黑胸散白蚁,Reticulitermes chinensis
1)Reticulitermes chinensis黑胸散白蚁
1.Development and differentiation of various castes in the immature stage of Reticulitermes chinensis;黑胸散白蚁幼期不同品级的发育和分化
2.Inhibition of main components of a new pyrethroid termiticide on CarEs and Ca-ATPase in Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder;一种菊酯类复合剂对黑胸散白蚁体内CarEs和Ca-ATPase活性的影响
3.Effect of fipronil against Reticulitermes chinensis氟虫腈对黑胸散白蚁的药效观察

1.Primary Studies on the Cellulase Genes in the Gut of Reticulitermes Chinese Snyder;黑胸散白蚁肠道纤维素酶基因的初步探究
2.Primary Studies on the Symbiotic Methanogens in the Gut of Wood-feeding Lower Termites Reticulitermes Chinensis;黑胸散白蚁肠道共生甲烷菌的初步研究
3.Studies on the Symbiotic Bacteria Associated with Pyrsonympha Grandis of Wood-feeding Lower Termites Reticulitermes Chinensis;黑胸散白蚁肠道鞭毛虫共生细菌的初步研究
4.Phylogenetic Analysis of the Symbiotic Bacteria Associated with Protists in the Gut of Reticulitermes Chinese Snyder;黑胸散白蚁肠道鞭毛虫共生细菌的系统发育分析
5.Oviposition and hatching behavior of Reticulitermes chinensis under group rearing condition with several couples of dealate adults黑胸散白蚁多对脱翅成虫群养的产卵及孵化行为
6.Comparative study on the oogenesis between workers and queens of Reticulitermes aculabialis尖唇散白蚁工蚁和繁殖蚁卵子发生比较
7.Structure of the compound eye of alales Odontotermes formosanus黑翅土白蚁有翅成虫复眼的形态结构
8.Observation on the Function of 5-HT in the Brain and the Thoracic Ganglion of Polyrhachis Vicina Roger;5-羟色胺在拟黑多刺蚁脑部及胸神经节中的表达研究
9.Study on Inter-specific Competition and Inter-colony Competition from Different Colonies for Odontermes Formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae);黑翅土白蚁巢群间竞争和种间竞争的研究
10.Study on the Biochemical Mechanisms of Lignocellulose Degradation by Odontotermes Formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae);黑翅土白蚁降解木质纤维素的生化机理研究
11.Anatomical Observation on Digestive and Reproductive System of Odontermes Formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Termitidae);黑翅土白蚁消化及生殖系统结构的解剖观察
12.large widely distributed family of termites of temperate to tropical regions.对热带气候适应的大面积分散的白蚁群。
13.Studies on Nerves and Hormones Regulation in Gonad Development of Reticulitermes Aculabialis;尖唇散白蚁性腺发育的神经和激素调节研究
14.common European finch mostly black and white with red throat and breast.常见的欧洲雀鸟,多是黑白色,喉部和胸部是红色。
15.Study on the Properties and Purification of Endo-β-1, 4-Glucanase from Odontotermes Formosanus(Isoptera:Termitidae);黑翅土白蚁内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶分离纯化及其特性研究
16.Structure and Diversity of the Bacterial Community in the Gut of Wood-feeding Lower Termites (Reticulitermes spp.);木食性散白蚁肠道共生细菌的区系结构和多样性
17.Studies on Androgen Receptor and c-fos Regulation in Oogenesis of Reticulitermes Aculabialis;尖唇散白蚁卵子发生的雄激素受体和原癌基因c-fos的调节研究
18.He was wearing a pleated skirt, white bra, black and white saddle shoes, and a woman's wig.他身上穿着一件百褶裙,白色的胸罩,黑白线条的鞋子和女人的假发。

Reticulitermes chinensis snyder黑胸散白蚁
1.The developmental length for flight and inhibition from reproductives on individual differentiation of colony of Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder;黑胸散白蚁的分飞成熟年龄及生殖蚁对子代个体分化的抑制作用
2.Phylogenetic analysis of symbiotic archaea in the gut of Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder黑胸散白蚁(Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder)肠道共生古菌的系统发育分析
3.The activity of some important enzymes of Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder concerned with pyrethroid metabolism was studied in vitro .研究了黑胸散白蚁 ( Reticulitermeschinensis Snyder)体内与菊酯类杀虫剂代谢有关的羧酸酯酶( Car Es)、多功能氧化酶 ( mfo)、Na- K- ATPase和 Ca- ATPase等几种代谢酶的活性 。
3)Reticulitermes flaviceps黄胸散白蚁
1.Toxicity and attractive effect of sulfluramid baits on the workers of Reticulitermes flaviceps;氟虫胺毒饵对黄胸散白蚁的室内毒性和引诱性研究
2.Difference of the susceptibility between Reticulitermes flaviceps and Coptotermes formosanus workers to ivermectin;台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁对伊维菌素的敏感性差异
3.Toxic Effects of Ivermectin Against the Workers of Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes flaviceps;伊维菌素对台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁的毒效观察
4)Reticulitermes speratus黄胸散白蚁
1.Toxicity of Keyixing Powder to Reticulitermes speratus;克蚁星粉剂对黄胸散白蚁的毒效
2.Toxicity of Abamectin against Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe);阿维菌素对黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes speratus的毒效
5)Reticulitermes fukienensis Light花胸散白蚁
1.This paper deals with the polyethism in Reticulitermes fukienensis Light.该文在花胸散白蚁ReticulitermesfukienensisLight的侦察行为和取食行为方面进行了比较详细的探讨,同时还分析了其消化系统发育与取食行为变化之间的相互关系。
6)Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki黑翅白蚁

黑翅土白蚁(formosan white termite)  黑翅土白蚁(formosan white termite) 茶树根茎害虫之一,又名黑翅大白蚁、台湾黑翅大白蚁,俗称白蚂蚁,属等翅目白蚁科,学名为Odont otermes formosanus Shiraki。 国内分布很广,最北至洛阳一带。蚁群在地下蛀食根部,并在泥道通至地上蛀害枝干,除茶树外,还为害松、杉、油茶等多种林木。 形态:属多型性昆虫,分有翅型的雌、雄生殖蚁(蚁后、蚁王)和无翅型的非生殖蚁(兵 蚁、工蚁)等。有翅成虫体长12-15mm,翅长20-30mm,头、胸部及腹部深褐色,足淡黄色,翅暗褐色。蚁后腹部极度肥大,乳白色至淡黄色,上有褐色斑块。兵蚁体长55-60mm,头部卵圆形,橙黄色,上颚赤褐色镰刀形,左上颚内缘有一个显著的齿,齿尖向前,右上颚相应亦有一齿,但甚微小。工蚁体长4.6-6mm,头部黄色,近圆形,触角17节,胸、腹部灰白色,足乳白色,卵长椭圆形,白色。 生活习性:新的有翅生殖蚁发育成熟后,于4-6月闷热天气,成群出巢婚飞,雌雄配对,脱翅交尾,钻入土中筑巢产卵,育出各种类型白蚁个体。其中工蚁最多。 防治:人工挖巢。灯光诱杀有翅蚁。用灭蚁灵或用烟剂压入蚁巢,灌烟灭蚁。