1.Effects of creating channel and stripe by solidified fiber for fabricating porous bioceramics;固化纤维在多孔生物陶瓷内的隧道条纹效应
2.Automatic Identification and Quantitative Assessment for Stripe Effect on Fabric Surface;织物表面条纹效果的自动识别与定量评价
3.Investigation of the distribution of raster diffraction stripe;光栅衍射条纹分布的探讨

1.(stitch producing a)raised line in knitting(织物的)凸起条纹,罗纹
2.A narrow marking, as a stripe or band.细长条纹一条窄标记,如条纹或带状物
3.A striped or figured silk fabric.北京宽条绸,条纹丝料有条纹或花纹的丝绸
4.A tiger has stripes.老虎(身上)有条纹
5.A mottling or streaking that resembles marble.一种类似于大理石纹的斑纹或条纹
6.I have a piece of cloth barred with red stripes我有一条红色条纹布料。
7.To mark with stripes or bands.饰以条纹条纹或带状物标记
8.A durable, often striped cotton fabric used in making clothing.条纹布一种用于制衣而用的条纹棉布
9.I 'd like the striped one .我要有条纹的那个。
10.small butterflies having striped markings under the wings.翅膀下有条纹的小蝴蝶。
11.peppermint stickph.1. 有红白相间条纹
12.edged or streaked with color.有花边或有彩色条纹的。
13.casual crew hat in cotton corduroy粗条纹绒布水手便帽
14.corduroy type cotton chenille robe条纹绒布棉织线毯长袍
15.corduroy suspender longies条纹绒布挂肩长内裤
16.He was wearing striped pyjamas.他穿着带条纹的睡衣裤.
17.the act of marking with stripes.用条纹做符号的方法。
18.corduroy wrap-around coat粗条纹绒布束腰外衫

1.The Optimum Angle of Eliminating Harmful Fringes of Copy Holograms;消除拷贝全息图有害条纹的最优化角度
2.Model Study of Time Delay and Phase Fringe Stopping in Satellite Observation of VLBI;卫星VLBI观测时延和相位条纹旋转模型研究
3.The theory and method of wavelet spectrum are applied in correlation process of VLBI system, and models in time field, frequency field and correlation field are built based on orthogonal Daubechies wavelet, and researches are made on variances and residual time delay of correlation phase fringe of observation satellite signal by wavelet method in an availability frequency band.卫星VLBI观测信号以相关处理机为关键处理技术,将小波谱分析理论和方法应用于VLBI观测信号的相关处理过程中,以Daubechies正交小波构建时域、频域和相关域模型,在有效信号带宽的范围内对卫星观测信号在时域、频域和相关域进行小波分析研究,对互相关相位条纹进行方差和剩余时延分析,结果表明尽管只对两个台站的卫星观测信号进行了整数bits的时延补偿,但小波谱模型在卫星VLBI观测信号的相关处理过程中,对相关相位条纹谱的质量有明显的改善。
1.Striation Filter and its Optimization Method;条纹式滤光片及其优化方法
2.Analysis of Anode Striation in Plasma Display Panel Cell等离子体放电单元阳极条纹现象分析
3.The procedure of pipe laser oxygen cutting and the model of generation of striation on cut surface were studied respectively.了研究管材激光有氧切割过程和切割表面条纹形成模型。

条纹    条纹  Fringe  条纹(fringe) 光学条纹是指利用光的干涉或衍射产生的亮暗带。条纹间的距离一般很小,因为光的波长很短。单色光产生的条纹比较清楚,数目也较多。 由一个点光源或一条狭缝发出的光,通过任何形状的不透明物体都可形成衍射条纹。当人射到障碍物和由障碍物出射的光基本上是平面光波时,所产生的夫琅和费衍射条纹在光学仪器理论中特别重要。参阅“衍射,,(diffraetion)、“分辫本领,,(光学)[resolving power(opties)〕各条。 把发自一个共同光源的两束光或多束光会合到一起,便可得到干涉条纹。这通常是利用一台为此目的专门设计的干涉仅来实现的,尽管在自然界中也可以看到干涉条纹,例如肥皂膜和水面上油膜的颜色。当条纹的变化可以控制时,比如改变干涉仪中两束光的传播路程,就可以用来精确测量很小的距离和微小的折射率差。参阅“波的干涉(interference。fwaves)”、“千涉量度学”(interferometry)各条。 如果将激光通过一台干涉仪,也可以通过观察条纹的锐度和漂移来检查激光的特性,如相干性和相位起伏。参阅“激光器”(l aser)条。 〔詹金斯(F .A.Jenkins)撰]