语义相悖,distinction of semantic meaning
1)distinction of semantic meaning语义相悖
2)semantic paradox语义悖论
1.Research of semantic paradox through cyclical vibration function;解决语义悖论的振荡周期函数模型——一种对语义悖论的可能解释
2.The sentences that bring typical semantic paradoxes are all ambiguous.本文由悖论非存在定理之引理推得一个重要推论———所谓“悖论”既有可能是非真非假的单义句也有可能是多义句 ,并进而论证了所有典型“语义悖论”均属后一种情况 ,根本就不是什么真正意义上的悖论 ,从而彻底修正了克里普克的有关理论。
3.Every sentence causing a typical semantic paradox has the same meanings with it s negation and is also ambiguous.导致典型语义悖论的语句同义于其否定,并且具有多种含义。

1.Research of semantic paradox through cyclical vibration function;解决语义悖论的振荡周期函数模型——一种对语义悖论的可能解释
2.On the Counteracting Principle of Typical Semantic Palpitating Theory--Answer to Mr. HUANG Zhanyi;关于典型语义悖论的消解原理——答黄展骥先生
3.Ross Paradox and the Semantic Theory of Denotic Logic;罗斯悖论与标准道义逻辑的语义理论
4.An Analysis of the Semantics of Paradox and an Application;逻辑悖论的语义动力学分析及其意义
5.Two Different Concepts of the Liar Paradox:A Comparative Study of the Situational Semantic Solution and Paraconsistent Logical Solution;两种不同的悖论观——情境语义学解悖方案与次协调逻辑解悖方案比较研究
6.The Paradox and Possibility of Liberal Nationalism under the Context of Globalization;“全球化”语境下:自由民族主义的悖论与可能
7.Linguistic Construction of Reality and Paradoxes of Truth in Realistic Fiction;语言建构与现实主义小说中的真实悖论
8.The Tension of Thoughts and the Paradox of Utterance--The Interpretation About Post-modernism in the Culture Context of China;思想张力与话语悖论——中国文化语境中的后现代主义诠释
9.A Paradox in Language Regionalism--On the Inherent Logic of Dialectic Construction in Chinese Literature of the 20th Century;语言地方主义的悖论——论20世纪中国文学方言建构的内在逻辑
10.Post-modernistic Discourse influence of a Socialism Rebel;一个社会主义“叛逆者”的后现代话语影响——对利奥塔“悖论推理”的辨析
11.Reflections on Linguistic Antinomy and Cultural Antinomy in Translation Studies;译学研究中的语言悖论与文化悖论思辨
12.A Comparative Research of Situation Semantics Solution and Traditional Solutions to the Liar Paradox;情境语义学解悖方案与传统解悖方案比较研究
13.Context, World of Life and Paradox--Paradox Studies from the View of Hermeneutics and Pragmatics;语境、“生活世界”与悖论——从语用学和解释学的角度看悖论
14.Analysis of “extremity” implied in English contradictions between form and meaning in negation and affirmation;英语形义肯否定相悖现象的“极限”语义分析
15.Marching against Translation Paradoxes:Rethinking Ku Hungming's Translating Strategy of The Discourse and Sayings of Confucius悖论中前行:辜鸿铭英译《论语》策略反思
16.Simple Dissolutions of the Liar and This and That Paradoxes;“说谎者悖论”、“亦此亦彼悖论”的简明消解——“复合命题”和“矛盾定义”谬误
17.Cracking the Chinese “perfective paradox” in line with the solutions to the “imperfective paradox”;从“非完成态悖论”的解决方案看汉语中的“完成态悖论”
18."The Paradoxes of Feudalism" and the Feudal States in Medieval Western Europe;“封建主义的悖论”与中古西欧封建国家

semantic paradox语义悖论
1.Research of semantic paradox through cyclical vibration function;解决语义悖论的振荡周期函数模型——一种对语义悖论的可能解释
2.The sentences that bring typical semantic paradoxes are all ambiguous.本文由悖论非存在定理之引理推得一个重要推论———所谓“悖论”既有可能是非真非假的单义句也有可能是多义句 ,并进而论证了所有典型“语义悖论”均属后一种情况 ,根本就不是什么真正意义上的悖论 ,从而彻底修正了克里普克的有关理论。
3.Every sentence causing a typical semantic paradox has the same meanings with it s negation and is also ambiguous.导致典型语义悖论的语句同义于其否定,并且具有多种含义。
3)semantics of paradox悖论语义
4)inconsistent with meaning悖语义
1.The counter- moral education phenomenon which disobeys the moral education goal in the elementary and middle schools education appear frequently.中小学教育中经常出现与德育目标相悖的反德育现象。
6)situational semantic solution情境语义学解悖方案
1.The situational semantic solution and paraconsistent logical solution to the liar paradox actually reflect two different concepts of the liar paradox.情境语义学解悖方案与次协调逻辑解悖方案反映了两种不同的悖论观,二者在以下四个方面存在重大差异:(1)对悖论中所包含的矛盾认识不同;(2)解悖思路不同;(3)对悖论产生根源问题认识不同;(4)解悖结果不同。

语义语义semantics  yUyl语义(哭mantics)语言的各个成分的含义。在程序设计语言中,即程序的含义。程序设计语言的语义,一般在语言文本中用自然语言描述,说明用该语言编写的程序的意义,即在计算机上执行时将会做什么。常用的程序设计语言语义的形式描迩方法有:公理语义,代数语义,指称语义和操作语义(参见形式方法)。 语义分奋态语义和动态语义。静态语义指程序的编译含义,即编译程序对程序的理解,包括量的作用域法则、说明、类型匹配等。编译时无法理解、而要到运行时才能理解的含义称为动态语义。