资助项目,Projects funded
1)Projects funded资助项目

1.Study on the Evaluation of the R&D Medicine Project Supported by JiLin Province;吉林省医药研发资助项目效果评价研究
2.Statistical Analysis on Sponsored Projects at Applied Economics in National Planning of Social Science Funds;国家社科基金应用经济学科资助项目统计分析
3.On the Post-evaluation of Management Science Project under NSFC:Using Logistic regression model;NSFC管理学部资助项目后评估结果的Logistic回归分析
4.Projects accepted and supported in 2002 in division of materia medica and pharmacology NSFC;NSFC药物学与药理学学科2002年度受理与资助项目
5.Construction of the Target System of Performance Measurement of Basic Scientific Research;基础研究资助项目绩效评价指标体系构建
6.supplementary-funded project补充资金资助的项目
7.Who is providing the backing for the project ?该项目有谁资助?或该项目的资助出自何方?
8.an MRC-funded project医学研究委员会资助的项目.
9.SRC-funded projects科学研究委员会资助的项目.
10.Project-funded personnel项目经费资助的工作人员
11.This development is federally funded.这一发展项目是由联邦政府资助的.
12.Do you know of any other causes that Carnegie funded?您知道卡内基还会资助那些项目吗?
13.Research on Public Assistance Model for PFI Project and Analysis of Its Application;PFI项目公共资助模型研究及应用分析
14.A giving of funds to an institution or a person in order to subsidize a project or program.资助赠款为资助一个项目或计划拨给机构或个人的基金
15.If Party A has selected a proposal to which it would like to provide funding support如果通用公司选择了某个申请项目给予资助
16.To organise the whole sales team to support the project managers to achieve the collection of receivables.组织整个销售团队协助项目经理回笼资金。
17.The Helios aircraft is an American space agency support project.太阳神航空器是一个美国航天局资助的项目。
18.The administration built several new housing projects.行政部门资助了好几幢新楼的建筑项目

funded projects项目资助
3)program acceptance and funding项目受理与资助
4)financially supported project基金资助项目
5)Aid project on medicine医药学资助项目
6)capital project assistance资本项目援助

意大利南方发展资助局意大利南方发展资助局  【意大利南方发展资助局I意大利为地方发展需要而设立的区域性信贷专业机构。1953年在纳波里设立。创办基金为100亿里拉。