1.The experimental study of affecting the pitch of "watered glass chime bell"影响“水杯编钟”音调变化的实验研究
2.Using the cepstrum and pitch parameters, a VQ sp eaker iden tification method is realized and used in telecommunication network.提出一种基于倒谱特征矢量量化结合音调特征序贯判决的电话语音声纹识别方法 。
3.Provides a design method for intelligent pitch generator applied to man machine equivalent experimental system.提出了一种可用于人机工效实验的智能型音调发生器的设计方法。

1.adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of.调整斜度、音调或者音量。
2.Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.音调的调整在音调和音高上的变化
3.Single, Dual and Tri Tones have been defined in full.单音调、双音调和三音调已被充分讲解。
4.To put(an instrument) into correct tune.调(乐器)的音,为…调音将(乐器)音调调至正确
5.A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.声音降落,降句调发音时下降的音调
6.Special stress given to a note within a phrase.重音,强音乐节中一个音调的特别强调
7.a key or scale in which a is the tonic.以a调为主音调的音键或音阶
8.sing a note with the correct pitch.用正确地音调唱音符。
9.(music) brought to correct pitch.(音乐)使音调变得正确。
10.pitch a tune in a higher key把音调定在更高的音阶
11.Of or relating to tones, a tone, or tonality.音调的声音、音质或音调的,与它们有关的
12.A specialist in regulating the tone of organ pipes.调音者调管乐器音调的专家
13.A note or tone in the alt octave.高八度音符,高八度音调高音谱表上方八度音中的一个音符或音调
14.A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调
15.A major scale, key, interval, or mode.大调音阶、调、音程或调式
16.A minor key, scale, or interval.小调音、短音阶或短音程
17.an organ stop resulting in a soft muted sound.一种减弱声音的调音器。
18.Please regular the sound on that recorder.请调节录音机的音量。

1.It has been known that the bugle sound is caused by the reflection of shock wave and the step length determines the tone of the reflective sound,and that the groups of the steps decide the syllables and the platforms,w.对此现象进行了实地测量,现场录音,综合分析了军号声现象是在鞭炮爆炸冲击波的作用下,经碑前台阶的反射而产生的,台阶的步长决定了反射声的音调;台阶的组数决定了音节数;连接各组台阶中间的平台对应着音节间的间隔;如此形成由6个音符组成的军号声。
2.This thesis studies on Haozi by analyzing its rhythm,musical materials,tone,scale,tonal form,texture features of tune and performing style.文章以南昌号子音乐为研究对象,对其节奏、音乐材料、音调、音阶、调式、曲式结构特征及演唱方式等几个方面进行了分析研究。
3.In the course of using Japanese loanwords,there is a little difference in sound,meaning and form from the source language,especially in tone.日语外来语在使用过程中,其音、意、形等与原语不太一致,尤其在音调上大不相同,但有一定的规律,它一般不打破日语音调的规则,是在日语音调规则的基础之上形成的。
5)tone of music音乐音调
6)tone adjustment音调调整

音调1.发声说话﹑吟诵诗文时的腔调。 2.指乐曲的旋律。泛指乐声。