1.Great Literary Ecological Value of the Novel "Resurrection";《复活》的文艺生态价值解析
2.The two heroines Tess and Maslova in Tess d Urbervilles and Resurrection had the similar experiences, but had different fates because of their different social backgrounds, thoughts and characters and ideological systems of the writers.《苔丝》和《复活》中的两位女主人公苔丝和玛丝洛娃,她们有着相似的遭遇,但由 于她们的所处的社会环境、思想性格的不同以及作家的思想体系的不同,导致了两位女主 人公不同的人生结局。

1.rising again as to new life and vigor.复活,恢复活力和精力。
2.movaBle feasts活动节日(如复活节)
3.Easter egg hunt寻找复活节彩蛋活动
4.Happy Easter, Debbie!@ says Danny.“复活节快乐,黛比
5.Easter egg(复活节用的)彩蛋
6.Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。
7.A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日
8.Easter:a Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节:纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日.
9.The main feature of Easter is the giving of presents.(复活节的主要特色是赠送复活节礼物。)
10.For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.因为死人若不复活、督也就没有复活了。
11.Revival of Poetry and Revived Poetry -- Random Thoughts on the Poetic Trend in 1976;诗的复活复活的诗——1976年诗潮断想
12.A restoring to life from a deathlike condition;resuscitation.回生,复活从象死的状态恢复为生命状态;复活
13.The Easter season, extending from Easter to Ascension Day, Whitsunday, or Trinity Sunday.复活节周复活节季节,从复活节开始到圣灵降临节、升天节或三一节
14.Easter is always on a Sunday.复活节通常在星期天。
15.Easter is in spring.复活节是春天的节日
16.Easter has no fixed date.复活节无固定日期,
17.Then the shops sell Easter eggs.然后商店卖复活节彩蛋。
18.Easter is a time for colored eggs.复活节那天有许多彩蛋。

1.Study on the revival mechanism of Maliuzui Landslide;重庆市麻柳嘴滑坡复活机制探讨
2.Duck weeding of rice and duck cooperation realized the revival of the traditional weeding, which has a vigorous vitality in the sustainable production of rice.稻鸭共作启用了鸭 ,鸭耘实现了耘耥的现代复活 ,在水稻可持续生产中有着旺盛的生命力。
3.If we come to the essence of God Gun in West Zhou Dynasty and in Quyuan times,we can find that God Gun,who is similar to Osiris in ancient Egypt,is the god of agriculture,land,plants and the sun,related to death and revival,contributed greatly to agriculture,and at last became the god of the nether world.如把鲧神话在西周和屈原所在的时代楚国的神性还原重构,可见他与埃及大神奥赛里斯具有类似的神性和故事关目,他是农业神、土地神、植物神、太阳神,有以农业为核心的许多贡献,有农业神都有死亡和复活的关目,以及成为冥府之神的结局。
1.Through the analysis to the successful application of QCS-02 sulfur tolerant watergas shift catalyst and revive technology in Yiyuan chemical fertilize factory,We can find the advantage and reliablity of QCS-02 sulfur tolerant watergas shift catalyst and revive technology.通过对QCS-02耐硫变换催化剂及其复活技术在沂源化肥厂应用成功的分析,可以发现QCS-02耐硫变换催化剂及其复活技术的优越性和可靠性。
2.Analysis result from Tong Huang superhighway shows: the landslide in natural state is in stabilized, but it will revive subjected to storm and cutting in base of slope.对铜黄高速公路汤屯段古滑坡进行了分析,结果表明:该滑坡自然状态下是稳定的,但暴雨及人工开挖条件下可能复活,并对工程建设造成极大影响。
1.from 1993 to 2000,preliminary conclusion is reached that the reactivation of Maoping landslide is caused by the irrational coal mining in the Baiyan cliff to the east of the landslide.基于对茅坪滑坡体1993~2000年的降雨、水库水位、变形等监测资料的综合分析,初步认为茅坪滑坡体复活是其东侧白岩危岩体中不合理的采煤活动引起的。
2.Treatment with low concentration of 5 azacytidine could lead to the highest reactivation ratio and the expres.结果表明 ,5 -氮胞苷处理能使 8%~ 30 %转基因水稻植株的转基因 cry1Ab恢复表达活性 ,复活转基因表达的 Cry1Ab蛋白含量最高可达0 。
1.In considering to the revivification of huanglashi slope groupes, the author ana- lyzed the stability of Shiliushubao slope after the three Gorges Dam is sluiced in due form for various processes of rainfall and different water level of Yangtse River.由于黄腊石滑坡群的复活,在三峡大坝正式蓄水之后,结合不同的降雨过程和不同的长江水位分析了石榴树包滑坡的稳定性变化以及因滑坡而引起的涌浪对其上下游的重要城镇和建筑物的影响。
2.By means of an example of an old-landslide revivification expound the enginnering geological conditions and background.通过古滑坡复活实例 ,说明古滑坡复活的工程地质条件和背景 ,阐明古滑坡的滑移特征、产生原因和激发因素 ;最后提出治理措

复活复活  ①指心肌细胞膜 Na+通道恢复再兴奋的能力的过程。 Na+通道可表现为激活、失活和备用三种机能状态,处于失活状态的Na+通透性很低,不能被再次激活。只有在膜电位恢复到静息电位水平时,Na+通道才重新恢复到备用状态,即恢复再兴奋的能力。②临床死亡的机体再次复苏。