负的主体性,negative subjectivity
1)negative subjectivity负的主体性
2)sexual subject性的主体
1.Whereas the recognition of woman as subject of crime in modern rape law means the change of woman from chattel to person and from sexual object to sexual subject.现代强奸法确立了妇女的犯罪主体地位,意味着妇女从物到人以及从性的客体到性的主体的转变。
3)Human Subjectivity人的主体性
1.Positive and Negative Effects of Social Informationization on Human Subjectivity;社会信息化对人的主体性影响的二重效应
2.The basic aim of education is to cultivate the individuals with human subjectivity.发展人的主体性是人自身的需要,也是时代的要求。

1.Post-modernism and Cultivating Human s Principal Part in Education;后现代主义与教育中人的主体性培养
2.Education and Development of Subjectivity: an Outline of Education for New Subjectivity;教育与人的主体性发展——新主体教育论纲
3.Dominant Sign of Human Being s Thematic Development and Humanity Management;人的主体性发展的显性标志与人性化管理
4.The essence of transcending is to promote and advance human subjectivity of development.教育超越性的实质是弘扬主体性,促进人的主体性发展。
5.Man Subjective Construction and Social-economic Development;试论人的主体性确立的社会经济前提
6.On Man s Subjectivity and Education Target Construction and Realization;人的主体性与教育目标的建构和实现
7.On the Three Stages of the Realization of Subjectivity;试论人的主体性实现的三个基本环节
8.Discussion on How the Internet Culture Motivates Human Subjectivity论网络文化对人的主体性生成的促动
9.Western Marxism s Concern for the Attribute of Human Subject;西方马克思主义对人的主体性活动的关注
10.On human ontology,need,value and moral education;人的主体性、需要和价值意识与德育
11.From Subjectivity of Mankind to Subjectivity of Individual:the Notion of Subjectivity in Li Zehou s Practice Aesthetics;从人类主体性到个体主体性——论李泽厚实践美学的主体性观念
12.On the Surpassing of the Inter-subjected Education over the Individual-subjected Education;主体间性教育对个人主体性教育的超越
13.The Necessity of Modern Humanism Subjectivity Thought Trend;论现代人本主义主体性思潮兴起的必然性
14.The features of people's free development are subjectivity, historical nature, period character and practical character.人的自由发展的特性主要有主体性、史性、段性、践性。
15.The Analysis of the Individual Subjective Character and the Collectivism under the Condition of the Socialistic Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下的个人主体性与集体主义
16.On Subjectivity of Morality Education & Man s All-round Development;论道德教育的主体性与人的全面发展
17.On aggression and humiliation of subjects in Strange Interlude论《奇异的插曲》中人物主体的侵凌性
18.On the "Regarding People as the Basis" and Modern Promotion of Subjectivity;试论“以人为本”与主体性的现代提升

sexual subject性的主体
1.Whereas the recognition of woman as subject of crime in modern rape law means the change of woman from chattel to person and from sexual object to sexual subject.现代强奸法确立了妇女的犯罪主体地位,意味着妇女从物到人以及从性的客体到性的主体的转变。
3)Human Subjectivity人的主体性
1.Positive and Negative Effects of Social Informationization on Human Subjectivity;社会信息化对人的主体性影响的二重效应
2.The basic aim of education is to cultivate the individuals with human subjectivity.发展人的主体性是人自身的需要,也是时代的要求。
4)man's subjectivity人的主体性
5)the subjectivity of human being人的主体性
1.The core to ues the modern education technique is the subjectivity of human being.教育最终要解决的问题是人的主体性。
1.The Image of Individual in Contemporary Era:Challenging the Theory of Socialization--New Development of Subjectivity and the Source of Human -basis Thought;个人的当代形貌:社会化理论的世纪挑战——人的主体性的新发展与以人为本的时代源泉
2.After a review of the discussions mentioned above,this paper attempts to examine and analyze the value of virtue in relation to individuals,others,and life course,as well as the relationship between value of virtue and subjectivity construction.本文在回顾经典论述的基础上探讨与分析:德性对个体生命的价值、德性对他人的价值、德性对生活的价值以及德性价值与人的主体性建构。
