行为观察量表,behavioral observation scales
1)behavioral observation scales行为观察量表
1.The Research and Development of Behavioral Observation Scales for Appraising the Performance of Charge Nurses of Class Three Hospital in Sichuan;四川省三级医院护士长绩效考评行为观察量表的研发

1.The Research and Development of Behavioral Observation Scales for Appraising the Performance of Charge Nurses of Class Three Hospital in Sichuan;四川省三级医院护士长绩效考评行为观察量表的研发
2.Effects of Cultural Factors on the Applicability,Contents and Validity of Behavioral Observation Scale文化因素对行为观察量表适用性、评价内容及评价效果的影响
3.the act of looking out.观看、观察的行为动作。
4.On Reconciliation in Administrative Discretion;论行政裁量中的和解——以德国法和美国法为观察
5.The act of observing or keeping watch.留神观察观察或嘹望的行为
6.The act of seeing, watching, or examining carefully.观看,察看看、观察或仔细检查的行为
7.the act of looking or seeing or observing.观察、察看、观望的行为动作。
8.oBserve a child's Behavior.观察一个孩子的行为
9.Code of Conduct for International Observers国际观察员行为守则
10.The Establishment of NPC Cell Line Overexpress MiR-302s and Characterization of Its Biological Behaviors过表达MiR-302s鼻咽癌细胞株的建立及其生物学行为的观察
11.The PE. Teachers of Middle School Non-spoken Language Teaching Behavior Observation Formulation and Application中学体育教师非言语教学行为观察表的制定及应用
12.The decrease of Kv1mRNA expression in dorsal root ganglion in rats大鼠坐骨神经损伤性疼痛的行为观察和背根神经节中Kv1mRNA的表达
13.Objective To study the effects of excessive zinc in fodder on brian development and abilities of learning and memory and to explore their mechanisms in young rats.目的观察锌过量对幼鼠脑发育和学习记忆行为的影响。
14.Observation on effect of behavior nursing to enhance quality of life of patients undergoing hemodialysis行为护理对提高血液透析病人生活质量的效果观察
15.Multifaceted Conceptions of Supervisor-Subordinate Ratings Disagreement on One Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale;多角度考察主管与下属对组织成员行为量表评估的不一致性
16.At this point, brief bullet points describing characteristics of the behavior are sufficient. Stick to observed behaviors as much as possible.在这一步中,描述行为特征简略的要点就够了,尽量按照被观察到的行为来描述。
17.In order to obtain independent representations on viewpoint, the three principal axes of the object should be found frm the moment of inertia matrix by computing its eigenvectors.为了得到独立于观察点的表示,应通过计算惯量矩阵的特征向量确定客体的三个主轴。
18.Observation Instrument in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Classroom Based on the COLT Scheme;基于COLT量表的对外汉语课堂观察量化工具研究

the ABOS攻击行为观察量表
3)Behavior Observation Survey行为观察调查表
4)behavior observation行为观察
5)observing behavior观察行为
1.From the professional view,the observing behavior of teacher is one of the basic behaviors of teacher,which means the course of collecting meaningful information in a meaningful unit by teacher.如果从专业的角度看,教师观察行为是教师的基本行为之一,它是指教师在一个意义单元内搜集有意义的信息的过程。
6)animal behavioral study行为学观察

AAMD适应行为量表AAMD适应行为量表AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale,ABS  AAMD适应行为量表(A A M D A d aptiveBehavior scale,ABs)美国智力低下协会(A AMD)所出版的一个评定智力低下和情绪适应不良的量表。适用年龄从3岁起到成人。分A、B、C三式,A式为标准本,用十3岁至成人;B式为公立学校本(A BS一Psv),用于2一6年级;C式为学校增订版,用于3一17岁。评定21或24个领域:如独立能力,身体发育,经济活动,语言发展,数和时的观念,家务活动(仅A式有),职业活动,自我管理,责任感,社会化,暴力和破坏行为,反社会行为,反抗行为,不可信任的行为,退缩,刻板和古怪行为,不合适的人际态度,不能接受的陋习,自残行为(仅A式有),活动过度倾向,异常性行为(仅A式有),精神障碍,药物滥用。适应行为是诊断智力低下的一个重要依据,智力低下的定义是智商低下,适应行为受损,两者发生在成年前。智商依靠智力测验确定,适应行为依靠行为评定。AAMD适应行为量表便是为此目的而编的。AAMD提出的适应水平分六级。一级:在低的竞争环境中有一定的能力,但在个人事务管理上要有某些支持和监督;二级:在部分竞争或竞争环境中具有有效的社会和经济能力;三级:在无竞争或受保护的环境中具有有限的社会和经济功能:四级:对有限的环境和人际关系有反应,生计需要监督,在有帮助的情况下过机械的生活;五级:仅能对最简单的环境和人际关系有反应,生计与日常生活事物完全依赖他人监督;六级:在生理或姿势上有全面的残缺,需要不断的医学全护。 (龚雄先撰林传而审)