礼仪原则,etiquette principle
1)etiquette principle礼仪原则
1.There are a number of differences of the etiquette cultures between Chinese and English,having different etiquette principles,such as humility and praise,power and equality and Groups and individuals.中英传统礼仪文化有着不同的礼仪原则,其礼仪文化存在很大的差异性,如谦虚与赞美的差异、权势与平等的差异以及群体与个体的差异等。
2)politeness principles礼貌原则
1.A Comparative Study on Differences between Chinese and Western Politeness Principles;跨文化语用对比分析下的中西礼貌原则之文化差异
2.On face perception and politeness principles in intercultural communication;跨文化交际中的面子论与礼貌原则
3.Politeness Principles and Similarities and Differences between the Chinese and Western Cultures;礼貌原则与东西方文化异同

1.Politeness and Appropriateness;礼貌与得体——从礼貌及礼貌原则的文化特性谈起
2.Politeness Principle and Differences Between English and Chinese Polite Language;礼貌原则与英汉礼貌用语的文化差异
3.Politeness Principles and Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Politeness Languages中英礼貌原则及礼貌用语的文化差异
4.Intention Principle,Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle;谎言与目的原则、合作原则及礼貌原则
5.On the Maxims of Tact and Generosity of the Politeness Principle;论礼貌原则中的策略准则和慷慨准则
6.Analysis of Politeness in Hotel Service Discourse;饭店服务话语礼貌原则和礼貌策略探析
7.On the Input of Politeness Language and Politeness Tacticsin English Teaching;英语教学中礼貌原则和礼貌策略的输入
8.A Note on Strategic Functions of Polite Languages in Perspective of Politeness Principle从礼貌原则的角度看礼貌语言的策略功能
9.The Inadequacies of Geoffrey Leech's Politeness Principle杰弗里·利奇“礼貌原则”的不足之处
10.A Contrast on the Differences of Politeness Principle in Chinese-English Cross-Cultural Communication英汉跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的差异
11.Discussion on the Principle of Politeness ──A talk with Mr. Gu也谈礼貌原则──兼与顾曰国先生商榷
12.Comparison Between Politeness Principles in English&Chinese and Cross-Cultural Communicative Language Teaching and Learning;英汉礼貌原则对比与跨文化交际教学
13.On the Applicability of G.N.Leech s Politeness Principle in China;浅析Leech的礼貌原则在中国的适用性
14.The Difference in Politeness Principle between English & Chinese and Its Roots;英汉礼貌原则差异及其历史文化根源
15.Non-cooperation Phenomenon in Conversation Because of Politeness Principle;礼貌原则导致的会话“不合作”现象
16.Transfer of Mental Spaces by Means of Pronouns and Principles of Politeness;代词产生的心理空间转换与礼貌原则
17.Analysis on the Use of Politeness Principle to English Teaching;跨文化交际中的礼貌原则与英语教学
18.The Relativity of Politeness Principle and Language Application Mistakes;礼貌原则的相对性及引起的语用失误

politeness principles礼貌原则
1.A Comparative Study on Differences between Chinese and Western Politeness Principles;跨文化语用对比分析下的中西礼貌原则之文化差异
2.On face perception and politeness principles in intercultural communication;跨文化交际中的面子论与礼貌原则
3.Politeness Principles and Similarities and Differences between the Chinese and Western Cultures;礼貌原则与东西方文化异同
3)politeness principle礼貌原则
1.Differences of Politeness Principles Between English and Chinese Cultures;中英两种文化中的礼貌原则的区别(英文)
2.A Comparison Study of Politeness Principle between English and Chinese Language and Cultural Differences;英汉语言中礼貌原则对比及文化内涵研究
3.Politeness Principle and Its Application in English Business Leetter Writing;礼貌原则及其在商务英语信函写作中的运用
4)principle of politeness礼貌原则
1.The paper proposes that functional fake information results from the principle of politeness in Chinese culture and the rhetoric employed in verbal communication.汉语中功能假信息的产生是因为交际双方都受到汉语言文化礼貌原则影响的缘故,而汉语对修辞的较高要求也是功能假信息能够得以流传的原因。
2.From Grice s cooperative principle to Leech s principle of politeness,from related principle to goal-intention principle,a variety of discussion emerged in academic circle.从格赖斯(Grice,1967;Cole&Mogan,1975)的合作原则到利奇(Leech,1983)的礼貌原则(principle of politeness),从斯波伯和威尔逊(Sperber&Wilson,1986)的关联原则到国内学者钱冠连的目的-意图原则(goal-intention principle),可谓仁者见仁,智者见智。
3.It aims to help people for a better understanding and an effective application of the principle of politeness, thus promote efficiency in their transcultural communication.通过对比里奇与顾曰国提出的礼貌原则 ,希望找到两者的契合与分叉之处 ,从而有助于人们更好地理解礼貌原则的本质 ,在跨文化交际中更加灵活地应用礼貌原则 ,以提高交际效率。
5)polite principle礼貌原则
1.Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle of Lies in Drama;戏剧谎言里的合作原则与礼貌原则
2.Lie is a kind of language phenomenon and polite principle is helpful as far as the interpretation of lie is concerned,and cooperative principle as well.谎言是常见的语言现象,合作原则和礼貌原则对谎言现象有一定的解释力,然对曹禺戏剧《日出》中谎言现象的分析发现:本文拟提出的目的原则(Intention Principle,简称IP)对戏剧中的谎言现象具有相当的解释力,可作为对合作原则(Cooperative Principle,简称CP),和礼貌原则(Polite Principle,简称PP)在解释某些语言现象,如谎言现象方面起到补充作用。
3.The paper gave an account of the classification of euphemisms,made a close study on the polite principle of euphemisms in daily activities,and elaborated on the social functions of euphemism.列举委婉语的分类,探讨日常生活中委婉语的礼貌原则,阐述委婉语的积极功能及掩饰等语用功能,指出委婉语主要用在避免使人尴尬的情形,但有时也会被政客所利用。
6)the Politeness Principle礼貌原则
1.The Utilization of the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle in Austen s Emma;合作原则和礼貌原则在奥斯汀《爱玛》中的运用
2.An Analysis of Vagueness in Diplomatic Language-From the Perspectives of the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle;合作及礼貌原则框架下的外交语言模糊现象研究
3.A Critical Study of the Politeness Principle in the Light of Adaptation Theory;顺应理论观照下礼貌原则的不足
