情人节,valentine's day
1)valentine's day情人节
1.Chinese Tanabata Festival and Western Valentine's Day under Perspective of Intercultural Communication跨文化视野下的中国七夕节和西方情人节

1.Lovers exchange cards on Valentine's Day.情人在情人节互赠贺卡。
2.Valentine's Day 1996.1996年的情人节
3.Yes, that's perfect. Sunset, Valentine's Day.好极了!情人节日落时。
4.who, for the first time since Valentine's Day,她则是在情人节之后,
5.I will be thinking of you on Valentine's Day.情人节当天我将思念你。
6.For me there has been only one Valentine's Day worthy of the name.对我来说,只有一个称得上是情人节情人节
7.a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day.被选择在情人节送给祝贺的情人。
8.will you be my valentine?你能成为我的情人节情人吗?
9.Saint Valentine's Day圣瓦伦丁节,情人节(2月14日)
10.Now people are even celebrating such holidays as Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.现在还时兴什么“情人节”、“母亲节”。
11."This is the scene that greets you on Valentine's Day, "映入你眼帘的这幕情景就是情人节
12.L: What did the lovers do to celebrate the Valentine's Day?(当时情侣们是怎么庆祝情人节的呢?
13.Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. To whom will you express your love?明天是情人节,你要向谁表达情意呢?
14.Valentine's Day was Feb.14, and Chinese call it "lovers' day".2月14日是瓦伦丁节,中国人称之为情人节
15.It's not such an important day for westerners on that day;对西方人来说情人节不是什么特别重要的节日。
16.That's why occasions like Mother's Day or Father's Day, and Valentine's Day have become so significant."正是因为如此,诸如母亲节、父亲节和情人节等节日才变得如此重要。
17.After all, Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers, it's just an occasion to show someone you love him or her."毕竟,情人节不仅仅是情人的节日,也是一个向你爱的人表达感情的节日。
18.Valentine's Day gives lovers a chance to express their feelings.情人节给恋人们提供了一个表达情感的机会。

cannibalist plots食人情节
1.The Outlaws of Marsh" described many cannibalist plots.《水浒传》有很多食人情节的描写。
3)Chinese Saint Valentine's Day中国情人节
4)valentine cards情人节卡片
5)White Valentine's Day白色情人节
6)Valentine Traditions情人节传统
