"墙"语言,"wall " language
1)"wall " language"墙"语言
1.Language Skill Deficits in Chinese Children with Specific Reading Disorder;汉语阅读障碍儿童语言能力研究
2.Language is the Bridge of Connecting Feelings between Nurses and Patients;语言是沟通护患感情的桥梁
3.The Art of the Use of Language in Clinicial Work;临床工作中语言运用的艺术

1.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言
2.formula translatorfortran语言
3.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言
4.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为
5.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.
6.proficiency in language usage语言修养 语言修养
7.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论
8.comparative philology比较语言[语文]学
9.BASIC extensionBASIC语言扩充
10.COBOL extensionCOBOL语言扩充
11.ALGOL-like source language类ALGOL源语言
12.diagnostic FORTRAN诊断fortran语言
13.COBOL applicationCOBOL语言应用
14.BASIC applicationBASIC语言应用
15.Of or relating to language or linguistics.语言的,语言学的语言语言学的或与之相关的
16.a second, a foreign, an acquired language第二语言、 外国语言、 后天学得的语言.
17.FROM LANGUAGE TO SPEECH--Sources and Changes of Artistic Language;从语言到言语——艺术语言的源流和变迁
18.The Distinction between Language and Speech (Langue et Parole) and the Standardization of Language and Words;语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范化

1.Language Skill Deficits in Chinese Children with Specific Reading Disorder;汉语阅读障碍儿童语言能力研究
2.Language is the Bridge of Connecting Feelings between Nurses and Patients;语言是沟通护患感情的桥梁
3.The Art of the Use of Language in Clinicial Work;临床工作中语言运用的艺术
1.Effect of stimulus intensity on auditory event-related potentials evoked by tone and speech;纯音和言语刺激声强度对听觉事件相关电位的影响
2.Normative data of disyllabic Mandarin speech test materials for normally hearing people;双音节普通话言语测听词汇表的听力正常人评价标准
3.Analysis of the Hearing Aids and Speech Development of 113 Children with Hearing Loss;113例聋儿的助听及言语发育调查分析
1.The behavior and manners of the nurses affect directly patients lives and health, and the words they use are the tie emotionally between the patients and doctors.医护人员的行为举止对病人的健康和生命有着直接影响 ,其语言是沟通医患之间感情的纽带。
2.Furthermore we should use scientific words which are simple,active,original,persuasive and can rouse the customers.广告文案是广告创作的主体,在文案创作中,应做到主题明确、内容真实、结构简明,另外,还要注意语言科学,要求用词简明扼要、生动新颖,具有适应性和心理鼓动性。
3.Flowing Away,short story of Chi Zi-jian,shows reader a pure elegant drawing of northern countries by mysterious blue images and clean charming words.迟子建的短篇小说《逝川》,以其神秘忧郁的意象、美丽纯净的语言,为读者展现了一幅清新优美、意味绵邈的北国风光图景。
1.A note of the automaton and recognizable languages;关于自动机与可识别语言的一个注记
2.on the legitjmacy of the minority languages in our country viewed from the perspective of linguistic functions;从语言功能看我国少数民族语言的合理性
1.Besides,this paper also illustrates the coexistence of understanding and linguistics and based on whi.当代德国哲学家伽达默尔的哲学解释学认为,人是语言的存在物,人在语言中栖息是理解的基本前提和起点,理解中的视阈融合就是一个解释者和本文之间无尽的对话——游戏过程。
