1.orecast on China Man Gymnastic Participation in 2008 Beijing Olympics——Take the 39th Edition of World Gymnastics Championship as the Example;我国男子竞技体操参加2008年北京奥运展望——以第39届世界体操锦标赛表现为例
2.A Thought to the Development of Chinese Women Volleyball Team after the 15th World Women s Volleyball Championship;第15届世界女排锦标赛后中国女排发展道路思考
3.Considering the current Chinese junior athletic curling development in the pacific area youth curling championship;从2006年太平洋地区青年冰壶锦标赛看中国青少年竞技冰壶发展现状

1.Sega Rally ChampionshipSEGA拉力锦标赛
2.International Mistral Class World Championship世界滑浪风帆锦标赛
3.Annual Police Track and Field Titles警察周年田径锦标赛
4.they won the championship three years in a row.他连续三年赢得锦标赛
5.Masters Cup Bowling Tournament大师杯保龄球锦标赛
6.Brazil was the winner of the tournament.巴西成为锦标赛的冠军。
7.Items from the World Swimming Championships (1)世界游泳锦标赛花絮(一)
8.London World Acrobatic Competition伦敦世界杂技锦标赛
9.the World Women's Volleyball Championships世界女子排球锦标赛
10.The main international fencing competitions are the World Fencing Championships, the European Fencing Championships, and the World Youth Fencing Championships.重要的国际击剑比赛有世界击剑锦标赛,欧洲击剑锦标赛和世界青年击剑锦标赛
11.B: The major international competitions are the World Weightlifting Championships and the European Weightlifting Championships.重要的国际举重比赛有世界举重锦标赛和欧洲举重锦标赛
12.The main international competitions are the World Table Tennis Championships and the Asian Table Tennis Championships.主要的国际乒乓球赛有,世界乒乓球锦标赛和亚洲乒乓球锦标赛
13.When can we get the program of this Championships?我们什么时候可以拿到锦标赛赛程表?
14.The tournament will be a round robin for all the high school teams in the city.这届全市中学队锦标赛将采取循环赛。
15.CCC2 nd Race in Beijing Golden Port Circuit is coming soon this weekend.全国汽车场地锦标赛北京站即将开赛。
16.The first game of the local championship finished in a draw.当地锦标赛的第一场赛事以平局结束。
17.Analysis on Male Competition of 2005 Gynmstics Championship of Shandong Province;2005年山东省体操锦标赛男子赛况分析
18.Analysis of 2002-2004 Taekwondo Championships in China;2002-2004年我国跆拳道锦标赛赛况分析

1.The Survey and Study on Six-person Team Exercise of College Group of National Body Building Calisthenics Tournament;全国健美操锦标赛院校组六人操的调研
2.Based on a twostagegame model, this article shows that the marginal costs of local government institutional innovations not only lie on the level of recognition and acceptance of the whole society to them, but also depend on the sum of the winners rewards during the tournament.本文通过构建一个两期的地方政府制度创新的博弈模型,分析得出地方政府边际制度创新的努力成本不仅取决于整个社会对制度创新的认可和接纳程度,而且还取决于锦标赛中胜负收益差。
3)tournament algorithm锦标赛算法
1.Then,the AGA is brought into evaluation function to automatically adjust and optimize the parameters combination of evaluation function by tournament algorithm.将博弈问题分解为搜索引擎、走法生成、评估函数和开局库四大模块,然后将自适应遗传算法引入到评估函数中,通过锦标赛算法对评估函数中的参数组合进行自动调整和优化。
4)tournament selection锦标赛选择
1.Stochastic particle swarm optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithm of tournament selection;基于锦标赛选择遗传算法的随机微粒群算法
2.The roulette wheel selection strategy and tournament selection strategy in genetic algorithm(GA) are taken as examples and their performance is investigated on 13 benchmark functions.以遗传算法中的轮盘赌选择策略和锦标赛选择策略作为研究对象,通过在13个基准测试函数上的测试,对不同选择策略的性能进行了比较和分析。
5)Mixed tournament混合锦标赛
6)World Championships世界锦标赛

锦标赛锦标 本是锦制的标旗;后泛指授给竞赛优胜者的奖品。锦标赛便指 不同地区或竞赛大组的优胜者之间的一系列决赛之一锦标赛是排名在一定水平上的人才可以参加,而且每个国家的选手数量有限制。比如世界羽毛球锦标赛里我们的选手排在前20的有的是,而且理论上可以列为种子选手的人也应该大有人在,但是由于有参赛人数的限制,有些人就失去了机会,(如果他代表别的国家或许就是第一人)。锦标赛的地位和奖金、积分等要比公开赛高很多,因为它和奥运会的比赛一样,是这个项目最高级别的个人赛事。