1.They believe that ostension and inference are the two sides in communication.Sperber和Wilson在关联理论中提出了言语交际的“明示——推理”模式。
2.This essay is focused on the following basic concepts of RT: cognitive environment, mutual manifestness, relevance, ostension and intention.本文着重讨论其中的几个基本概念 :认知语境、互明、关联、明示及意图以及它们之间的关系。
3.This study tentatively attempts to explain utterance politeness in terms of relevance, intentionality, ostension and subsequent inference, and mutual manifestness.本文以Sperber和Wilson的关联理论为指导理论,以言谈应对中的礼貌为研究对象,试图从认知语用学的角度对话语礼貌的(与受话人的)关联性、意向性、其交流中的明示与推理和(对于交际双方的)相互明白及其意义进行探讨。

1.authorized by the treaty, expressly or impliedly条约明示或默示准许
2.explicitly or implicitly (以)明示或默示(方式)
3.An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, unless it be inconsistent therewith.除非明示保证与默示保证相抵触,明示保证不排除默示保证。
4.A contract may contain both express and implied terms.一个合同可能包含有明示或默示条款。
5.A contract may also be express, implied-in-fact, or implied-in-law.合同也可以是明示的、事实默示或法律默示的。
6."by waiver of presentment, express or implied."明言或暗示免除作提示。
7.Show &declaration syntax显示声明语法(&d)
8.They dispute the statement.他们对声明表示怀疑。
9.May I see your health certificate?请出示你的健康证明。
10.positive instructions, orders, rules, etc明确的指示、 命令、 规定等
11.a clear demonstration of their intentions他们明显表示意图.
12.illuminated traffic indicator运行方向照明表示器
13.expressing or manifesting disapproval.表示或者表明不赞成。
14.Backlight display背后有照明灯的显示器
15.To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.暗示以间接的方式表明
16.having or showing prominent teeth.有或显示出明显的牙齿。
17.He intimated that he didn't agree.他明确表示他不同意。
18.The police asked her for proof of identity .警察要她出示身份证明。

1.The right of silence can be classified according to different criteria, such as absolute and relative right of silence; the right of silence in behavior sense and in result sense; express and implied right of silence; apparent and latent right of silence; inqu.沉默权从不同标准出发主要可以分为绝对的沉默权和相对的沉默权、行为意义上的沉默权和结果意义上的沉默权、明示的沉默权和默示的沉默权、显性的沉默权和隐性的沉默权以及审讯沉默权和审判沉默权。
1.Sperber and Wilson proposed that communication is an ostensive-inferential process.斯波伯和威尔逊提出交际是一个"明示—推理"的过程,以此为基础,研究怎样用关联理论解释外交模糊言语。
4)implicit & explicit明示和暗示
5)expressly or impliedly明示或默示
6)indicating light指示照明
1.To be weatherproof and therefore usable forever,this material can be used for indicating light purposes and as a decoration material.该材料无放射性,发光强度大,余辉时间较长,耐候性好,可反复使用,可作为指示照明等用。
