DNA Heterogeneity and Drug Sensitivity of Candida spp. in Harbin哈尔滨地区假丝酵母菌DNA异质性及药物敏感性分析
4.candida:any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母:任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌.
5.Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.假丝酵母任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌
6.Fermentation Production Technology of Lipase with Candida sp. 99-125假丝酵母99-125脂肪酶的发酵工艺研究
7.Study on Fermentation Technology of Lipase with Candida sp. 99-125;假丝酵母99-125发酵生产脂肪酶的研究
8.Fermentation of Candida macedoniensis in wastewater of Suanjiang Tofu酸浆豆腐废水中发酵假丝酵母的研究
9.any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.属于假丝酵母的似酵母的不完全的真菌。
10.A new food yeast expression system:Candida utilis一种新的食品酵母表达系统:产朊假丝酵母
11.Study on Protoplast Fusion of Candida Aquatica and Saccharomy Cescerevisiae;酿酒酵母和水生假丝酵母原生质体融合研究
12.Study on producing protein feed through the candida利用假丝酵母生产蛋白质饲料的研究
13.Immobilization of Candida sp.lipase on resin D301D301树脂固定化假丝酵母脂肪酶
14.Functional Analysis of the Candida glycerinogenes TRP1 Gene产甘油假丝酵母TRP1基因的功能分析
15.Isolation,Identification and Drug Susceptibility Test of Candida假丝酵母菌分离鉴定及药敏试验分析
16.Application of genotyping in study of Candida spp.基因分型在假丝酵母菌研究中的应用
17.Metabolic Mechanism of Glycerol Production by Candida Glycerinogenes产甘油假丝酵母产甘油发酵的代谢机理
18.Study on Fermentation Condition of Xylitol Production by Candida tropicalis热带假丝酵母发酵法生产木糖醇的研究

Candida shehatae TZ8-13休哈塔假丝酵母TZ8-13
3)Candida mycoderma假丝酵母
1.Production of feed protein by Candida mycoderma on Daqu waste lees;大曲丢糟生产假丝酵母饲料蛋白的研究
2.Objective:Aspergillus niger and Candida mycoderma was used to ferment Daqu distiller's grain to produce single cell protein feed with the additive of glucoamylase and cellulose.目的:在添加糖化酶和纤维素酶的条件下,采用黑曲霉与假丝酵母发酵丢糟生产单细胞蛋白饲料。
3.Geotrichum candidum,candida mycoderma and rhizopus were used as seed speices respectively and Daqu distiller's grains used as main raw materials(addition of adequate auxiliary materials as culture medium) to produce single cell protein by solid fermentation.以白地霉、假丝酵母和根霉为菌种,以大曲丢糟为主要原料,通过添加适当辅料为培养基,经固态发酵方法生产单细胞蛋白。
4)Candida tropicalis假丝酵母
1.Xylitol Processing from Corn Cobs Hydrolysates by Isolated and Encapsulated Candida tropicalis LF04 from Soil;驯化和胶囊包裹的假丝酵母LF04发酵玉米芯水解液生产木糖醇(英文)
2.Bioadsorption of Cd by Candida tropicalis and Rhodotorula rubra;热带假丝酵母与深红酵母对Cd的吸附效果
3.Xylitol production from corn cob hydrolysate by Candida tropicalis假丝酵母发酵玉米芯半纤维素水解液生产木糖醇
5)Candida sp假丝酵母
1.Production of Ethanol by Fermentation of Xylose Using Candida sp.;假丝酵母Candida sp.木糖发酵生产乙醇
2.Fermentation Production Technology of Lipase with Candida sp. 99-125;假丝酵母99-125脂肪酶的发酵工艺研究
3.Biosorption of~(241)Am by Candida sp.;假丝酵母吸附~(241)Am的研究
1.Study on producing protein feed through the candida;利用假丝酵母生产蛋白质饲料的研究
2.Differentiation of Candida Species by PCR-SSCP Fingerprinting AnalysisPCR-SSCP技术在假丝酵母属菌种鉴别中的应用

掐丝珐琅五方塔  中国清代工艺美术品。塔通顶高236厘米,座径104厘米,乾隆三十九年(1774)由清宫造办处珐琅作承制,装设于宁寿宫内的梵华楼佛堂。塔方座,圆身,佛窝如复钵,内置镀金铜佛1尊、刹十三级,为藏传佛教塔。座前面的上边框中间有镀金年款:"大清乾隆甲午年敬造"。    该塔造型端庄,结构严紧,装饰华丽,随形施艺,或镂刻镀金,或錾、掐花纹填彩色珐琅,不同部位,饰以各种不同的花纹。塔上所饰的宝相花、狮子、回纹、莲瓣等,以掐丝填大红、粉红、月白、正黄、紫、绿、宝蓝等 7色珐琅料而成,其梵文经咒及款文,则用錾胎填釉的方法做成。