《狱中札记》,The Prison Notebook
1)The Prison Notebook《狱中札记》
1.The culture studies are paying more and more attention to Gramsci,antonio about his discuss on hegemony,which dispersed in his work The Prison Notebook.葛兰西关于文化领导权的论述日益引起文化研究学者们的关注,这些论述散见于他的《狱中札记》,在其中,葛兰西还提出了"有机知识分子"的概念,同样具有启示性意义,成为近代最为著名的知识分子理论之一。
2)Reading notes札记
1.A Reading Notes of Super-parameter Estimation Among state space Analysis;关于状态空间方法中超参数估计的札记
2.This article was reading notes about Taixuan,the department of literature research.本文是一篇阅读《太玄》的读书札记,系文献研究。
3.The paper intends to say something about the topic based on reading notes、 school-base research、 lesson prearations and so on.教师专业发展问题一直是教育界的重要课题之一,而反思也成为新课改中使用频率很高的一个词,但作为语文教师究竟怎样进行反思从而真正促进自身专业发展,这一课题的研究并不是太多,本论文试图从教师日常的说课、评课、札记和校本教研四个方面,作一点浅显的探索和思考。

1.The Accurate Writing Dates of Bonze Hongyi’s 14 Unpublished Letters;《弘一法师未刊书札》系年及校读札记
2.An asymmetric,oligoarticular,seronegative,inflammatory arthritis全科医生札记——美国布朗医生日记
3.A Study on Chu People's Fire Worship访民问俗 寻根觅祖——关于楚人崇火札记
4.Human is nature,as well as non-nature--Reading notes on homiaology人是自然,又非自然——人学问题札记
5.Reading Notes of Investigation on the Contemporary Art感觉:敞开与玩弄——当代艺术考察札记
6.Discuss the "Jiao Zhi" Again--The Reading Notes of Han Bamboo Book of Zhangjiashan再论“矫制”——读《张家山汉墓竹简》札记
7.On Authority of Productive Forces --notes in reading the report to the 13th CPC National Congress论生产力权威——十三大报告学习札记
8.The Study of Composing Theory of Reading Notes to "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons";《文心雕龙札记》中的“为文之术”研究
9.Reading Notes about Modern Chinese Words of the First Three Volumes in The Grand Chinese Dictionary;《汉语大词典》前三卷近代词语阅读札记
10.Art for What--the Reading Notes about Toncton s《For Art》;艺术何为?——读托尔斯泰《艺术论》札记
11.Foreclosure of Qin Tomb s Letters--Reading Notes on Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain;秦简中的赎——睡虎地秦墓竹简研读札记
12.A Jade with a Trivial Flaw: An Examination of Ancient Chinese Edited by Guo Xiliang;大醇小疵:读郭锡良《古代汉语》札记
13.Notes on Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips;张家山汉简《脉书》、《算数书》札记
14.The Reading Notes of Comparison between The Suggestion from Bao shu-ya and Xi peng with The Jie Section in Guanzi;《鲍叔牙与隰朋之谏》与《管子·戒》对读札记
15.Collative Reading Notes on QuanTangWen BuBian;《全唐文补编》(前十卷)校读札记
16.The Zest of the Buddhist Scriptures--Notes on Tsa Pao Tsang Ching;汉译佛经故事的妙趣——《杂宝藏经》札记
17.An Isolated Mist,Xiaoguan Pass and Yanran Mountain--Notes on Wang Wei s Poem Being Accredited to Frontier Fortress;“孤烟”、“萧关”与“燕然”——读王维《使至塞上》札记
18.Reading Notes of The Catalogue of Imperial Collection of Four--From the Comparison with A Liu Yi Ci Version;读《四库提要》札记——《六一词》版本比较所得

Reading notes札记
1.A Reading Notes of Super-parameter Estimation Among state space Analysis;关于状态空间方法中超参数估计的札记
2.This article was reading notes about Taixuan,the department of literature research.本文是一篇阅读《太玄》的读书札记,系文献研究。
3.The paper intends to say something about the topic based on reading notes、 school-base research、 lesson prearations and so on.教师专业发展问题一直是教育界的重要课题之一,而反思也成为新课改中使用频率很高的一个词,但作为语文教师究竟怎样进行反思从而真正促进自身专业发展,这一课题的研究并不是太多,本论文试图从教师日常的说课、评课、札记和校本教研四个方面,作一点浅显的探索和思考。
1.The notes for the words on Shuihudi Qinmu Zhujian(《睡虎地秦墓竹简》) --And analyses some shortcomings in Hanyu Da Cidian and Hanyu Da Zidian;《睡虎地秦墓竹简》词语札记——兼谈《汉语大词典》、《汉语大字典》释义之缺失
6)Notes on Shiji《史记》札记
