差异思维,difference thinking
1)difference thinking差异思维
1.The systems of difference are represented by physical difference,geographical difference,social and cultural difference,and difference thinking.差异的普遍性与绝对性给客观、全面描述差异带来了巨大的挑战,差异的系统表现可以简单概括为物理差异、地理差异、社会文化差异和差异思维
2)thinking difference思维差异
1.One of the objectives in the teaching of English writing in senior middle school is to help students to avoid thinking differences and to improve writing by reducing syntactic mistakes.本文就网络时代下如何避免思维差异,提高英语写作能力,特别是减少句法错误,进行了相关研究。
2.The paper explores the thinking differences between English and Chinese through the translation and analysis of an article.翻译的过程常常就是跨越思维差异的过程。
3.From the perspective of cultural transmission,the chief topic of the paper is the description of the relations of translation,thinking differences and cultural transmission.本文主要从文化传递的角度论述了翻译、思维差异和文化信息传递的关系。

1.On the Differences of Thinking and the Transfer of Thinking in E-C Translation for Postgraduates;论思维差异与研究生英汉翻译中的思维转化
2.An Analysis of syntactic Differences and the Cultivation of the Learner’s English Sensibility;中英句法思维差异及英语思维能力的培养
3.Thinking Difference and Modes of English and Chinese Expressions英汉民族的思维差异及语言表达模式
4.On the Authentic Version from the Perspective of English and Chinese Thinking Dissimilarities;从英汉思维差异的视角谈“地道”的译文
5.The influence of the Thinking Difference between Chinese and English on College English Writing;汉英思维差异对大学英语写作的影响
6.Influences on Translation about Language Thought Contrasts between English and Chinese;浅析英汉语言思维差异对翻译的影响
7.Difference Between Chinese and English Culture Leads to Different Thought Patterns and Different Discourse Styles;浅谈中西思维差异对英文写作的影响
8.Difference between Thinking Modes of English and Chinese:An Main Obstacle in College English Writing;英汉思维差异对大学英语写作的影响
9.Linguistic Manifestations of Different Modes of Thinking in Chinese and English;论英汉民族思维差异在语言中的体现
10.English and Chinese : Thinking Differences under the Different Cultural Background;英汉语言:不同文化背景下的思维差异
11.Thought Discrepancies --On Language and Culture between Chinese and Westerners;思维差异——中西方语言与文化的比较
12.A Brief Analysis of Thought, Cultural Difference and the Difference of Chinese and English;思维、文化差异与中英语言差异浅析
13.On the Transformation of Sino-occidental Thinking Patterns in Translation中西思维方式的差异与翻译中思维方式的转换
14.The difference of thinking mode and its relation with thinking characters;论思维方式的差异性及与思维个性的关系
15.The effects of the differences between English and Chinese thought patterns on English composition;英汉思维模式差异对英语写作的影响
16.Implications of the Differences between English and Chinese Discourse Patterns for the Teaching of TEM4 Writing;论英汉语篇思维模式差异与TEM4写作
17.Impact of Different English and Chinese Thought Patterns on EFL Writing;英汉思维模式差异对EFL写作的影响
18.How Differences between Chinese and English Way of Thinking Influence English Writing;汉英思维方式差异对英语写作的影响

thinking difference思维差异
1.One of the objectives in the teaching of English writing in senior middle school is to help students to avoid thinking differences and to improve writing by reducing syntactic mistakes.本文就网络时代下如何避免思维差异,提高英语写作能力,特别是减少句法错误,进行了相关研究。
2.The paper explores the thinking differences between English and Chinese through the translation and analysis of an article.翻译的过程常常就是跨越思维差异的过程。
3.From the perspective of cultural transmission,the chief topic of the paper is the description of the relations of translation,thinking differences and cultural transmission.本文主要从文化传递的角度论述了翻译、思维差异和文化信息传递的关系。
3)different ways of thinking思维差异
1.A Review of the Research on Different Ways of Thinking between the East and the West;东西方思维差异研究评介——兼评尼斯贝特《思维的地域性:东西方思维差异及其原因》
2.This thesis discussed the different ways of thinking in English and Chinese.本文就英汉思维差异入手,从几个方面阐述这些差异对翻译的影响,认为译者在翻译过程中应注意英汉思维差异的影响。
3.Therefore,the different ways of thinking in Chinese and English,that is,the former tends to be more intuitive,subjective,holistic,synthetic and thinking in images while the latter to be more rational,objective,individual,analytical and l.汉英两个民族的思维差异,如汉语民族注重悟性而英语民族注重理性、汉语民族注重主体意识而英语民族注重客体意识、汉语民族注重整体思维而英语民族注重个体思维、汉语民族注重形象思维而英语民族注重抽象思维、汉语民族注重综合思维而英语民族注重分析思维等,都在翻译活动中直接或间接地作用于译者,迫使译者寻求两种语言与思维之间的同一与契合。
4)different modes of thinking思维差异
1.Among all these versions, the author is going to analyze Walley s version from the perspectives of different modes of thinking between China and western world on the basis of the analysis of several examples of the translated version.本文以ArthurWaley的译本为文本,选取译本中的例句考察译本的对等性,进行分析,并从中西思维差异的几个方面指出了造成这种现象的原因。
2.Differences between languages derive from the different modes of thinking as thinking is the basis of language.思维是语言的基础和前提,思维差异的存在直接导致了不同民族语言差异的形成。
5)thought difference思维差异
1.It attempts to reveal the influence of thought difference on translation and the way of getting rid of the negative influence.本文拟从英汉思维差异入手,通过对比思维形态及其在语言上的表现,揭示英汉思维差异对翻译的影响以及排除消极影响的途径。
6)thinking differences思维差异
1.This paper begins with the relationship between thought and language, and discusses the influence of thinking differences on the E-C language transition by way of contrastive analysis in thinking patterns and the language features.本文从思维与语言的关系入手 ,通过英汉不同思维模式的对比及其两种语言特点的分析 ,讨论了思维差异在英汉语言转换中的影响 ,揭示了在英语写作中提高英语思维能力排除母语干扰的重要

思维发展两性差异思维发展两性差异sex differences in thinking development  思维发展两性差异(sex differenees inthinking development)两性思维差异表现在:(1)思维类型的差异。女性思维更多地偏向于形象思维,男性更多地偏向抽象思维。(2)思维品质的差异。总体上讲,无论从思维的深刻性、思维的灵活性、创造性和敏捷性,男性均优于女性,不同的只是在程度上有所差异而已,如男性在处理问题时,不作周密的考虑,速度快易犯错误;女性在处理问题时,犯轻率性错误较少,思维精确性较高,但速度慢。 (白学军撰林常拢审)