善的引导,guide of the good
1)guide of the good善的引导
1.The guide of the good is the main theme of Chinese creation myth,as well as the traditional thinking of emphasis on humanity instead of on the God.善的引导是华夏创世神话的主旋律,也是东方文化重人道、轻神道的思想传统。

1.Guide of the Good and Coercing of the Evil--The Difference and Integration of East-West Cultural Origin Beginning with the Creation Myth and the West Culture Origin from Genesis Myth Zhu Yun-sheng善的引导与恶的胁迫——从创世神话开始东西方文化源流的差异与融合
2.Nature of Goodness": A Guiding Conception.;性善:一种引导性的概念——孟子性善论的哲学意蕴与方法内涵
3.Not evil, but longing for that which is better, more often directs the steps of the erring.往往不是恶,而是向善的愿望,引导人们误入岐途。
4.Forward Guiding and Afterward Updating in UMT Security System城市轨道交通安全体系的前向引导与后向完善
5.On improving the investigation mechanism to guide during the criminal prosecution;关于完善刑事诉讼中起诉引导侦查机制的研究
6.Public Finance Orientation in Improving Residents Environment of Rural Area;改善农村人居环境的公共财政引导问题
7.On Improvement of SMEs Law of Guiding the Chinese Enterprise Cluster Development论引导我国企业集群发展的中小企业法完善
8.By reforming management system for regional leaders to induct correctly surprise the action of regional government institution innovation.完善地方政府领导管理体制,引导和规范地方政府的制度创新行为;
9.The act or process of guiding.指引,引导指引、引导的行为或过程
10.Legal Guidance to the Independent Technical Innovation in China;中国技术自主创新的法制引导——《专利法》的进一步发展与完善
11.The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth.这些一直在引导我且令我充满生活乐趣的理想便是真、善、美。
12.Tests on Improving Flow Conditions at the Entrance of Approaching Channel by Diversion Pier;导流墩改善船闸引航道口门区水流条件的试验研究
13.Perfecting College Students Study Drive System for Vocational Career Design;以职业生涯规划引导大学生完善学习动力系统的思考
14.Religion has been an influence for good in her life.宗教信仰一直引导她向善.
15.We must be good at both understanding and changing the objective world and organizing and guiding cadres and other Party members to strengthen their efforts to change their subjective world in practice.既善于认识和改造客观世界,又善于组织引导干部和党员在实践中加强主观世界的改造。
16.Study on AlN Introduction to Improve Thermoconductivity of Corundum Ceramics and Prepared Technology;AlN引入对刚玉瓷导热性改善及制备工艺研究
17.Thanks to my kind teacher for everytime he gave me a simple but important and usefull guide.感谢我的善良的老师,每一次他只是给我最简单却是最重要和有实际意义的引导。
18.The author thus introduces a concept of noise conductance, so that the noise performance may be expressed perfectly.为此,本文又引入了噪声电导的概念,使系统噪声性能得到了完善的表达。

5)to improve our party's leadership改善党的领导
6)perfect of transmission mechanism传导机制的完善
