1.An Analysis of Our Country s Listed Corporation s Dividend Policy Factor and the Hypothesis Test;我国上市公司股利政策的影响因素分析及假设检验
2.A Primary Study on the Conjecture and Hypothesis Thinking Activity of the Middle School Students;关于中学生猜想与假设思维活动的初步研究
3.The empty categories in Chinese and hypothesis of topic projection汉语中的空成分与主题投射假设

1.hypothesis testing theory假设检验说 假设检验说
2.To assert as a hypothesis.假设,假定作为一个假设提出
3.Discussion on the Original Hypothesis and Checking Hypothesis in the Hypothesis Testing;关于"假设检验"中原假设与备择假设的讨论
4.Let ∠ABC be an angle of ninety degrees.假设 ∠ABC 为直角。
5.hypothesis testing model假设检验模型 假设检验模型
6.hypotheses testing model假设检验模型假设检验模型
7.Something assumed or taken for granted.Often used in the plural.假设假设的或想当然的事物。常用复数
8.absolute income hypothesis and relative income hypothesis绝对收入假设与相对收入假设
9.He threw his original hypothesis into the melting pot and began anew.他抛弃他原先的假设,开始新的假设
10.How to choose the going-concern and liquidate assumption;“持续经营”假设与“企业清算”假设的选择
11.Clocks Hypothesis and Length Hypothesis in Special Relativity;狭义相对论中的“时钟假设”和“长度假设
12.To state or assume as a proposition in an argument.假设,预设命题在论证中做为一命题陈述或假设
13.hypothetical reference connection假设参考连接 -电报的
14.That is a very interesting hypothesis.这是个十分有趣的假设
15.Jump at an unwarranted assumption匆匆作出无根据的假设
16.Boussinesq approach波斯尼斯克浮力假设
17.Their assumptions are imprecise.他们的假设是不精确的。
18.virtual time to half-value假设到半值时间 -冲击波

1.Living in the world of assumption——An assumption of man;在假设的世界中生存——关于人的一个假设
2.In this article,two basic assumptions are presented.本文提出两个基本假设,并在理论上证明这两个基本假设是网络负载最终得以平衡的充分条件。
3.Beginning with analyzing the nature of "Huainanzi",HU Shi examined its gains and losses from the scientific perspective,thinking dao is an assumption which cannot be confirmed.胡适从辨析《淮南子》的性质入手,用唯科学主义的角度省视其得失,认为"道"是一个无从证实的假设
1.Based upon the latest related researches carried out by scholars at home and abroad,we believe the generalizations of the three views,three working hypotheses and three focuses of such a popular major school of linguistics can enlighten us in understanding the recent progress of Cognitive Linguistics and predicting its future d.以国内外学者的相关研究为基础,概括、梳理目前这样一门主流语言学的研究视角、工作假设和主要内容,提出认知语言学研究的三路径、三假设和三重心,这对于了解认知语言学研究的新进展、把握其未来发展走向不无启示意义。
2.Three kinds of hypotheses of discourse markers including the formal objects of procedural management, the schematization of conceptual relations and the interpretation of prepositional attitude have been put forward and then tested by statistical figur.本文首先提出了话语标记语的程序管理形式构件假设、概念关系图式化假设和命题态度解释假设并通过统计数据加以验证,结论是话语标记语在就职演说语篇中具有以下三大策略功能1)语篇宏观调控和微观衔接的管理策略功能;2)因果推论和对比阐述概念关系的图式化策略功能;3)主观信念态度的外显功能。
3.How does conviction motivate people? This paper put forward five hypotheses about the motivating mechanism of conviction.信仰是如何发生作用的?本文试图探讨信仰发生作用的机制,从五个方面提出了假设
1.The article discusses and analyzes some examples,so as to show that the methods of summery,supposition and overlying can be used in electromagnetic.对电磁学几个例题进行分析,说明了对称、假设、叠加等解题方法在电磁学解题中的应用。
2.Means to set up a physics model and requests for abstraction, association, supposition, analogism, and so on in the process of setting up the model flexibly and vividly to meet and put forward in the light of the importance of physics model, which can partly promote the development of the thinking science and have important realistic meaning to the teaching research.针对建立物理模型的重要性,提出了如何建立物理模型以及我们在建立物理模型的过程中要灵活地运用抽象、联想、假设、类比等方法。
3.This paper expounds the basic thought of statistic supposition inspection and proposes an inspection method in the mechanical machining and application.阐述了统计假设检查的基本思想,并在机械加工中应用有关的检验方
1.This article suggests that the analysis should begin with competitor s assumptions,then go on with objectives,strategy and capabilities.本论文认为分析应该从竞争对手的假设开始,然后是目标、战略和能力。

假设  对变量间可能存在的关系的一种预测性陈述。它是以已有的事实材料和科学原理为依据,经过逻辑推理,对未知事实及其规律作出的一种假定性阐释。假设是以一个可检验的命题形式陈述的。陈述的方式主要有3种:①条件式陈述,形式是"如果A,则B";②差异性陈述,形式是" A不同,B亦不同";③函数式陈述,形式是"y是x的函数",或写作y=f(x)。    假设可分为3种:①理论假设。陈述较抽象的概念之间可能关系的命题。例如,"社会整合程度愈高,则自杀率愈低"。②统计假设。它是有待通过抽样手段进行验证的对某一总体中未知的指标(或变量)数值或关系的预测性陈述。例如,"教育水平与收入之间的相关为零"。假定变量之间不存在相关关系的陈述称为零假设。零假设是统计假设的一种重要形式。③工作假设。一个理论假设往往可以分解为一套具体的、可以操作和验证的假设,它在实证研究中应用最广。命题形式如:"宗教群体自杀率低于非宗教群体"。    假设的形成一般通过以下的途径:①日常观察;②直觉或灵感;③对实地调查资料的分析;④从一个现有的理论认识中推导出来等。    在社会学研究中,假设起着重要的导向作用,它能规划出研究工作的方向;研究者可以从假设中的一般关系推论到具体关系,而这些具体关系是可以设置指标加以测定的;通过对一系列指标的测定,证实或否定假设,就可以促进理论的发展,充实科学知识。