人类共同关切,common concern of mankind
1)common concern of mankind人类共同关切
1.On the other,it is the common concern of mankind as it is facing tough challenges and requires international cooperation."人类共同遗产"原则与"人类共同关切"概念应当共同指导"全球公域"的国际管理。

1.Cultural Diversity as Common Heritage and Common Concern of Mankind文化多样性作为“人类共同遗产”与“人类共同关切
2.Research of ‘Common concern of humankind’ in Convention on Biological Diversity《生物多样性公约》中“人类共同关切问题”探析
3.Paying Close Attention to the Earth Day and the Common Future of Our Human Being;关注地球日 关注人类共同的未来
4.A close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests.朋友关系密切的朋友或有共同兴趣的人
5.Study on the Relation between the Principle of "Common Heritage of Mankind" and the Other Relative Principles;论“人类共同遗产”原则与相关原则的关系
6.The common interest of mankind in the protection of the human environment has been recognized with a growing sense of urgency in recent years.近年来,人们越来越迫切地认识到人类在保护环境方面的共同利益。
7.The supreme need of our time is for men to learn to live together in peace and harmony.目前我们最迫切的需要是让人类学习共同和平与协调一致地生活。
8.On types of complicity in Chinese criminal law;关于我国刑法中共同犯罪人类型的重新思考
9.Several International Law Problems Related to Human s Co-inheritance of Fortunes;与人类共同继承财产相关的几个国际法问题
10.Proverbs about Speech and Silence: A Universal Linguistic Perspective;从一组有关言语的谚语看人类共同的言语观
11.Common lyapunov functions for switched linear systems关于线性切换系统的共同Lyapunov函数
12.Our two countries share Broad common interests and shoulder a common responsibility on major issues bearing upon human survival and development在事关全人类生存与发展的重大问题上,两国有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同的责任
13.Complex, critical choices will have to be made by human beings individualy and collectively.人类将不得不个别地或共同地做出复杂而关键的选择。
14.His first purpose was to give unity to the human race by the likeness of nature.其一是以共同的人性统一人类。
15.bred of parents not closely related; (anthropology) having parents of different classes or tribes.由关系不密切的父母生育的;(人类学)父母属于不同的社会等级或者不同的部落。
16.Our two nations are knit together by common concerns.我们两国被共同关切的问题连结在一起。
17.A common interest in gardening brought Molly and Loretta into closer rapport.对园艺共同的爱好使莫莉及罗瑞塔关系更密切。
18.The man and woman were drawn together by an interest in poetry.对诗歌的共同兴趣使这一对男女关系更加密切。

common concern of humankind人类共同关切问题
1.CBD has pointed out,each party should ‘Affirming that the conservation of biological diversity is a common concern of humankind’.《生物多样性公约》序言指出,各个缔约国确认保护生物多样性是全人类共同关切的问题,"人类共同关切问题"被界定为一个新兴法律概念已经引起各界的注意。
3)Be on intimate terms with sB同某人关系密切
4)inheritance of the whole human race人类共同继承
5)common interest of the human beings全人类共同利益
6)mankind common emotional sense人类共同情感

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。