历史语境,historical context
1)historical context历史语境
1.A study of Bing Xins prose writing from the relationship between the texts and the historical context;从文本和历史语境的关系看冰心的散文创作
2.Under the new historical context,facing the tempestuous trend of the market-oriented economy,should the intellectual stand fast or develop what is useful and discard what is not? The wit experiences of from Gao Li-wei in Ever to Be the End of the Earth to Chi Da-wei in Water of the Canglang River provide us a handicapped but feasible resolution.在新的历史语境下,面对汹涌澎湃的市场经济大潮,知识分子是坚守还是扬弃?《曾在天涯》中的高力伟和《沧浪之水》中的池大为的心路历程,提供了一种不完美但是切实可行的解决问题的方式。

1.The Reader Study in Historical-linguistic Context of 20~(th) Century of China;二十世纪中国历史语境中的读者研究
2.Historical Context of Zeng Guofan s "Resurgence of Tongcheng Group" and Its Effect;曾国藩“中兴桐城”的历史语境及其作用
3.Socio-historical Factors and Translation:a Case Study of Yan Fu s Translation of Evolution and Ethics;论社会历史语境下的严译《天演论》
4.Civic Society: The Historical Context of Marx s Concept of Class;市民社会:马克思阶级概念的历史语境
5.Shanghai Buildings Remodeled in Old District and the Metropolitan Historical Discourse Context旧改中的上海建筑及其都市历史语境
6.On the Chinese Historical Context Constructed by "Aesthetic-production Theory"论“审美生产主义”建构的中国历史语境
7.Xi Shi in Historical Settings and Literary Discourse;论历史语境和文艺话语中的西施及其文化内涵
8.On the flowing characteristic of the humanitarianism literature in China during the 20th century;历史语境中的20世纪中国人道主义话语流变
9.Personal Discourses in Special Historical Context: on Fu Lei s Home Letters;特定历史语境中的个人话语——论《傅雷家书》
10.Reconstructing African American History and Expecting Human Paradise-Decoding Paradise in the Historical Context;重构黑人历史 期盼人间乐园——解读历史语境下的《乐园》
11.On Some Major Problems in the Chinese Translations of Shakespeare s Sonnets;翻译中的历史语境和文化语境——莎士比亚十四行诗汉译疑难探究
12.Critics and Heritage :Socrates and Heidegger in Historical Context批判与继承:历史语境中的苏格拉底和海德格尔
13.Circle "Winterreise" and Its Historical Context and Romantic Factor;声乐套曲《冬之旅》及其历史语境与浪漫主义因素
14.A historical study of the Chinese culturology;中国“文化研究”兴起的语境及历史动因
15.The Context of Globalization and the Complex of Prosperity in Historical Narration;全球化语境与历史叙事的“盛世”情结
16.New - historicism the New-timed Films and TV;新历史主义语境下的中国新时期影视
17.Context, politics and History:──The Fifty Years Controversies on the Boxer Morement;语境、政治与历史:义和团运动评价50年
18."All History is the History of Thought":The Analysis of Discourse and Reinterpretation of the Connotation“一切历史都是思想史”:语境分析与内涵再探

Historic Context历史语境
1.The vocation,"To make the past serve the present,to make foreign things serve China",as a theory pattern and culture policy,embodied openning and foresight in that historic context and developed the literature cause of new China.“古为今用 ,洋为中用”这一号召作为一种理论范式及文化政策在当时的历史语境中体现出了开明和远见 ,促进了新中国文艺事业的发展。
3)history linguistic environment历史语境话语
4)the specific historical context具体历史语境
5)non-historical context非历史性语境
6)socio-historical context社会历史语境
