1.Effect of strain on the electrical resistance of continuous carbon fiber monofilament;连续碳纤维单丝的应变电阻效应
2.Research on the stress and strain evolution of aluminum alloy hot forging die;铝合金热锻模具结构中的应力应变演变过程分析
3.Analysis on Stress and Strain Behavior of Spherical Vessel of Functionally Graded Material under Creep Condition;蠕变条件下梯度材料球罐应力应变行为分析

1.flexural strain挠曲应变,弯曲应变
2.temperature-stress-strain diagram温度-应力-应变
3.strain gauge transducer [sensor]应变(计)式传感器
4.Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme紧急应变和反应方案
5.Strain is proportional to stress.应变量与应力成正比。
6.contingency plan/contingency planning应变安排,应急计划
7.proportionality of stress to strai应力与应变的比例性
8.calculate the strains and stresses of a bridge计算桥梁的应变和应力
9.nonlinear stress strain relation非线性应力应变关系
10.biaxial stress strain relation双轴应力-应变关系
11.Study on Channel Strain in Strained-Si NMOS Transistor by Simulation应变硅NMOS晶体管沟道应变的模拟研究
13.Deformation in which stress and strain are proportional is called elastic deformation.应力与应变成正比关系的形变称为弹性形变。
14.Study on Effect of Strain on Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation应变对形变诱导铁素体相变影响的研究
15.Effect of Strain Rate on Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation of Q235 Steel应变速率对Q235钢形变诱导铁素体相变的影响
16.counter terrorism contingency plan反恐怖活动应变计划
17.fusion fission hybrid reactor核聚变裂变混合反应堆
18.stress-formation diagram胁强[应力]-形变图

1.Meso-mechanical analysis has been conducted with finite element for a hot-rolled steel of 16MnR to investigate the effect of the elongated pre-damage voids on the subsequent damage evolution and fracture process under multidirectional maximum normal stresses.结果表明:热轧钢中的长条形夹杂物与基体剥离后形成的长条形孔洞在后续加载中,其周围产生的局部高应力应变集中及其相互作用使孔洞长大。
2.It analyses the strain and the stress in drawing, the existing questions of drawing technology at present, the critical condition of losing stability, the effect on products' quality and drawing die, and the status of the remaining strain. 比较了不锈钢产品与普通低碳钢产品在拉深过程中的异同,分析了产品成形过程的应力应变状态、现行拉深工艺存在的问题、不锈钢薄板拉深失稳的临界条件以及失稳起皱对拉深件质量和模具的影响和拉深件的残余应力状态。
3.In order to determine the optimal shape of interchamber pillars,seven models are established using finite element numerical simulation technique to study the influence of different orebody dip angles and different intersection angles between the normal lines of pillar wall and ore bed on pillar strain and stress.本文采用有限元数值模拟技术,建立了七种模型,计算分析了不同矿体倾角及矿柱壁面与矿层面法线夹角的变化对矿柱应力应变状态的影响,从而确定出最佳的矿柱形状。
1.Analog computation of the deformation of continuously casted bloom in secondary cooling zone;连铸大方坯二次冷却区域两相界应变的模拟计算
2.When the burring process of 12×4J wheel is processed taking the deformation area as the plane stress condition,the deformation characteristics of normal and radius directions are studied,which is influenced by the factors such as height and the inner hole initial radius and the deformation law of circle strain.利用斜冲模对12×4J轮辐进行翻边时,将变形区看做是平面应力状态,探讨了翻边高度、初始孔径及斜冲模角对翻边变形区径向应变和轴向应变的影响,对12×4J轮辐翻边不同斜冲模角下的冲压力变化规律进行了计算。
3.It focuses on demonstrating special characteristic of prestress and inside dint of the concrete;At the same time,the stress and deformation to the beam construction is examined.针对东海大桥主跨420 m的钢混凝土箱形结合梁斜拉桥中一片主梁进行了工艺试验研究,分析了混凝土的预应力和内力均在变化的特殊性;同时,对结构的应力、应变进行了检测。
1.Computation models for early-age ultimate tensile strains of commercial house floors;商品住宅楼板早期极限拉应变的计算模型
2.In this paper a method is proposed for calculating strains based on baseline length changes.在均匀应变的假设下 ,给出了由边长变化求解地应变的新方法 ,通过统计检验相邻三角形的最大主应变 ,可判别相邻测点是否位于同一个均匀应变块体上。
3.Bulging strains,straightening strains and strains caused by misalignment in these locations during slab solidification were also calculated.通过铸坯传热凝固过程数学模型计算,确定了铸坯凝固过程中中间裂纹的产生位置,计算出凝固时铸坯在此位置的鼓肚应变、矫直应变和导辊不对中应变
6)strain/strain rate应变/应变率
1.Evaluation of ventricular synchrony using doppler tissue imaging and strain/strain rate in patients with heart failure receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy;组织多普勒和应变/应变率显像评价心力衰竭患者心脏再同步化治疗

应变应变strain由载荷、温度、湿度等因素引起的物体局部的相对变形。主要有线应变和剪应变两类。线应变是物体内任一点在某方向上的线元因变形产生的长度增量与原长度的比值,又称正应变。设在直角坐标系xy平面上任一A点的线元A(长d)变形后在x轴上的投影为AB′(图1),则AB的长度增量为。于是,任一点在某方向上的线元在3个坐标轴方向的线应变分别为,式中uυw分别为物体中任一点沿xyz坐标轴向的位移函数。线应变的正、负值表示线元的伸长和缩短。图1 一点的线应变剪应变是物体内任一点两个相互垂直方向上的线元在变形后夹角的改变量(以弧度表示,角度减小为正),又称切应变或角应变。设在直角坐标系xy平面上变形前物体内任一A点成直角的两线元AB(长dx)和AD(长dy)变形后变为AB′和AD′(图2)。B′点在y方向的位移等于υ+()dxD′点在x方向的位移等于u+()dy。略去高阶项后,xy平面上A点的剪应变rxy可表示为,同理,在yzzx平面上可得,。剪应变分量具有对称性,即rxyryxryzrzyrzxrxz。物体内某点在各方向上的应变情况称该点的应变状态。物体内任一点的应变状态可由过该点3个相互垂直平面上的9个应变分量εxrxyrxzεyryxryz,εzrzxrzy(其中rxyryxryzrzyrzxrxz,故只有6个应变分量是独立的)通过坐标变换得出。参见应力。图2 一点的剪应变应变的时间变化率称应变率。实验证明,应变率增加时,许多材料的塑性性质变差,屈服极限(见材料力学性能)提高,应变强化(受外力作用产生塑性变形的某些金属材料,当卸载后再加载时,其屈服极限提高的现象)效应减弱。