1.Importance of Introduction to Chemistry's Classroom Instruction;绪论课对大学化学课堂教学的重要性
2.Importance of introduction section in teaching cell biology;在医学细胞生物学讲授中以绪论为导向的重要性

1.Generally, a Book has an introduction.一般说来,书都有绪论
2.The thesis can be divided into three parts :preface,text and conclusion.本论文分绪论、正文、结论三大部分。
3.the prolegomenon to a work on Shakespeare's dramatic structure为一部莎士比亚戏剧结构论写的绪论
4.The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, text and concluding remarks.文章共包括绪论、正文、余论三部分。
5.This thesis consists of the preamble,the text and conclusion.本文由绪论、正文、结语三大部分组成。
6.Otsuka, Keijiro. Industrial Reform in China: Past Performance and Future Prospects, Chapter1.林毅夫、昉、周,《中国经济改革与发展》,绪论
7.a short, brief, detailed, general, long, etc introduction短序、 简短的序言、 绪论、 前言、 长的序言
8.It is composed of an introduction, a three-chapter Text.全文包括绪论、正文三章和附录部分。
9.Aesthetics in A Dream of Red Mansions--An Introduction of Aesthetics in the Novel;《红楼梦》中有美学——《红楼美学》绪论
10.The argument darkened her mood.争论影响了她的情绪。
11.Emotions are seldom swayed by argument.情绪很少受论证的影响。
12.The HRM s Measure for the Negative Emotional Effect of Emotional Labor;论情绪劳动之负面情绪效应的人力资源管理
13.Arnold’s Emotion Theory in the Perspective of Emotions Research Today;当今情绪研究视角中的阿诺德情绪理论
14.An Analysis of the Relationship Between Language and "Psycho-Emotion" of Psycho-Emotional Novel;论心理情绪模式小说“心理情绪”与其语言的关系
15.Consideration of EI and EQ as well as Their Discussion;关于情绪智力和情绪智商及其讨论情况的反思
16.Influences of Mood on Health and the Cultivation of Good Mood试论情绪对身心健康的影响及良好情绪的培养
17.The Systematic Way of Thinking in Suassure s Linguistic Theory;论索绪尔语言理论中的系统思想方法
18.Rapidly developing general feeling or opinion迅速高涨的情绪或舆论声势

1.Aiming at the introduction lesson lacking of regard in the chemistry courses,the importance of introduction and some experiences how to teach the introduction well have been discussed in this paper.针对现在大学化学教学中不重视绪论课的现象,围绕普通化学原理这门大学化学系学生的第一门专业主干课所处的承前启后的重要地位和作用,对第一次课程教学-绪论课的重要性和上好绪论课的个人经验和认识进行了讨论。
3)emotion theory情绪理论
1.The extent and depth of Arnold’s emotion theory and the enlightenment from the issues of the study on emotion are being looked on by the emotion researchers.阿诺德情绪理论的广度和深度及其对当今情绪研究的诸多问题所提供的智慧与启发,有待情绪研究者重新审视。
4)introduction lesson绪论课
1.The practice and experience of teaching introduction lesson with lead problem in way;绪论课“问题导入式”教学的实践和体会
2.To activate the students interest in the study of General Biology, we tried to reform the introduction lessonand had a good result.对普通生物学绪论课进行了如下尝试性改革:选择教材的精华部分,摒弃陈旧的内容;结合自身经验,充实课堂内容;结合课程特点,介绍生物科学的发展简史;展示生物学领域的最新研究进展,激励专业兴趣,开阔知识眼界;鼓励学生课堂提问,培养良好的学习氛围。
3.Based on previous experiences,the content,teaching methods and experience of introduction lesson were discussed.绪论课是教学中第一课,对学生今后的学习起着重要的作用。

绪论1.言论。 2.指学术论着的开头部分,一般说明全书的大旨和内容等。