黄文山,HUANG Wen-shan
1)HUANG Wen-shan黄文山
1.HUANG Wen-shan and the Thought of Anarchism in "May 4th" Period;黄文山与“五四”时期的无政府主义思潮

1.HUANG Wen-shan and the Thought of Anarchism in "May 4th" Period;黄文山与“五四”时期的无政府主义思潮
2.As a site of cultural heritage, the mountain is the cradle of "Mount Huangshan Civilization".作为文化遗产,是"黄山文化"的发祥地。
3.Writing Biography for Lijiang Painting Scholl--Preface of Huang Gesheng Research Work Collection;为漓江山水立传——《黄格胜研究文集》序
4.Huizou cultural tourism have already become another great except for Huangshan scenery of this scenic spot.徽州文化旅游已经成为继黄山风光后黄山旅游的又一大品牌。
5.Huangshan mountain religion culture and tourism economy coordinative development investigation research;黄山市宗教文化与旅游经济协调发展调查研究
6.Combination of Sports Scenic Spot Development and Huizhou Culture;黄山市体育旅游景点开发与徽文化结合之研究
8.Genetic Diversity of Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Region in the Population of Wenshan Cattle云南文山黄牛mtDNA D-loop区遗传多样性分析
9.Determination of Total Flavonoids and Polysaccharide of the Wild Anocetochilus Plants in Wenshan Prefecture文山野生金线莲总黄酮及多糖含量测定
10.Culture construction in gold mining enterprises based on innovative ideas基于创新理念的黄金矿山企业文化建设
11.Population genetic structure and differentiation of Anthoxanthum alpinum in the subalpine alpine ecocline of Swiss Alps阿尔卑斯山高山亚高山过渡区高山黄花茅的群体遗传结构和分化研究(英文)
12.Abstract: Xin′ an(徽州) is at the southern foot of Huangshan Mt, the most awe-inspiring mountain on earth, where not only are hills and water very beautiful but culture has been prosperous.文摘:新安(徽州)于天下第一奇山黄山南麓,山川灵秀,文风昌盛,有“东南邹鲁”之称。
13.From the Tang Dynasty on down, baths have been built on the Yellow Mountain and many famous writers and painters have used the Yellow Mountain Hotspring as their theme with the result that its fame has spread far and wide.自唐代以来,黄山就建有温泉浴室,历代诗画名家、文人墨客,多有题咏,使黄山温泉名声愈振。
14.cDNA Library Construction and Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) Analyses of an Alpine Plant Species Gentiana officinalis (Gentianaceae)高山植物黄管秦艽cDNA文库构建与表达序列标签(EST)分析(英文)
15.On the Different Collections of Works of Sun Yat-sen--also commenting on Selected Works of Sun Yat-sen Edited by Huang Yan孙中山文集整编之回顾与发展——兼评介黄彦编《孙文选集》
16.Scenic spots at Huangshan Mountain, Wulingyuan, Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong are listed as parts of the world natural and cultural heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.黄山、武陵源、九寨沟、黄龙等风景名胜区被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。
17.Every bit of Huangshan Mountain scenery is worth painting.黄山山景,处处可以入画。
18." An early Sung writer, Huang Shanku, believed that "the lines and form of writing come quite accidentally, like the holes in wood eaten by insects.黄山谷相信文章的词句与形式偶然而生,如虫在木头上啮成之洞孔。

Huangshan culture黄山文化
1.The lack of related research results in people s confusion and misunderstanding of Huangshan culture.文化研究的缺位,造成人们对黄山文化认识的混乱与错误。
3)Wenshan cattle文山黄牛
1.The results in this study indicated that the genetic variability in the Wenshan cattle population was high and there were two maternal origins to this cattle breed,viz.为了从母系遗传角度深入阐明云南文山黄牛的群体遗传背景,采用PCR直接测序法测定了24头文山黄牛的线粒体DNA D-loop区全序列。
4)Huɑng Wenshɑn黄文山(1901~1988)
1.Resource survey of Verbenaceae in Huangshan and its garden use;黄山马鞭草科种质资源调查及园林用途研究
2.Medicinal Pteridophyte Resources and Evaluation in Huangshan of Anhui province;黄山药用蕨类植物资源及开发利用
3.Bamboo resource and its protection and utilization in Huangshan region;黄山地区竹类资源保护及其开发利用
6)Mount Huangshan黄山
1.Conservation and Planning of World Geo-heritage in Mount Huangshan;黄山世界地质遗产的保护与规划
2.Study on Tourism Carring Capacity and Environmental Qualities of Mount Huangshan;黄山风景区旅游容量及相关环境问题研究
3.Calculation on Present Seasonal Frozen Earth and Permaprost During the Quaternary of Mount Huangshan;黄山现代季节性冻土与第四纪多年冻土的推算
