当代资本,contemporary capital
1)contemporary capital当代资本

1.On the Developing Trend of Principal Contradictions of Capitalism;当代资本主义基本矛盾发展趋势刍议
2.The Analysis of the Socialized Character of the Contemporary Capitalist Society Capital Ownership;当代资本主义社会资本占有形式的社会化特点
3.Review on Transition from Private Capitalism to Social Capitalism;论私人资本主义向社会资本主义的转变——对当代资本主义的分析
4.The Root Cause and Essence of the New Changes of Contemporary Capitalism;当代资本主义新变化的原因及其实质
5.How to Comprehend New Transformation Of Contemporary Capitalism;如何正确认识当代资本主义的新变化
6.Exploration about Deng Xiaoping’s idea on Re-development of Capitalism;邓小平论当代资本主义“再发展”问题
7.On Youth Cognition to Contemporary Capitalism;青年学生如何正确认识当代资本主义
8.On features of productive forces development of modern capitalism;略述当代资本主义生产力发展的特点
9.To See Contemporary Capitalism in the Perspective of Marx s Sublation View;用马克思的扬弃观透视当代资本主义
10.Dualism of Modern Capitalist Society and Economy and its Revelation;当代资本主义社会经济两重性与启示
11.The new changs in contemporary capitalismand the ″two necessities″;当代资本主义的新变化与“两个必然”
12.Viewing Contemporary Capitalist Culture from the Communist Manifesto;读《共产党宣言》看当代资本主义文化
13.Ecological socialism’s criticism of contemporary capitalism;生态社会主义对当代资本主义的批判
14.On Neo-technological Innovations and New Variations in the Modern Capitalist World;新技术革命与当代资本主义经济问题
15.Thoughts about the Development of Contemporary Capitalist Society;对当代资本主义社会发展的几点认识
16.Understand correctly the new characteristics of the development of current capitalism;准确把握当代资本主义发展的新特征
17.Deng Xiaoping s Discourse of The Theoretical Characteristics of Modern Capitalism;邓小平论述当代资本主义理论的特点
18.On the Adjustment of the Contemparary Capitalist Society s Production Relations;论当代资本主义社会生产关系的调整

contemporary capitalism当代资本主义
1.On the unbalance of the development of contemporary capitalism;论当代资本主义发展的不平衡性
2.A Discussion about How to Have a Correct Understading of Several Issues concerning Contemporary Capitalism;关于如何正确认识当代资本主义的几个问题
3.Analysis and Comment on the New Social Factors in Contemporary Capitalism;当代资本主义新社会因素论析
3)modern capitalism当代资本主义
1.On features of productive forces development of modern capitalism;略述当代资本主义生产力发展的特点
2.Three Recognitions of Modern Capitalism;关于当代资本主义的三个认识问题
3.Great changes have taken place in modern capitalism since the second world war."二战"后,当代资本主义发生了一系列变化。
4)Capital in the Contemporary Era《资本论》与当代
5)present capitalist research当代资本主义研究
6)contemporary capitalist economic system当代资本主义经济制度
1.The transition from Fordism to post-Fordism is an evolutionary tendency of contemporary capitalist economic system since 1970s.20世纪70年代以来,从福特制向后福特制的转型是当代资本主义经济制度新的演变趋势。
