创新教学体系,innovative teaching system
1)innovative teaching system创新教学体系
1.This study attempts to establish "the innovative teaching system" for microbiology experiment course through the innovation of teaching contents, teaching methods, teaching tests and teaching administations, which would be applicable to students majored in biotechnology.从教学内容创新,教学方法创新,建立合理的“微生物学实验课程测验系统”和科学的“微生物学实验管理体系”入手,尝试创建适用于生物技术专业的微生物学实验课程创新教学体系
2.The construction and improvement of innovative teaching system of Ideological and Political Theory in Higher Vocational Colleges call for persisting in human -based instruction principles and employment orientation, developing top quality teaching staff and distinctive teaching modes, which reflect educational principles for different levels of competency.高职院校构建和完善“思想政治理论课”创新教学体系要坚持“以人为本”的教学理念,建立高素质的专业教师队伍,坚持以就业为导向,建立具有自身特色的教学模式,体现分层分类教育的原则。
2)a innovative teaching system教学创新体系
1.To build a innovative teaching system of physical culture in the institution of higher leaming is of long-term strategic meaning, is can strengthen and inprove the fruit of physical cultuer in the period of the middle and primary schools deeper.大学生处于身心较为成熟的青春时期 ,是接受教育、自我完善和实现个体社会化的最佳阶段 ,构建高校体育教学创新体系对于巩固和提高中小学阶段体育成果 ,进一步深化高校体育的教学改革 ,培养学生独立锻炼的能力和习惯、开拓创新精神 ,形成终身体育观和树立健康第一的思想具有长远的战略意义。

1.Study on Practical Education Innovation System of Logistics Management Specialty;物流管理专业实践教学创新体系研究
2.Imagination to the Structure of New System of the Experimental Teaching of Teachers College;对高师实验教学创新体系结构的设想
3.The New Curriculums Call for Innovation for Training Primary School Teachers;新课程体系呼唤小学教师教育的创新
4.Perfecting Innovation-oriented Education System and Improving Education Teaching Quality;完善创新教育体系 提高教育教学质量
5.Constructing New Experimental System and Cultivating Students Innovation Ability;创建实验教学新体系培养学生创新能力
6.Creative Education Based on 112 Educational System;围绕“112”教学体系 塑造设计创新教育
7.Studies on the Innovative Experimental Teaching System for Higher Institutions高等教育创新性实验教学体系的探讨
8.The Innovating Research on the Teaching System of the Course of Physical Training and Fitness;体育与健康课程教学体系的创新研究
9.Revolution and Innovation of Bioscience Experiment Teaching System;生命科学实验教学体系的改革与创新
10.On the Innovations and Improvement for the Assessment System of College English Teaching大学英语教学评估体系的创新与完善
11.On the Innovation of Teaching System;高校创新人才培养关键在于教学体系创新
12.The construction of teaching system focusing on innovation and practice and the cultivation of the creative talents on technological application建立创新实践教学体系 培养创新技术应用人才
13.Constructing Extra-curriculum Creative Education System,Cultivating College Students' Capability of Innovation构筑课外创新教育体系 培养大学生创新能力
14.Research and Practice on Teaching System of Creating New Ideas and Career创新创业教育实践教学体系的研究与实践
15.Constructing the Teaching Model System of the Innovation Education of Mathematics in Secondary School;构建中学数学创新教育的教学模式体系
16.The Innovation Research of the Discipline Theory Construction of the Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育学科理论体系创新研究
17.On Adjustment to the Course System of Pharmacy and Foundation of New Education Mode;调整药学课程体系 创建新型教育模式
18.The Construction of the Piano Teaching System in Normal College;调整与创新:高师钢琴教学体系的构建

a innovative teaching system教学创新体系
1.To build a innovative teaching system of physical culture in the institution of higher leaming is of long-term strategic meaning, is can strengthen and inprove the fruit of physical cultuer in the period of the middle and primary schools deeper.大学生处于身心较为成熟的青春时期 ,是接受教育、自我完善和实现个体社会化的最佳阶段 ,构建高校体育教学创新体系对于巩固和提高中小学阶段体育成果 ,进一步深化高校体育的教学改革 ,培养学生独立锻炼的能力和习惯、开拓创新精神 ,形成终身体育观和树立健康第一的思想具有长远的战略意义。
3)innovation teaching system创新性教学体系
4)experiment teaching system of innovation创新性实验教学体系
5)Teaching Model System of the Innovation Education of Mathematics数学创新教育的教学模式体系
1.Constructing the Teaching Model System of the Innovation Education of Mathematics in Secondary School;构建中学数学创新教育的教学模式体系
6)teaching system innovation教学系统创新

个人化教学体系个人化教学体系personalized system of instruction  个人化教学体系(personalized systemof instruetion)见“凯勒计划,,。