1.Laser conjugation direting sensor based on differential focusing;一种基于差动调焦的激光共轭引导传感器
2.Simulative experimental instrument based on central split-image focusing;中心裂像调焦模拟实验仪
3.Aim\ To realize automatic height measurement and focusing of aerial photographic camera.目的 实现航空像机摄影高度自动测量和调焦

1.Design of dynamic region for auto-focusing based image图像法自动调焦的动态调焦区域设计
2.automatic focus and stigmator自动调焦和消象散装置
3.autofocus radar projector自动调焦雷达投影仪
4.The film forgives errors in focusing.这种胶卷容许调焦误差。
5.focusing glass [ screen ]【摄】调焦距用的毛玻璃
6.Study of Automatic Focusing Technique for Long Focus Oblique Real-Time Aerial Camera;长焦距斜视实时航空相机自动调焦技术的研究
7.To adjust(a lens, for example) to produce a clear image.调焦调整(如透镜)而得到清晰图象
8.Focusing and Leveling System for Lithography Tool Based on Machine Vision;基于机器视觉的光刻机调焦调平系统
9.a lens that focuses the image in a camera.照相机上对着图像调焦的镜头。
10.Archie isolated a frame of the killer turning the focus ring.阿奇提取出一张凶手调焦时的照片
11.inflexion focusing magnetic sector momentum analyzer偏转调焦扇形磁铁式动量分析仪
12.The focus on my camera isn't working properly.我的照相机上的调焦装置有毛病.
13.To adjust or come to a focus.使聚焦调整或达到焦点
14.Compatibility adjustment of pushing cars used in the 5th and 6th coke ovens5~#、6~#焦炉推焦车互换性调整
15.The image is out of focus.这影像的焦距没调好。
16.Don't forget to focus the lens.别忘了调节镜头的焦距。
17.rear-controlled zoom lens背面调整变焦距透镜
18.Focus your camera (on those trees).把照相机的焦距调准(把焦点集中在树上).

1.Research on Focusing and Determining Center for Heterodyne Interference System;外差干涉测量系统调焦的定心方法的研究
2.Design for a kind of space camera s focusing structure;一种空间相机调焦机构的设计研究
3.The paper discusses how to make use of VFW real-time video to implement precision focus conveniently, adjustde by manual work and distinguish by computer .基于智能化测量仪的研制 ,就如何利用VFW实时视频 ,人工调节计算机判别 ,方便的实现精确调焦进行了探讨和研究 ,为图像测量系统图像的采集和处理提供方法。
3)Focusing Control调焦
1.The tests show that the method developed in this paper would be useful and practical for VISSR focusing control of the geostationary meteorological satellite on the orbit.根据傅里叶光学中调制传递函数的理论分析了可见、红外自旋扫描辐射计(VISSR)成像光学系统的性质,并提出调焦的判据和方法。
4)focus adjusting and stabilization调焦稳焦
5)focusing and leveling调焦调平
1.The Test Bench for Wafer Focusing and Leveling Sensor;硅片调焦调平测量系统测试平台
2.Image quality is the key performance of the optical lithography tool and it relies on the performance of wafer focusing and leveling measurement system.成像质量是光学光刻机的最主要指标,硅片调焦调平测量是光刻机控制成像质量的基础。
6)focus and light调焦调光
1.The circuit implementation of the multifunction focus and light adjustment system多功能调焦调光系统电路实现

可调焦镜头可调焦镜头vari-focusing lens又叫变焦距镜头。即可以变更焦距镜头。与变焦镜头不同之点是变动焦距时,要重新对焦。