中美文化表象,Sino-US cultural representation
1)Sino-US cultural representation中美文化表象

1.Cultural representation of contemporary China and the United States and the reasons for differences in the performance浅析当代中美文化表象差异的表现及其原因
2.The Expression of Blood Image and its Aesthetic Meaning in Ancient Chinese Literature;古代文学中的“血”意象表达及审美意义
3.Cultural exploration on image of beautiful women in classical poems;古典诗词中“美女”意象的文化考察
4.The Aesthetic Connotation of Symbolic Culture in the Belief Custom of the Western Areas;西部信仰民俗中象征文化的美学意蕴
6.The Colour Aesthetic Viewpionts of the Uygurs and Folkways Culture Showed in it维吾尔族色彩审美观及所表现的民俗文化现象
7.Imagination:A Device Revealing Feminine Beauty in Ancient Poems;论中国古代诗文中女性美的表现手法——想象
8.A Contrastive Linguistic Analysis of Written Presentation of Company Profile--Focusing on Cultural Transfer in BE Writing;中美公司英文简介中的文化迁移现象初探
9.Aesthetic conceptions about water in Russian and Chinese cultures;水之美——俄、汉民族文化中关于水意象的审美观
10.The Superficial Linguistic Features and Substantive Connotation of Sino-west Cultural Difference;中西文化差异的语言表象及实质内涵
11.Aesthetic Consiousness and the Transferrence of Cultural Images in Translation;审美意识与文学翻译中文化意象的传递
12.Translation of Cultural Image in Chinese Tourism Text: A Reception Aesthetics Perspective从接受美学视角看旅游文本中文化意象的翻译
13.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Imagery of Water and Aesthetic Appreciation for Female in Chinese Culture;中国文化中水意象与女性审美关系之探微
14.The Symbolic Connotation of "Sheep" in Chinese Cuisine Culture-Aesthetics and Ethics“羊”在中国食文化中的象征意蕴:美性与德性
15.A Comparison of the Chinese Titles of Deputy Positions and their English Counterpartsand their Respective Cultural Implications;简述职务副职的中英文表达及其文化现象
16.Different Expressions in Different Culture between Sino-Britain and America;从中-英美文化差异看语言表达之不同
17.A New Chinese American Feminine Image with the Dream of Integrating Chinese and American Cultures;憧憬中美文化融合,塑造华裔女性新形象
18.Aesthetic Tendency and Cultural Meaning of "Willow" in "Ci" of Song Dynasty;宋词中杨柳意象的审美取向和文化内涵

cultural representation文化表象
3)Chinese and American culture中美文化
1.Analyzing the differences between Chinese and American cultures through the vision of cartoon movies is a topic that combined practicality with interest.从动画片这一视角分析中美文化内涵的差异,是一个实用性与趣味性相结合的话题。
4)Chinese and American cultures中美文化
1.The reasons why Rong Hong took this great responsibility were that he was rich with Chinese and American cultures, ideals and enterprise.容闳之所以能承担如此重任,是和他中美文化兼通、富于理想和矢志不渝的奋斗精神分不开的。
2.By contrast,this paper briefly discusses the strong influence of Chinese and American cultures upon advertising in the context of the two cultures;meanwhile,the paper clearly demonstrates the specific reflection of the former by the latter.本文运用对比的方法,从经济文化和社会文化的视角讨论了中美文化对广告的影响,同时论证了中美广告对中美文化的具体反映。
5)Esthetic cultural phenomenon审美文化现象
6)artistic representation美术表象
1.The combination of embroidery and traditional apparel produces Mongual ian(Tu people)embroidered attire,which is distinct from that of any nationality in China,especially the artistic representation,such as,in colors ,in lines,in designs,in chiaroscuro,etc,thereby demonstrating Tuzu distinguishab lity in its embroidered apparel.刺绣和土族传统的服饰文化相结合 ,产生了独具土族民族特色的刺绣服饰 ,土族刺绣服饰作为民族文化的重要载体 ,在色彩、线条、图案、明暗等方面都有着不同于其他民族的美术表象 ,从而突显了土族刺绣服饰独特的民族特

表象法表象法imagery  表象法(i magery)心理咨询和治疗的方法之一,指让来访者想像自己已经选择并实施了某种途径,体验可能会产生的情绪和结果,从而提高积极性。这是心理学家拉扎鲁斯(Lazarus)于1977年提出的,临床运用有一定效果。如让一个酗酒者想像戒酒后的自己,能清醒、轻松、愉快地出现在各种社交场合,得到别人的尊重和理解。也可让来访者对自己的心理障碍或躯体疾病进行表象性的想像治疗。举例来说,一个患高血压的病人,想像自己的血压在一个什么程度,这时就出现了血压在这一程度波动的表象。自己又想像,我要放松,心情要平稳,使血压下降,又看到表象中的血压好像真的通过不断的放松使血压降低。 (朱永新赵拼派撰梁宝勇审)