深层动因,deep driving force
1)deep driving force深层动因

1.The Deep Cause of Those Demonic Character Images in Literature;试论文学恶魔性人物形象的深层动因
2.Profound Reasons for the Release of JIANG Jie-shi from ZHANG Xue-liang in the Xi an Incident;西安事变张学良释蒋送蒋的深层动因
3.Interaction between Strategies of Criticizing and Deep Driving Forces of Culture批评策略和文化深层动因互动关系的研究
4.Deep Motivation behind Protestant Ethics--A Proposition Preceding Weber s Theory;新教伦理背后的深层动因——一个前韦伯的命题
5.Main Expressions and Deep Cause of Confusion of Market Economic Order in China;我国市场经济秩序混乱的主要表现及深层动因
6.Empirical Analysis of the Determines of the Private Equity Placements in Chinese Listed Companies上市公司非公开发行的深层动因实证研究
7.Chinese enterprise mergering's deep motivation analysis转轨经济期中国企业并购的深层动因分析
8.Deep reason of medical development, perfect medical process, mutually benefice and profit of doctor-patient is goal of doctor-patient communication.它的目的是:医学发展的深层动因;完善医疗过程;医患互惠双赢。
9.Analysis the Causes of TNCs Quickening Investment to R&D Center in China;试析跨国公司加快在华投资“研发中心”的深层动因
10.On the Deeper Cause of Interactivity Missing in Multi-media EFL Classroom多媒体EFL课堂互动缺失的深层归因
11.Remote Cause of History,Motional Reason of Reality and Inductive Matter of Oil--Deep Perspective into Iraq War Reasons历史远因、现实动因和石油诱因——伊拉克战争原因的多维度深层透视
12.Profound Reason and Solutions to China s Idle Workforce;我国劳动力闲置的深层次原因及解决措施
13.Analysis on YE Guang-cen s Motivation to producing the Family Novel Cai Sangzi;叶广芩"家族小说"《采桑子》创作的深层心理动因
14.And analyze the deep reason voters are behind vote driving force in detail in every part.并且在各部分详细分析选民在投票驱动力背后的深层的原因。
15.Because you understand your deepest biological urges, you can control them.因为你理解到你最深层的生理冲动,你可以控制它们。
16.Based on this, we reveal the underlying causes of the fluctuations of stock prices.在此基础上进一步揭示了我国股票市场价格波动的深层原因。
17.Analysis and Thinking of the Inside Reasons of Argentinean Social and Economic Disorder对阿根廷社会经济动荡深层次原因的分析与思考
18.Deep Reason on Alteration of Consumption Demand Contribution: A Case Study of Hebei Province;关于消费需求贡献变动的深层次原因分析——以河北省为例

underlying reasons深层原因
3)profound factors深层因素
1.Probing into the profound factors of influencing China s government efficiency, this paper will regard system as a sort of productive resource with rarity.在探讨影响我国政府效率的深层因素的时候,木文将制度本身视为一种生产性资源,并且具有稀缺性;其次行政理念的错位与步入误区,造成政府效率的精神动力不足;然后论及公共服务社会化程度过低,社会化效率不足。
4)potentially formative cause深层成因
6)the procrastination深层归因
