逆向文化适应,adverse adaptation
1)adverse adaptation逆向文化适应
1.In this article,new concepts as "duality of cross-cultural adaptation" and "adverse adaptation" are put forward.文章提出了新概念"文化适应的双向性"和"逆向文化适应"。
1.Diversity of Acculturation: Survey on Foreign Students of Chinese Origin in China;多样性文化适应:对华裔学生来华留学的调查与分析
2.The influence of the religious belief on acculturation of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia;宗教信仰对东南亚华人文化适应的影响
3.The Empirical Study on Relationship of College Students Acculturation and Network Learning;大学生文化适应与网络学习关联的实证研究

1.of or relating to acculturation.属于或关于文化适应的。
2.Viewing Culture Shock in the Process of Cross-cultural Adaptation;跨文化适应过程中的“文化休克”现象
3.An Anthropological Retrospection and Reflection on the Evolution of Modern Chinese Wushu Culture--From Cultural Adaptation to Cultural Consciousness;近代中国武术文化变迁的文化人类学审视——从文化适应到文化自觉
4.The Acculturation of the Immigrants:The Immigrants Adaptation of Fertility Values in Diaozhu of Ningxia Province;移民的文化适应:宁夏吊庄移民的生育观念调适
5.On Duality of Cultural Adaptation & Diversity of Choice Directions of Cultural Accommodation;论文化适应的双重性与调适取向的多样性
6.The Impact of Corporate Culture on ERP Implementation and Cultural Conformed Change;ERP实施中的企业文化影响力及文化适应性变革
7.An Analysis of the Cultural Adaptation in Yangshuo West Street from the Perspective of Cultural Differences;从文化差异的视角剖析阳朔西街的文化适应
8.The Study of Acculturation Process and Mode on Cross-Culture Management;跨文化管理中的文化适应过程与模式研究
9.Relationship between cultural identification attitudes and acculturation in minority;少数民族文化认同态度模式与文化适应的关系
10.Cultural Shock and Cultural Adaptation in the Reform of Teaching;教学改革中的文化冲击与文化适应问题
11.A Study of the Acculturation Strategies among American Expatriates in Guangzhou;美国人在穗文化适应策略的实证研究
12.A Study of Cross-Culture Acculturation Mode Based on Psychological Contract;基于心理契约的跨文化适应模式研究
13.An Empirical Study on Acculturation Strategies of Chinese Students in Germany;留德中国学生文化适应策略实证研究
14.Acculturation of Ethnic Minority College Students in Southwest China;西南少数民族大学生的文化适应研究
15.Transformation and Preservation:The Cultural Adaptation of Hakas in Southeast Asia;嬗变与保持:东南亚客家人的文化适应
16.Ecological Environment and Cultural Adaptation of the Villagers of Longji Village of the Zhuang;生态环境与龙脊壮族村民的文化适应
17.An Analysis of Working Mechanism of Acculturation on Second Language Learning;文化适应对二语学习的作用机制分析
18.Constructing Enterprise Culture Suitable for the Application of EPR System;建设与ERP系统应用相适应的企业文化

1.Diversity of Acculturation: Survey on Foreign Students of Chinese Origin in China;多样性文化适应:对华裔学生来华留学的调查与分析
2.The influence of the religious belief on acculturation of ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia;宗教信仰对东南亚华人文化适应的影响
3.The Empirical Study on Relationship of College Students Acculturation and Network Learning;大学生文化适应与网络学习关联的实证研究
3)cultural adaptation文化适应
1.Missionary medicine and cultural adaptation in modern China:On the cultural position of the medical missionary;藉医传教与文化适应——兼论医学传教士之文化地位
2.Cultural Adaptation and Belief Tran scendence;文化适应与信仰超越——从明末清初天学之兴衰看“补儒”和“合儒”的有效性
3.The Cultural Adaptation and the Difficult Inheritance Condition of the Diet Custom of Luchuan Hakka;陆川县客家饮食习俗的文化适应与传承困境
5)strategies used in adverse adaptation逆向适应策略
6)cultural assimilator oriented training文化适应导向训练

逆向逆向  即"逆向转录过程"。